Literacy Weekly Plan: Year 5 w/b 01/0308 various legends
To recognise the similarities and differences in 2 versions of the same legend and understand why legends may change over time.
To engage the listener when retelling a legend
To make notes of they key events in a legend and use these to develop characters and plot in our own version.
To understand how an oral version of a legend changed as it was written down
To simplify a legend in a series of complex sentences
Shared /Sentence/word level
/ Teacher/LSA focus / Main activity / PlenaryMon
/ WALT recognise the similarities and differences in 2 versions of the same legend and understand why legends may change over time.Read two versions of Sir Percival and the search for the holy grail. What similarities and differences do the children notice. Model how to find them - title – who is the hero – what does the hero do – info about the villan – info about monster – what magic helps the hero – how does the legend end? / Using legend sheet – identify the features in each version and make a list of the similarities and differences.
HA with teacher – should identify more similarities and differences and focus in more detail
LA. Red group – Using picture clues match the pictures to written version – sort pictures of second version in order. What is the same and what is different? (discuss) TA to read written version
Plevel – sort the pictures into order of the story as the TA reads it to them. / S.C. to make a list of the similarities and differences between two versions of the same legend.
Why do they think the versions vary?
/ WALT how to engage the listener when retelling a legendRead a version of the Sword in the Stone
Using a time line list the key events and story plot
Model how to begin using the notes to tell the story to the class. Discuss how we add to the legend by interpreting the events in our own words. List strategies for keeping audience engaged. / Plevel - using the set of pictures used yesterday tell the story of Sir Percival and the holy grail to the TA.
red TA Use the pictures sorted yesterday to tell the story of Percival – tape versions / Orange/Green/Blue
Using notes created retell the legend in pairs – discuss how they keep the other person interested. / Listen to two versions taped by Red group and discuss how they are the same and different – how did they keep us interested?
S.C. To demonstrate techniques to engage the listener when orally telling a legend
/ WALT make notes of they key events in a legend and use these to develop characters and plot in our own version.Read a version of the
Model how to list the key events on a time line in note form. Focus on only picking out the main events. Identify the key characters. / Red group draw pictures to represent the key events in a legend read to them.
Role play the legend. / Whilst teacher/TA reads a legend to them - Create a list of notes on a time line of the key events in
a legend from King Arthur. Use these notes to create a short drama of the legend. / Watch some of the short dramas and discuss how they used their notes to support the creation of the drama. What did they add?
S.C. To make simple notes on a time line.
To act out a short drama using their notes.
/ WALT understand how an oral version of a legend changed as it was written downLook at notes modelled yesterday and refer to acted performance - model how to use them to create a written version of the legend. Focus on how vocabulary choices/punctuation and sentence type help to build tension. / Red group
Use myth creator to create own version of the legend acted out / Plevel use myth creator to create own version of the legend acted out. / To use notes and drama created during yesterday’s performance – use laptops to begin to create own written version. Focus on vocabulary choices and sentence choices.
H.A will complete first part of the legend using notes – adding in more description and tension / Read out some examples and talk about how they elaborated their notes to create the legend. What word choices were important? Did they vary sentence types? Why? Where?
S.C. to use notes to support writing own version of a legend.
/ WALT simplify a legend in a series of complex sentences.Look at pictures of a legend and model how to create key sentences to reflect the main event. Start with simple sentence to reflect the event and model how to develop the main clause by adding subordinate clauses to add more detail. / Plevel Series of pictures to match with sentences provided.
Red group – Series of pictures with simple sentences to develop. Word bank to support. / Legend in pictures provided – working in pairs children to add complex sentences to each picture to build up story.
H.A. should use more subordinate clauses appropriate to content and use commas effectively.
Orange – sentences may be less complex and only contain one subordinate clause. / Look at some of the children’s sentences –identify the main clause and the subordinate clauses. Where and why should they put commas?
S.C write a series of complex sentences to tell a simplified version of a legend.