To:Special Education Administrators

Parent-Educator Resource Centers

From: Lynn Boyer, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Office of Special Programs, Extended and Early Learning

Re: WV Parent-EducatorResourceCenter (PERC) Project

Parent-Professional Team Training

Date:September 15, 2009

The Parent-Educator Resource Center (PERC) Parent-Professional Team Training will be conducted from October 13 – 16, 2009 at the Charleston Marriott, Charleston, WV. This training is mandatory for any local education agency (LEA) interested in starting a Parent-Educator Resource Center or in adding/replacing a staff member for an established Center.

The training will prepare new staff members for their responsibilities in conducting training sessions related to parent and community involvement and understanding special education and No Child Left Behind. Participants will also receive information on operating the Parent-EducatorResourceCenter and how to assist families and educators. The tentative agenda and registration forms are enclosed.

LEAs are expected to send both the new employee(s) as well as one current PERC staff member. Administrators responsible for the coordination of the PERCs are also invited to participate to demonstrate support for individual centers and to enhance their knowledge and skills related to positive parent-professional partnerships. Existing PERC staff interested in the training as a refresher course may also participate based on the availability of space.

Please complete and return one registration form for EACH member attending the training by Friday, October 2, 2009. Participants are responsible for making their own room reservations by calling the Charleston Marriott at (304) 345-6500 or 1-888-236-2427 no later than September 30, 2009. Reference the “PERCParent-Professional Team Training sponsored by the Office of Special Education Achievement” to receive the conference rate. Due to contract obligations, we are unable to assume financial responsibility for reservations made after this date, so please honor the deadline.

The PERC State Team is pleased to offer the Parent-Professional Team Training and ongoing support throughout the year. If you need additional information, please contact Betsy Peterson, Ginger Huffman, or Kathy Knighton at 1-800-642-8541 or (304) 558-2696 (V/TDD).
