Table of contents
Principal’s Message page 2
Board of Ed/Director page 3
Doyle Faculty page 4
Doyle Staff page 5
School Calendar page 6
School Philosophy page 7
Goals & Objectives page 8
White Co. Board of Ed. Parent Information Brochure pages 9-19
White County Elementary Grading Policy page 20
Academics page 21
Attendance pages 22-23
Bus Riders & Parent Pick-up/Drop-off page 24
Doyle School Map page 25
Medical Policies page 26
Textbooks page 27
Dress Code page 28
Code of Conduct page 29
Additional Classes & Services page 30
Other Areas Page 31
White County Student Technology and Internet Terms
and Conditions/School Security Act pages 32-34
AHERA (Asbestos Information) Page 35
Doyle Elementary School
Student Handbook
August 2014
Dear Parents and Students,
Thank you so much for the encouragement you have given me and the confidence you have placed in me during the past six years. I consider working as your principal a pleasure and a privilege. Every day is an adventure, and I continue to consider myself a “work in progress.”
We are very fortunate to have the wonderful staff and teachers that are committed to doing their best everyday to ensure that your children receive the best education possible in a safe and caring environment.
You can be certain that I have foremost in my mind the welfare of each and every student at Doyle Elementary School. In addition to that, I fully understand how difficult it is to be a dedicated teacher. Twenty-three years in the classroom taught me that.
Besides that I shall never forget the joy parents feel as their young ones achieve, mature, and succeed. Nor will I forget the pain of their stumbles and falls along the way.
So again this school year, I offer you and our students my years as a teacher in the classroom, more years as a parent, and a willingness to do what we can together to ensure that your child has every opportunity to take advantage of the possibilities that lie ahead in elementary school.
We have several changes and additions to our faculty and staff this year. Be certain we will continue to make our school the friendly and inviting place that always has our student's best interest at heart.
Again this year, I would like to challenge you as parents and care-givers to commit to something that we as educators believe is vitally important to your child's education and future. Please commit to read to and with your child at least twenty minutes every day. Read to the little ones at home, and read to your school age children, as well. It is our commitment that all children will learn to read. We need your help and support!
Please take this handbook and read it carefully so that you will be familiar with the school’s policies and procedures. This information will be of great value to you, and it will help us keep our school operating at its best. The faculty, staff, and I want our students to have a quality education. We ask your cooperation in working toward our goal of excellence.
Brenda Knox,
Doyle Elementary School
School Year 2010-2011
174 W. Gooseneck Road
Doyle, TN 38559
White County Schools
Mrs. Sandra Crouch, Director of Schools
Schedule of Doyle School Day
7:00 Students admitted to Gym
7:15 Breakfast Begins
7:45 Pre-K Students arrive
7:45 Students dismissed to classrooms
8:00 Classes Begin, Pre-K breakfast
2:30 Pre-K Picked up
2:55 Parent Pick up
3:00 School Dismissed
The love of teaching is second only
to the love of learning.
Doyle Elementary School Faculty
Ø Brenda Knox – Principal
Ø Sabrina Miller Pre-Kindergarten
Ø Ruth Broyles Kindergarten
Ø Lauren Phifer Kindergarten
Ø Lindsey Porter 1st Grade
Ø Chelsea Whitman 1st Grade
Ø Betty Johnson 2nd Grade
Ø Cindi Vickers 2nd Grade
Ø Martha Cayce 3rd Grade
Ø Wendy Parker 3rd Grade
Ø Donna Clark 4th Grade
Ø Andrea Neill 4th Grade
Ø Myra Elliott 5th Grade
Ø Andrea Simpson 5th Grade
Ø Laura Pullum SPED
Ø Amanda Flatt Intervention Specialist
Ø Janice Heikkenen Art
Lisa Wilson Guidance
Ø Teri Wall Librarian
Ø Jessica Mitchell P. E.
Ø Renee Goff Speech
Ø Brad Norris Music
Doyle Elementary School Staff
· Secretary
o Terrie Dukes
· Educational Assistants
o Barbara Anderson
o Lori Howard
o Sandy Guy
o Hillary Neal
o Cynthia Anderson Stoglin
o Jamie Swack
· Custodians
o Michael Guy
o Charles Poston
· Cafeteria Manager
o Rhonda Simmons
· Cafeteria Personnel
o Sonya Dukes
o Lois Gentry
o Dina Roberts
White County Schools
2014-2015 Student Calendar
August 6 Student Registration 8:00 – 9:30 A.M.
August 8 First Full Day of School
August 9 Back-to -School Celebration 8-10 A.M. Ag Complex
August 14 County-Wide Open House 3:15 – 6:15 PM
September 1 Labor Day (Schools Closed)
September 9 Student Progress Reports
October 9 End of 1st 9 Weeks
October 13 - 17 Fall Break (Schools Closed)
October 23 Pre-K – 12 Report Cards - 1st 9 Weeks
October 27 WCHS Parent/Teacher Conference 3:15 – 6:15 P.M.
October 28 WCMS Parent/Teacher Conference 3:15 – 6:15 P.M.
November 4 Election Day (Schools Closed)
November 18 Pre-K -5th Parent/Teacher Conference 3:15 – 6:15 P.M.
November 18 Student Progress Reports
November 26, 27, 28 Thanksgiving Holidays (Schools Closed)
December 18 Semester Test Day
December 19 School dismissed at 9:30 (Christmas parties allowed only on this day)
January 5 Schools Re-open (First Full Day of 2nd Semester)
January 9 Pre-K – 12 Report Cards 2nd 9 Weeks
January 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Schools Closed)
February 5 Student Progress Reports
February 16 Presidents’ Day (Schools Closed)
March 10 End of 3rd 9 Weeks
March 16 – 20 Spring Break (Schools Closed)
March 24 Pre-K – 12 Report Cards – 3rd 9 Weeks
March 26 Pre-K -5th Parent/Teacher Conference 3:15 – 6:15 P.M.
March 30 WCHS Parent/Teacher Conference 3:15 – 6:15 P.M.
March 31 WCMS Parent/Teacher Conference 3:15 – 6:15 P.M.
April 3 Good Friday (Schools Closed)
April 6 Teacher In-Service (Schools closed unless needed as make-up snow day)
April 21 Student Progress Reports
May 23 Last Day of School (Dismiss at 9:30 AM)
Please Note: The last day of each 9 week grading period is five (5) SCHOOL DAYS before report card are distributed. All late work must be submitted before end of grading period.
We believe...
· That as teachers we use researched-based strategies and assessment data to drive instruction.
· That each child has the ability to learn and develop into contributing members of their communities.
· Each child must have encouragement from both parents and teachers.
· That each student must be provided a safe and secure environment in which they can learn.
· That each student should have respect for all people to better enable him or her to become a useful member of society.
· That there must be a positive learning environment in which students can develop a positive self-concept.
· That each student must accept responsibility for completing all assignments and behaving in an appropriate manner.
· That there must be a positive working relationship between parents and the school in order for each child to achieve the above mentioned beliefs.
· That each student will learn to read and by doing so will read to learn.
Each of the following goals must relate to the individual student’s natural abilities, acquired proficiencies, needs, and interests.
I. GOAL: To become competent in basic skills.
OBJECTIVES: Students should:
1. Acquire effective skills in thinking, communication, and computation.
2. Acquire skills in problem solving in the decision making process.
3. Acquire reading skills on or above grade level by third grade.
II. GOAL: To develop a positive self-image and gain self-confidence.
OBJECTIVES: Students should:
1. Experience success.
2. Learn to deal with failure.
3. Understand the need for balanced nutrition, personal hygiene, and physical exercise.
4. Develop an appreciation for the arts, and explore their own potential for creativity.
III. GOAL: To demonstrate adequate self-control, good citizenship, and a
sense of responsibility.
OBJECTIVES: Students should:
1. Understand the need for order, discipline, and accept responsibility for
their own behavior.
2. Acquire positive personal values.
3. Respect and care for personal, public, and school property.
IV. GOAL: To accept and appreciate differences among people and be able
to adapt to change.
OBJECTIVES: Students should:
1. Acquire knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the heritage,
customs, and geography of their nation and world.
2. Understand and value cultural and individual similarities and differences
in people.
3. Be able to hear varied opinions (those with which they may not agree) and maintain politeness to others.
White County
School System
Mrs. Sandra Crouch, Director of Schools
136 Baker Street
Sparta, TN 38583
Phone (931) 836-2229
The White County School System is committed to providing the best education possible for each student. We realize that parents play a vital role in the accomplishment of this mission so we encourage their involvement and strive to keep them informed of their rights.
· White County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age, religion, or handicap in the provision of educational opportunities, activities, or other administered programs.
· A parental involvement policy and parent-teacher-student compact will be distributed to parents by each Title I school. A copy of each document may also be obtained by contacting the school office. In schools eligible for Title I funds, a written parental involvement policy will be developed jointly with and distributed to parents of children participating in Title I programs. Each Title I school will also hold at least one annual meeting for parents to inform them of the school’s participation in programs funded under the ESEA. All elementary schools in White County are identified as school-wide Title I schools.
· Parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of classroom teachers who instruct their children. If students are provided services by paraprofessionals, parents may also request information regarding the qualifications of paraprofessionals. Teacher certifications can be found by accessing the Tennessee Department of Education Teacher Licensing Web site ( or by contacting the school principal or the school system’s federal projects director.
· Parents must receive notification if their child has been assigned or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.
· Parents of a student identified as having limited English proficiency (ELL – English Language Learner) must be notified in a timely manner of the child’s participation in the ELL program, details of the program, right to waive participation, and specific information on the child’s level of English proficiency.
· Parents will be notified of their child’s eligibility for service in migrant, homeless, or Limited English Proficiency programs.
· Parents must be informed of and involved in violence and drug prevention efforts including program content and activities. Parents may request in writing their child’s exemption from participation in such activities.
· Parents will be notified regarding their rights before any third-party surveys are distributed to students.
· Schools in which at least 40% of the children are from low-income families have school-wide program authority under which schools may consolidate funds from federal, state, and local sources to upgrade the entire educational program of the school.
· Parents of secondary school students have a right to request that their child’s name, address, and telephone number not be released to a military recruiter without their prior written consent. Requests should be addressed to the federal projects director at address shown on front of this brochure.
· Federal law affords parents and students over 18 years of age certain rights with respect to educational records. School Board Policy relating to student privacy and parental access to information is available in the School Board Policy Manual located at each school and at the central office. Notification of Rights and Release of Directory Information under FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) will also be conducted through local media announcements.
· Parents will have access to system and school report cards as developed by the State Department of Education (usually available in late fall of each year) through the web site ( or at the school and/or system office. Results will also be publicized through local media.
· Parents must receive information on the achievement level of their child on each of the state academic assessments as soon as is practicably possible after the test is taken. Assessment results will be distributed by the child’s school.
· Parents have access to district and school information and reports through the media (local newspaper and radio), the System/School Report Cards available on the State Department of Education website (, or at the school or system’s administrative offices.
· Parents may visit the State Department of Education web site ( or visit the school to access a description of the Tennessee Curriculum Standards, assessment information, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
· Parents must be notified if their child is enrolled in a school identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring.
· If a school fails to make adequate yearly progress, parents will be informed regarding the availability of school choice options and supplemental education services.
· Under the Tennessee State Board of Education’s Unsafe School Choice Policy, any public school student who is the victim of a violent crime as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 40-38-111 (g), or the attempt to commit one of these offenses as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 30-12-101, shall be provided an opportunity to transfer to another grade-level appropriate school within the district.
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
White County School System