A regular meeting of the Regional Education Service Agency 2 Regional Council was held Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at the Lincoln County High School, Hamlin, WV. Chairperson Phyllis Adkins presided.
Those attending:
Cabell: Bennie Thomas
Lincoln: Patricia Lucas, Carol Smith
Logan: Wilma Zigmond, Phyllis Adkins
Mason: Greg Martin, Dale Shobe
Mingo: Randy Keathley
Wayne: Gary Adkins
At Large: Sandra Pertee, Ryan Saxe
WV State Dept.: Pat Homberg
WV State BOE: No Representative
Marshall: John Huxley
RESA 2: Dee Cockrille, Kelly Watts, Lisa Teeters, Keith Dalton, Rachel Bias, Jody Lucas
Guests: Pat Campbell, Art Fuller, Charlene Coburn, Jeremy Brunty, Brian Christ, and
Charles McCann
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Keathley moved to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2011 regular meeting of the RESA 2 Regional Council; Mr. Saxe seconded the motion; unanimously approved.
1. Welcome – Ms. Lucas and Mr. Saxe welcomed council members to Lincoln County and Lincoln County High School.
2. Regional Wellness Update – Mr. Dalton updated council members of recent activities in regard to the Coordinated School Public Health Project.
3. MU/High School Courses – Ms. Campbell disseminated handouts and gave an overview of the College Courses in the High Schools Program (CCHS) through Marshall University. She also discussed the online college courses offered nationally through Marshall University.
RESA 2 Minutes
November 2, 2011
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Old Business
1. Fingerprinting – L-1 Identity Solutions withdrew their contract with RESA’s in regard to fingerprinting indicating the local site would now be the Center for Independent Living. Dr. Cockrille will forward additional information once received from the WVDE.
2. School Bus Driver Training – Ms. Watts updated council members stating that each RESA will be assigned a trainer and certifier. The WVDE will hire these individuals. Each county will continue to be responsible for obtaining physicals, background checks and fingerprinting of potential drivers. Training may be conducted on-site within the counties.
3. Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies – Dr. Cockrille discussed the recent audits by MGT and Public Works. She indicated that a lack of cooperative purchasing could be a finding. RESA’s are joining the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies to provide opportunities for counties to reduce costs. Counties would be able to purchase items through RESA 2. Dr. Cockrille will provide additional information in January.
New Business
1. None.
Action Items
Upon the recommendation of the Executive Director, Mr. Saxe moved to approve consent items 1-2 as presented; Mr. Keathley seconded the motion; unanimously approved.
1. Supplements - Approved the following Supplement.
A. Teaching American History Grant $352,438.88
2. RESA 2 Annual Report
Approved the submission of the RESA 2 Annual Report for 2010-2011.
Informational Items
Members of the RESA 2 Regional Council and/or the Executive Director may request
discussion of any Informational Item.
1. RESA 2 Financial Report – Mr. Lucas indicated that the financial report was included in the packets.
2. RESA 2 Staff Reports - Dr. Cockrille indicated staff reports were included in the packet for review.
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November 2, 2011
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1. State Department Report – Ms. Homberg gave an overview of recent policy activities; next State Board of Education meeting will be held November 8-9, 2011. Ms. Zigmond expressed a question regarding Achieve 21 and hiring a person to input the data on WVEIS. Mr. Keathley indicated that Tammy Chapman, RESA WVEIS Director, had come to Mingo County to provide on-site training to support Achieve 21 on WVEIS. Ms. Homberg recommended that Ms. Zigmond contact Monica Beane at the WVDE.
2. W.V.A.S.A. Report – Mr. Keathley reported on the October WVASA meeting: Carolyn Long is the new director; voted to support the WV State BOE legislative goals; next meeting is December 2, 2011 in Parkersburg; Winter Conference will be held January 26-27, 2012 in Bridgeport; membership meeting will be held February 10, 2012; Summer Conference will be held June 27-29, 2012 in Charleston.
3. W.V.S.B.A. Report – No report.
4. Marshall University Report – Mr. Huxley outlined the various third party contracts that Marshall University has with RESA 2 and the counties; he suggested to council members that if they have professional development that warrants graduate credit to please contact him.
1. November 2, Leadership Team meeting, Hamlin PK-8.
2. November 3, Hearing Screenings, Buffalo Elementary.
3. November 3, Professional Learning Communities, Duval.
4. November 3, iPad Workshop, Wayne High School.
5. November 3, OSP Staff Meeting, WVDE, Charleston.
6. November 3-12, College Board, China.
7. November 4, County Special Education Directors Meeting, RESA 2.
8. November 4, Food Service Cooperative Meeting, Cabell BOE.
9. November 5, CPI, Lincoln County.
10. November 5, iPad Health & PE Training, RESA 2 Office.
11. November 7, Audiology Clinic, Logan County.
12. November 7, Technical Assistance/Co-Teaching, Logan Middle.
13. November 7, RESA Staff Development Meeting, RESA 5 Office.
14. November 7, DOK Follow-Up, Riverside Elem.
15. November 8, Audiology Clinic, MCCTC.
16. November 8, Technical Assistance/Co-Teaching, Man.
17. November 8, PLC / Solution Tree, Mason County.
18. November 9, Audiology Clinic, RESA 2.
19. November 9, Technical Assistance/Co-Teaching, Chapmanville.
20. November 9, Technology Needs, Mingo Central HS.
21. November 9, DOK / IPI Awareness, Mingo Central HS.
22. November 9, IPI, Culloden Elementary.
23. November 10, Audiology Clinic, RESA 2
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November 2, 2011
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Announcements (continued)
24. November 10, Professional Learning Communities, Guyan Valley.
25. November 10, Technical Assistance, Mingo BOE.
26. November 10, Technical Assistance, New Haven.
27. November 10, SMART Responder Follow-up, E. Chapmanville.
28. November 12, IPI, Lincoln County.
29. November 12, Project TEIR Mini Institute, RESA 2 Office.
30. November 14, DOK, Burch Elementary / Burch Middle.
31. November 15, ICLE Instructional Strategies, Logan Conference Center.
32. November 15, Audiology Clinic, MCCTC.
33. November 16, ASCD, Charleston.
34. November 16, Audiology Clinic, RESA 2.
35. November 16, Observations / DOK / Engagement, Kermit K-8.
36. November 16, IPI Level 1 Training, RESA 2 Office.
37. November 16, Professional Learning Communities, Hamlin PK-8.
38. November 17, Hearing Screenings, HHS.
39. November 17, SSOS Meeting, Charleston.
40. November 17, TechSteps High School Training, RESA 2 Office.
41. November 17, IPI / Data Conversation, Wayne Middle.
42. November 17, Teacher as Assessment Leader Book Study, Logan/Mingo.
43. November 18, County Sp. Ed. Director’s Academy, Bridgeport.
44. November 19, National Board Cohort, RESA 2 Office.
45. November 19, TAH E-Learning Mini Institute, RESA 2 Office.
46. November 21, Audiology Clinic, RESA 2.
47. November 24-25, Thanksgiving Holiday, RESA 2 Office closed.
48. November 28, Principal as Assessment Leader, Mingo County.
49. November 28, Teacher as Assessment Leader Book Study, Logan/Mingo.
50. November 29-December 3, AESA National Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
51. November 29, SSOS Conversations via phone conference.
52. November 30, Audiology Clinic, MCCTC.
53. November 30- December 1, Cabell Co. Middle School Co-Teaching Training, RESA 2 Office.
54. December 1, Audiology Clinic, RESA 2 Office.
55. December 1, IPI Observations, Kermit K-8.
56. December 1, iPad Workshop, Spring Valley HS.
57. December 2, Elementary Math Specialist Meeting, Coonskin Park.
58. December 5, RESA Staff Development Meeting, RESA 6 Office.
59. December 6, WVDE Number Sense Training, Charleston.
60. December 6-7, Cabell County Middle School Co-Teaching Training, RESA 2 Office.
61. December 7, Principal as Assessment Leader Book Study, Mingo County.
62. December 7, Teacher as Assessment Leader Book Study, Logan/Mingo.
63. December 7, Leadership Team Meeting, Hamlin PK-8.
64. December 8, Audiology Clinic, RESA 2 Office.
65. December 8, Observations, Chapmanville.
66. December 8, IPI Data talk, Kermit K-8.
67. December 8, Math Fractions, Gilbert Elementary.
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November 2, 2011
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Announcements (continued)
68. December 10, National Board Cohort, RESA 2 Office.
69. December 10, Questioning Cadre Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
70. December 12, Professional Learning Communities, Hamlin PK-8.
71. December 12, Training for New Teachers, Logan.
72. December 13, Professional Learning Communities/Solution Tree, Mason County.
73. December 13, Professional Learning Communities, Hamlin PK-8.
74. December 14, Substitute Testing/In-person Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
75. December 14, RESA 2 Regional Council Meeting, Lincoln County.
General Discussion
1. Council Member Discussion
· Ms. Zigmond expressed concern over the termination of the Transition to Teaching program through Marshall. She stated that she has contacted Doug Cipoletti regarding picking up the cost of this program for Logan County. They will be meeting in Logan County on Friday, November 4th at 10:00 a.m. Any county interested is invited to attend.
· Ms. Zigmond also invited council members to attend the opening session of the WV School Nurses Association being held Wednesday evening, November 2nd at 6:00 pm in Logan. Governor Tomblin will be the guest speaker.
2. Executive Director Discussion – Dr. Cockrille discussed the following topics:
· Policy 4373 - will be discussed by Melanie Purkey at the next state board meeting.
· Legislative Priorities – Should RESA send a letter affirming the WV BOE legislative priorities? Further discussion will be held at the next meeting.
· Audit – we are not compliant with meeting schedule – ½ meetings are to be held in the evening – possible finding.
· Assessment Conference – thank you to Logan County for allowing her to be a member of their team.
· ICLE Session – November 15th – Logan Conference Center – technical assistance schools from counties will attend.
· WIN Training - was held at RESA 2 on October 17th – a follow-up session will be held.
Next Meeting
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the RESA 2 Regional Council will be held on Wednesday, December 14, 2011, beginning at 10:00 a.m., in Mingo County.
There being no further business, Ms. Zigmond moved to adjourn; Mr. Keathley seconded the motion; unanimously approved.
Dee Cockrille, Secretary
RESA 2 Regional Council