Market Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AG

Tel: 01268 733071

Fax: 01268 570214


Headteacher – Mr T. Flitman

26th February 2016

Newsletter 597

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Mrs Robbins

I am pleased to announce that Mrs Robbins is expecting her second baby. Mrs Robbins will be leaving us for her maternity leave at the end of this academic year.

Netball Competition

Congratulations to our Year 6 Netball team who competed on Tuesday. They faced very tough competition but played incredibly well. Sam, our netball coach, was proud of them all! Well done to: Tommy Allen (6E), Elsie Cook (6E), Matthew Griffiths (6E), Tylar Harding (6F), Rosie Mann (6E) and Frankie Smith (6E).


You will be reassured to hear that we had the local Environmental Health Inspector in school recently to make a spot check on the cleanliness of our kitchen. I was delighted to see we have been given a 5 star rating again for the standards we maintain. Credit for this needs to go to Mr Porter, our school cook, and his team who continue to do a great job in ensuring the children receive a quality hot meal every day.


If you have not paid fees of £10.50 please send payment as these are now due, thank you. We still have some parents who have not contributed for the past half term – please do so as soon as possible.


I have had complaints about children riding scooters or bikes in the playground – this seems to be mostly infant children. I will ban the said children from bringing scooters or bikes onto school grounds if they are caught riding them. We have already had one child hurt from a collision and I am unwilling for there to be another one. I have asked Mrs Francis to put a reminder in the infant newsletter about this too.


(Please check the school website for more information on the following events/letters)

Year 6 Anglia Ruskin University – 6F & 6E 2nd March. 6W 9th March.

Football Competition - Tuesday 1st March at Wickford Town Football Club (Selected pupils).

Stationery Shop

Reminder: Children can buy school pens, pencils and other stationary items from the studio, at break time, every Monday and Thursday.

Parent’s evening with Mrs Bent

Parents evening for 3E has been rearranged for next Thursday evening. Letters were sent out to the class on Wednesday. If you need to change the time of your appointment please let the school office know.


School Football Club – Unfortunately due to the competition next week this club will be cancelled (Tuesday 1st March).

Tennis, Badminton and Chelsea – There are still places available at these clubs. If your child is interested in joining any of these please contact the office.

Parent Lunches

Please arrive at reception by 12.10pm. Both parents and children are to order school dinner.

4F – 3rd March. Unfortunately we cannot take any more orders.

4E – 10th March. Unfortunately we cannot take any more orders.

5W – 17th March. Payments and orders must be in by Thursday 3rd March.

5F – 24th March. Letters will be sent home next week.


Congratulations to the following children:

Ronnie Parmenter (4E) will be a mascot for Tottenham Hotspur in their match against Swansea City on Sunday.

Samuel Cronin (4F) was Student of the Week at Kung Fu.

Here’s hoping for a sunny weekend!

Mr T Flitman


Working For Everyone