Course Syllabus – 2017-2018

Course description

This course is designed to help students expand their understanding of human body system structures, functions, pathophysiology, and treatments. Students will learn about every human body system. English/language arts and science are reinforced in this course. Biology is recommended as good preparation for this course.

Units of Study

Units of study will focus on the support, movement, use of nutrients, communication, and hormone control systems of the following human body systems:

·  Structural organization
·  Skeletal
·  Muscular
·  Circulatory/Hematology
·  Respiratory / ·  Lymphatic
·  Digestive
·  Nervous
·  Sensory
·  Integumentary / ·  Urinary
·  Endocrine
·  Reproductive

Materials Needed – Obtain as soon as possible, but no later than Tuesday 9/5/17:

In Health Science I students will use an “Interactive Notebook” to organize all notes, activities, worksheets, tests, etc.; which will be provided J

·  Loose-leaf paper

·  Pen/pencil/highlighter

·  Pair of scissors

·  Glue (glue sticks and Elmer’s white school glue)

·  Colored pencils/Crayola markers

·  Clay or Play-Doh (at least 5 colors)

·  Post-it notes (1 pack of 3x3 any color)

Teacher wish list - -NOT required J

As a new school, the availability of classroom supplies is uncertain. Please know that the following items are simply a “Wish List” and are not required or even expected! If you are able to donate any of the following throughout the course, it would be greatly appreciated!

·  Tissues (Puffs, Kleenex, etc.)

·  Hand sanitizer

·  Clorox Wipes

·  Elmer’s white school glue

·  Masking tape

·  Vis-a-Vis markers (overhead transparency markers, not Expo markers)

·  Sandwich bags

·  #2 Pencils (not mechanical)


As stated in the OGHS Mission Statement, displaying a strong positive character and adhering to expected behaviors is required for OGHS students at ALL times.

Displaying a positive attitude, arriving to class on time, being respectful of self and others, and remaining committed to a culture that pursues excellence, is the minimum expectation each day in class.

Grading policy

Grades will be divided into three categories: major assignments, minor assignments, and classwork/homework.

Each quarter/9 week’s average will be calculated based on the following

Major assignments: Unit tests, projects/presentations 60%

Minor assignments: Quizzes, Interactive Notebook completion 30%

Classwork/Homework: Homework, participation 10%

Final course grade will be calculated based on the following

1st quarter average: 40%

2nd quarter average: 40%

Exam: (no exemption, required VoCATS/state exam) 20%

*100 question multiple choice exam

Academic Honor Code/Cheating/Plagiarism

Unless otherwise assigned, student work is to be completed individually. Cheating and/or plagiarizing of work will not be tolerated. Carefully review the Academic Honor Code (pages 48-50) of the OGHS Student Handbook for further details.

Absences and late assignments

Students cannot receive credit if they have more than 8 absences in the class. Student attendance is critical for success due to the volume of material and fast pace of the course. Frequent absences will impact learning and ultimately success in the classroom.

Make-up tests and assignments

According to the OGHS Student Handbook (page 6), students will have five (5) school days to make-up any missed tests/major assignments. If the student is absent the day of a pre-announced major assignment (test), they will be required to complete this assignment on the day they return. Study guides/other review materials can be found in the unit-specific HSI CANVAS Course Module.

When the student returns from any absence, it is their responsibility to check the “What did I miss” folder for any worksheets, handouts, notes, etc., that were distributed while they were away. Any missed handouts or worksheets/minor assignments must be completed and returned within two (2) school days to receive full credit. The Advisory Period that is built into the regular bell schedule will be used to complete make-up tests and major assignments. If the student fails to complete make-up tests/major assignments within the allotted five (5) days, a zero (0) will be awarded. **Please note - I do not offer extra credit.

Graded assignments

As per DCS Grading Policy, all major/minor assignments will be graded and entered in PowerSchool within 7 school days.

Interactive Notebook

Students will be required to maintain an “Interactive Notebook” throughout the course. Notebooks will be graded at the end of each unit. Graded notebooks will also require parent/guardian signature.

Progress reports

Progress reports will be sent out twice each nine weeks and should be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to class the next school day.


Students are expected to be seated in the classroom, ready to begin the class when the tardy bell rings. Excessive tardies will require that the teacher assign after school detention.

Cellphones/headphones/MP3, etc.

Davidson County School Board Policy changed significantly in 2016-2017. Students are allowed to use cellphones/other devices before and after school, during class changes, and during lunch. Students are not allowed to use cellphones/other devices during “instructional time” unless approved by the teacher. If the student uses their cellphone/other devices without approval, the device will be confiscated and consequences will be assigned in accordance with DCS policy.

I look forward to working with you this semester and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns!

Thank you,

Mrs. Regina Spach, MHA, BSN, RN

Health Science I

Course Syllabus Acknowledgement

Due by Tuesday 9/5/17

Student Name:______Period:______

1.  I understand the expectations and behavior that are required as a Health Science I student.

2.  I have read and understand the items listed in the Health Science I Course Syllabus and pages referenced in the OGHS Student Handbook.

3.  I understand that Health Science I will include assignments that may require work outside of the classroom and/or be completed online using Health Science I Course Modules in CANVAS.

4.  I understand that Health Science I includes a large volume of material, rigor, and fast paced instruction, requiring daily attendance, and remaining on task and attentive during classroom instruction.

5.  I understand the required course materials and will bring these items to class daily or as instructed.


Student signature Date


Parent/Guardian signature Date

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

(Please list information for at least one parent/guardian)

Due by Tuesday 9/5/17


Home phone:______Cell phone:______Work phone:______

Email: ______

Best time to contact: ______Contact preference: home / cell / email

Other children at OGHS (name, grade): ______

Specific concerns you wish to share:______


Home phone:______Cell phone:______Work phone:______

Email: ______

Best time to contact: ______Contact preference: home / cell / email

Other children at OGHS (name, grade): ______

Specific concerns you wish to share:______