Systems and network manager
Toassistwiththedevelopment,operation,managementandmaintenanceoftheSchool’sITinfrastructureandtodevelopeffectiverelationshipswithstaffandpupilsacrosstheSchool, respondingtoIT needs and supportingallintheiruseoftheresourcesandnetworkundertheleadershipofthe Assistant Head (Staffing and Systems) and the Head of IT services.
Please note that this job description may be varied upon the particular skills and experience of the successful candidate.
Main duties
- Effective and efficient management of the IT architecture of the school
- Commission and configure IT systems, networks and equipment
- To install and maintain standard network cabling; perform basic diagnostic and recovery routines on network equipment; configure network clients with appropriate server information and software.
- To ensure that system recovery processes are robust including management of appropriate back-up regimes
- Manage and maintain the school’s CCTV and access control systems
- Provide back-up for maintenance and development of the school’s database system
- To assist the bursary with the installation, management and development of their accounting software
- Manage the photocopiers and printers in the school
- Be responsible for the provision of desktops and laptops for internal and external examinations
- Manage the iPads and tablets within the school
Shared responsibilities with the Head of IT services and IT technician:
• Toprovidefirst line technicalsupportincluding:
- Logging and actioning support callsthen documenting the outcome to facilitate the resolution of IT queries.
• Providerapidend-user assistance inaprofessional, courteousmanner including:
- Assisting teaching staff, support staff and pupils with IT problems in classrooms, IT Suites and acrosstheSchool.Supporting Governors, inspectors and other visitors as appropriate.
- Maintaining a high degree of customer service for all support queries and to take ownership of user problems being proactive when dealing with user issues.
- Assisting with the logging of all technical faults using the helpdesk system and providing timely and meaningful responses to support calls.
- Assisting with the manning of the IT support office in accordance with the published opening times.
• Install and Maintainhardware, including:
- SettingupPCs, Macs, laptops and tablet deviceswithappropriatenetworkconfiguration
- Diagnosinghardwareandoperatingsystemproblems, repairingthemasnecessary.
- Assistingwiththe installation andtroubleshootingof problems with printers, projectiondevicesandmonitors.
- Ensuringavailabilityofschool wide ITresourcesasrequired.
• Maintainthenetworkinasecurestate, including:
- Ensuring thatIThardwareandsoftwareissecureat alltimes, including assistance with the installation, maintenance of the school’s antivirus, backup and other security/utility software.
- Ensuringthat staff andpupilshaveaccessonlytoappropriatedata in keeping with school IT policies.
• Assistwithnetworkmanagement, including:
- Assist with the installation of new and existing software across the network using system centre
- Assisting with wired and wireless network installation, maintenance and updates
• Other
- Liaisewithcontractors as appropriate for the repair of IT equipment, installation of network infrastructure etc.
- Recovering files frombackupas and when required.
- Setting up and dismantlingequipment for presentations such as assemblies, INSET meetings, visiting speakers,staffandGovernor meetings.
- To contribute to the provision of an effective environment for learning.
- Identify personal training needs and discuss with the Assistant Head
- Assist with the IT provision for the school lets.
- Partake in an annual appraisal
To comply with all school policies particularly those regarding safeguarding, IT and health and safety.
To undertake other duties of a similar nature as reasonably requested by the Assistant Head
Working time
Contracted 40 hours per week Monday to Friday reduced to 37.5 hours because of out of hours support commitment **.25 days annual leave entitlement plus bank holidays. Holidays to be arranged so that at least one of the IT support engineers is at work during the school holidays (school shutdown periods excepted).
** Urgent systems support and maintenance requires availability ‘out of hours’ on occasion. Such support to be cleared with the Assistant Head. Extended out of hours support will attract time off in lieu by agreement with the Assistant Head.