Curriculum Vitae

Name: / MoustafaAly Abdel-Kawy /
Title: / Professor Dr. /
Department: / Pharmacognosy /
E-mail: / /
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Mobile: / +2 0114939304-0122460600
Phone: / Work:+202 2-3639307, 3624917, 3632245
Home phone : 00202- 3302585, 7771666


  • Academic Degrees

1-Master Degree of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( Pharmacognosy ), 1977, CairoUniversity.
2-Bachelor Degree of Pharmaceutical Sciences, May 1971 from CairoUniversity with general grade of very good with degree of honor.
-Ph.D. Degree of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( Pharmacognosy ),1983, Pittsburgh University, USA. The title of the thesis is : Alkaloid Consitutuents of Pachygoneovata
  • Research interest

Natural products isolation and structural elucidation from plants, marine andmicrobes. Small and large scale Synthesis of promising secondary metabolite productionfrom marine and microbes.


Course Title
Undergraduate Courses
(General Program) / Choose an item.
206 Phytochemistry II
205 Phytochemistry I
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Undergraduate Courses (Clinical Program) / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
PG 404 Phytochemisty-1
PG 505 Phytochemistry-2
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Postgraduate Courses / -

1-Practical courses of Pharmacognosy for Pharmacy students.

2-Lectures of Pharmacognosyfor Pharmacy Students.

3-Lectures of Chemistry of natural products, Arab MedicalUniversity, Benghazi.

4-Lectures of Phytochemistry for Pharmacy Students.

Lectures of Biotechnology for Graduate Students, MonifiaUniversity

Career History and Professional Experience

Titles / Demonstrator in the Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Cairo University (24-11-1971).
Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacognosy,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University (28-11-1977).
Teaching Follow,Pharmacognosy Depart., Faculty of
Pharmacy , Pittsburgh University (20/10/1979).
Lecturer in the Depart. Of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Cairo University (22-2-1984).
Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Cairo University (28-6-1989).
Head of Pharmacognosy Depart., Faculty of Pharmacy, MUST
University (1997-1998).
Professor of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo
University (28-3-2001).
Supervisor of Pharmaceutical technology Depart.,Biotechnology Institute, Monifia University (2001 – 2004) .
Professor of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Saud University,\kingdom Of Saudi Arabia (2004 – 2007).
Visitor professor of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Al-Arab University.
Projects / -

Publications and Presentations


  1. Pachygonamine and N-methylpachygonamine, new bisbenzyl- isoquinoline alkaloids from Pachygoneovata. M.S.; Sultanawa, S; Sotheeswam, S.; Balasubramaniam, M.A., Abd EI-Kawy, D.J. Slatkin, and P. L.; Schiff, Heterocycles, 20,1972,1983.
  2. Additional alkaloids of Pachygoneovata. M.A., Abd El- Kawy, D. J.; Slatkin, P. L.; Schiff,S.; Dasqupta, S. K. Chattopadhyay, and A.B., Ray, J. Nat. Prod., 47,459,1984.
  3. Pachyovatamine, a bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid and other alkaloids from Pachygoneovata, M.S., Sultanbawa, S., Sotheeswam, S., Balasubramaniam, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, D.J. Slatkin, and P. L.; Schiff, Phytochemistry, 24,589, 1985.
  4. Macro- and micromrophologyof Haplophylumtuberculatum(Forssk) A. Juss. Part. I. Root, Stem and leaf, A. M.; El- Fishawy, E.A.; El- Kashoury, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, and F. M, Soliman, Al- Azhar J. Nat. Prod., I, 87,1987.
  5. Macro- and micromrophology ofHaplophylumtuberculatum(Forssk) A. Juss. Part. II. The Flower, E.A.; El- Kashoury, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, A. M.; EI-Fishawy, and F. M. Soliman, Al- Azhar J. Nat. Prod., 1,104,1987.
  6. Macro- and micromrophology ofHaplophylumtuberculatum(Forssk) A. Juss. Part. III. The Fruit, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, A. M.; El- Fishawy, E.A. ; El- Kashoury , and F. M. Soliman, Al- Azhar J. N at. Prod. , 1,123,1987.
  7. Macro- and micromrophological characters of Inflorescence, Flower and Fruit of OleaeuropeaL. Fam. Oleacea growing in Egypt. M.S.; Karawya ,S.M., Abd El- Wahab and M.A., Abd El- Kawy, XX, Conf. Pharm. Sci, Pharm. Soc., Egypt, 1988, Abst. # C- 28;
  8. Macro- and micromrophological characters of Roots, Stems and Leaves of Oleaeuropea L. Fam. 01eacea growing in Egypt. M.S.; Karawya S.M., Abd El-Wahab and M.A., Abd El- Kawy, XX, Conf. Pharm. Sci, Pharm. Soc., Egypt, 1988, Abst. # C- 28.
  9. Alkaloids and lignans of Haplophyllumtuberculatum (Forssk) A. Juss. M.A., Abd El- Kawy, E.A., El- Kashoury, A. M.; El- Fishawy, A. H. Atta, and F. M. Soliman, Egypt, J. Pharm. Sci., 30,299,1989.
  10. Flavonoids and alkaloids of TinosporamalabaricaMiers., A. M.; El Fishawy, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, H. M. Motawe, and I. H.; Bowen, Herba, Hungarica, 28,63,1989.
  11. Flavonoids of Cleome droserifolia (Forssk) Del., S.S.; Yang, T. J.; Mabry, A. M.; El- Fishawy, E.A.; El- Kashoury, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, and F. M. Soliman, Egypt, J. Pharm. ScL, 31, 443,1990.
  12. Alkaloids, Coumarins and Lignans of the genus Haplophyllum ; E.A.; El-Kashoury, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, A. M.; El- Fishawy, and F. M. Soliman, Bull. Fac. Pharm., CairoUniv., 29,1,1991.
  13. Essential oil and fatty acids of Haplophyllumtuberculatum (Forssk) A. Juss. E-J.; Brunke, F- J.; Hammerschmidt, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, A. M.; El-Fishawy E.A.; El- Kashoury, and F. M. Soliman, Herba, Hungarica,30,34,1991.
  14. Macro- and Micromorphology of Glauciumcorniculatum curt Part 1 : The Root, Stem and Leaf. M. A. Abd El- Kawy Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.,: 29,93,1991.
  15. Investigation of lipids, mucilage and antimicrobial activity of Haplophyllumtuberculatum(Forssk) A.Juss, E.A.; El- Kashoury, A. M.; El- Fishawy, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, M. A. Ramadan, and F. M. Soliman, Bull. Fac. Pharm., CairoUniv ., 30, 57, 1992.
  16. Chemical composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential oils of Jasoniacandicansand J montana. F. I. Hommerschmidt, Alice M. dark, Fathy M. Soliman, El- Sayeda A. El- Kashoury, M.A. Abd El- Kawy and Ahlam M. El- Fishawy. Planta Med. 59,68,1993.
  17. Chemical composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential oil from FeroniaelephantumcorreaAhlam M. El- Fishawy, El- Sayeda A. El-Kashoury, M. A. Abd El- Kawyand Fathy M. Soliman. Zag. I. Pharm. Sci., 2,150,1993.
  18. Macro- and micromrophology of Hibiscus trionum L. and H. esculentus L. Var .Balady and Golden Cost, Part II, The Flower, Seed and Fruit; F. M., Hashim, Y. M., Mirhom, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, and H. H. Eid, XXIV Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society, 1994, Abstract #PH-06
  19. Macro- and micromrophology of Hibiscus trionum L. and H, esculentus L. Var .Balady and Golden Cost, Part I, The Root, Stem and Leaf; F. M., Hashim, Y. M., Mirhom, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, and H. H. Eid, XXIV Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society, 1994, Abstract #PH-07.
  20. Essential oil of Aeglemarmeluscorr., F. M. Soliman, E.A.; El- Kashoury, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, and A. M.; El- Fishawy, Bull. Fac. Pharm., CairoUniv., 32,249,1994.
  21. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the Essential oil of Alpinianutansroscoe. F. M. Soliman, E. A. El- Kashoury, M.A. Abd El-Kawy and A M. El -Fishawy, Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 32, 235,1994.
  22. Analysis of the essential oil of Laurusnobilis L. F. M. Soliman, E. A. El-Kashoury, A M. El- Fishawy, and M.A. Abd El- Kawy Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ ., 32,387,1994.
  23. Essential oil of leaves of Perseaamericana (Mill.), M.A., Selim, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, M. S. Magd and E. H., Abdel- Rhaman, XXVI, Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Pharmaceutical Society, of Egypt, 1998, Abstract # PH-4.
  24. A Pharmacognostical study of the leaf, stem, bark of Perseaamericana (Mill.) M.A., Selim, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, M. S. Magd and E. H., Abdel-Rhaman, XXVI, Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Pharmaceutical Society, of Egypt, 1998, Abstract # PH-27.
  25. Volatile and Non- volatile components of Hibiscus trionum and two varieties of H. esculentus. Var .Balady and Golden Cost,; M. Hashem, Y. Mirham, M.A. Abdel Kawy, H. H. Eid. XXVI Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1998, Abrtract # PH -28
  26. Phytochemical, biological and clinical studies of immature fruits of Vitisvinifera, M. A., Abd El- Kawy, Z., El- Kayat, S., Abdel- Shakour and M. H., Sabry .Symposium on a new trends in treatment of some endemic diseases using herbal medicine, Pharmacognosy Depart, Fac. of Pharmacy, Mansura Univ. Nov. 1998, Abstract # PH-8 .
  27. Phytochemical and Biological studies of Hibiscus trionum L. and H. esculentusL. Var. Balady and Golden Cost, F. M., Hashim, Y. M., Mirhom, M.A., Abd El- Kawy, and H. H. Eid, 5th Scientific Conference, National Organization For Drug Control and Research, April 2000, Abstract #81.
  28. Botanical study of Root, Rhizome, Leaf and Flower of Primulamalacoides (Franc.) and its Pharmacological activity, M. Y., Haggag, M.A., Abd EI-Kawy, N. M., Sokker and A. A., Abdel- Motaal, 5th Scientific Conference, National Organization For Drug Control and Research, Apri1 2000, Abstract# PH- 80.
  29. Chemical and Biological studies of Cleome droserifolia(Forssk.) Del. part I, M.A. Abd EI- Kawy; S. EI-Deib ; Z. EI- Khyat and Y. A. Mikhail. Egypt. I. Biomed Sci., 6,204, 2000.
  30. Chemical and Biological studies of Cleome droserifolia(Forssk.) Del. Part II M.A. Abd EI- Kawy; S. EI-Deib ;R.A. Hanna; Z. EI- Khyat and Y. A. Mikhail. Egypt. I. Biomed Sci., 6,219,2000.
  31. Phytochemical and Biological studies of PrimulaMalacoides(Franch) cultivated in Egypt. M.Y. Haggag; M.A. Adel Kawy; N. M. Sokkar; A. A. Abdel Motaal and F. Ramzy, Az.I, Pharm. Sci., 30,115, 2002.
  32. Hypoglycemic and antidiabeticactivit of some Saudi plants; M.A. Abdel-Kawy;M.S.Abdel-Kader;A.J. Al-Rehaily and K.H. El-Taher; The 9 thIternational Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, King Saud University,2005.
  33. Extraction and purification of lectin from Jatrophacurcasamd its application on Banana root-knot Nematode; Abd-Elmaksoud, I.; Abdel-kawy, M.; El-Kousy,S.;Rizk,N. and Al-Saman,M.;Minufiya J. Agric.Res.,30 (5),1443,2005.
  34. Optimization of rifamycin B production through improvement of cultivation conditions and medium composition, A.F ,EL-Baz,.; K.A,ElHalafawy,.; H.A El-Enshasy,.; M.A., Abd EI-Kawy., and Ammar, E.M., The second International Conference of Genetic Engineering and its Applications, Sharm El-Sheikh, South Sinai Governorate, Egypt. November, 14-17, 2006.
  35. High Rosmarinic acid content in induced mutants and in vitro elicited sweet basal (Ocimumbasilicum L. callus, A. A. Guirgis, M.A., Abd EI-Kawy, H.N. Abbas, A.M. Araffa and A.I. Maksoud, Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 6 (7), 1058, 2007.
  36. Mediumoptimization for Penicillin G Acylase production by Escherichia coli (TCC 13529), A.M. Ahmed, A.F. El-Baz, H.A. Hamza and M.A., Abd EI-Kawy, New Egypt J. Microbiol., 19,45, 2008.
  37. Alkaloid Production and Organogenesis from callus of Hyoscyamusmuticus L. in vitro, I.A. Maksoud, M.A., Abd EI-Kawy, N. Ahmed, A. Abdel-Motaal and A.Abdelaal, submitted for publication, 2008.