NYSDOT NCHRP Project 08-36 Problem Statement Submission
April 1, 2011
Project Title: Sustainability Data for Making Transportation Improvement Program Investments
Many state and local transportation agencies are beginning to take sustainability into account when making program and project update decisions. Transportation decisions are largely driven by economics and, to a lesser extent, environmental and social factors. Unfortunately, the three factors of sustainability (environment, social equity and economics) are often presented as competing factors rather than harmonizing factors in the decision-making process. Having data and interpretive tools which address all three realms will better ensure balanced decisions and streamline processes. Most experts agree this is desirable, however agencies are discovering that it is difficult to quantify the actual effects of these decisions. While most success stories are anecdotal, it would be better to demonstrate a measurable outcome as a consequence of a statewide program/project (reduced congestion, decreased fuel use, etc.)
For example, NYSDOT uses a pavement management model/tool to help prioritize statewide pavement projects based on funding, pavement conditions (i.e. cracking), International Roughness Index (IRI), and traffic volume. This tool enables managers to make system-wide economically based pavement preservation decisions. However, a triple bottom line (economy, environment and social) approach would ensure more sustainable decisions. The challenge is in determining what data elements are required to measure the affects of programs and projects on the triple bottom line, and how to weight these factors in decision making.
NYSDOT’s goal is to determine what metrics can be used to better select projects for sustainable statewide transportation improvement programs and what metrics can be used, once projects are built, to determine if the projects achieved desired outcomes.
Statement of Urgency:
NYSDOT and other states are in the process of developing their next five-year Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs (STIPs) and the federal government is asking states to include livability and sustainability (for example, “Complete Streets” legislation) in selecting, designing and building these next round of transportation projects. The preliminary program development phase is the best time to evaluate those factors that affect sustainability. By articulating decisions and performance measures in terms of sustainability “Triple Bottom Line” (i.e., economic, social and environmental), state transportation agencies will be better equipped to make and justify well-informed, fiscally wise, balanced, and socially and environmentally sound decisions.
Project Objective:
The project objective is to determine what system-wide metrics or combination of metrics can be used to better select sustainable STIP projects and what metrics can be used, once the projects are built, to determine if the projects achieved desired outcomes. The project will include a gap analysis of:
- What are we measuring now that we can use?
- What additional information do we need to determine the effectiveness of our decisions in relation to the Triple Bottom Line?
- What data/metrics are best used to show sustainability successes to the public?
- What is the relative cost for agencies to collect these additional data elements/metrics?
Relationship to Existing Body of Knowledge:
There are many federal and state laws which regulate how State DOT’s develop their STIPs. This project is an effort to identify what data NYSDOT already collects and what data NYSDOT needs to collect in order to support making meaningful sustainable decisions following existing regulations. While some states have their own infrastructure (pavement & bridge) data collection processes, currently there is little guidance available as to what data elements contribute the most to making sustainable transportation decisions. NYSDOT is also aware of a SCOP Peer Exchange on Metrics, Data and Methods for Incorporating Sustainability in Benefit/Cost and Return on Investment Calculations that will be held this summer. Peer exchange meeting results will contribute greatly to this project.
List of Anticipated Work Tasks:
In reference to the three sustainability factors (economic, social and environmental)
- Identify what system-wide data NYSDOT currently collects that can be used to make sustainable transportation program decisions.
- Perform a survey of other states and transportation agencies to identify what additional data they collect that NYSDOT currently does not that can be used to better make sustainable transportation program decisions.
- Produce a final report to include the following items:
- A nation-wide state-of-the-practice synthesis on what data state transportation agencies are using to make sustainable STIP project selections and what are the associated data collection costs.
- A discussion of what data states collect, use and how effective this data is in measuring program and project sustainability outcomes in terms of the three sustainability factors, and associated data collection costs.
- Identify additional data that agencies may consider collecting in order to measure the effect STIP projects have on supporting a sustainable society.
Estimate of Funds Needed:
Estimate will need $98,000.
Estimate of Time Needed to Complete the Research:
Estimate will need eight months to one year to complete this project.
Name and Contact Information of Submitter(s)
- Paul Krekeler, Mike Rossi, Deb Nelson, Robert Curtis, Jim Davis
- NYSDOT, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12232
- 518-457-0919
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