Institute of ForensicSciences
andMedicine /
ForensicPsychiatry, Narcology (Addiction) andForensicPsychology
1. Course Overview
Participants who attendthis course will learn the fundamentalsof forensic psychiatry psychology and narcology which includes; introduction to forensic psychiatry, mental disorders, substance abuse,investigation psychology, interviewing perpetrator, ,victim and witnesses in court, children’s memory and testimony eyewitness testimony, classification models in criminal profiling and the principles and etic concerns in the field of forensic psychiatry, and psychology.
The targeted audience for this course is the forensic specialists and experts working mainly in the field of forensic who have a bachelor’s degree inpsychology, social work, psychological counseling etc.and/or employees of social services, law enforcement departments, courts, correctional facilities etc.
Verbal lectures with power point presentations would be supported by some real or fiction cases in the classrooms. There will be six lecture hours in a day which divide equally by lunch break.
2. Workshop Schedule
Forensic Psychiatry / Theme:
Forensic Psychiatry / Theme:
Forensic Psychiatry / Theme:
Forensic Psychiatry / Theme:
Forensic Psychiatry
Introduction to Forensic Psychiatry / Topic:
Expert Witness and Forensic Psychiatry / Topic:
Mental Disorders / Topic:
Mental Disorders / Topic:Hot Topics of Forensic Psychiatry
Introduction to
Basic Concepts in the field of Forensic Psychiatry (KOK)
Forensic Psychiatry Practice in Turkey (KOK)
Forensic Psychiatry Practicing the worker (KOK)
Theprinciplesandethicconcerns in thefield of forensicpsychologyandpsychiatry(KOK) / Professional liability (MO)
Forensic psychiatric examination (KOK)
Constructing Forensic Psychiatric Report
Expert witness and cross examination (NZ) / Competencyin criminal law
Malingering and Simulation (İB)
Age and Criminal Capacity (İB)
Intelligence and Criminal Capacity (İB)
Temporary States and Criminal Capacity (İB)
Personality Disorders and Dangerousness (İB) / Competency in civil law
Childhood and Adolescence (SS)
Marriage and Divorce (SS)
Psychiatric Disorders and Disability (SS)
Incompetency (SS)
Older people and their civil rights (SS) / Forensic Psychiatry and Stress in workplace (KOK)
Bullying and Internet
Sex Offenders (KOK)
Gamblers and Impulse Control Disorders (KOK)
Behavioral Genetics (EHY)
Forensic Psychology / Theme:
Forensic Psychology / Theme:
Forensic Psychology / Theme:
Forensic Psychology / Theme:
ForensicNarcology (Addiction)
Child Issues / Topic:
Investigation Psychology / Topic:
Human Rights Violations / Topic:
Trauma and Forensic Psychology / Topic:
Substance Abuse I
Child AbuseandNeglect (GE)
Parentalalianation(NZ) / Reliability of Eyewitness
Children’s memory and testimony. Criteria Based Content Analysis (NZ)
Interviewing perpetrator, victim and witnesses (NZ)
Polygraph and Hostage Negotiations (NZ)
Juvenile Delinquency
(CÇ) / Theconcept of torture
International texts (ZBG)
Approach and certification criteria
(Istanbul Protocol) (ZBG)
Structured interactive case debate (ZBG)
Criminology (YTD) / Childhood Traumas and Family Psycopathologies (EÖ)
Victimology (CÇ)
Penology (CÇ) / Alcohol abuse, misuse, dependency (CE)
After-use absorbtion, mechanisms of action and elimination (CE)
Medical examination findings, sample intake, interpretation of systematic toxicological examination results (CE)
Health staff approach towards addicts and users (CE)
Behavioral Genetics (EHY)
ForensicNarcology (Addiction) / Theme:
ForensicNarcology (Addiction) / Theme:
ForensicNarcology (Addiction) / Theme:
ForensicNarcology (Addiction)
Substance Abuse II / Topic:
Substance Abuse III / Topic:
Substance Abuse IV / Topic:
Substance Abuse V
Forensic AlcoholDrugTesting(FA)
SuicideNotes (FA)
Structured interactive case debate / Opioids Use Disorder (AÇ)
Cannabioids (AÇ)
Structured interactive case debate / Stimulants Use Disorder (CE)
Cannabioids (CE)
Structured interactive case debate / Hallucinogens Use Disorder (AÇ)
Benzodiazepines Use Disorder (AÇ)
Structured interactive case debate
- Instructors
Professor Dr. Faruk AŞICIOĞLU
Professor Dr. Sefa SAYGILI
Professor Dr. İbrahim BALCIOĞLU
Professor Dr. Erdinç ÖZTÜRK
Associate Professor Dr. Neylan ZİYALAR
Associate Professor Dr. E. Hülya YÜKSELOĞLU
Associate Professor Dr. Cüneyt EVREN
Assistant Professor Dr. Mustafa OKUDAN
Assistant Professor Dr. Z. Belma GÖLGE
Assistant Professor Dr. Y. Tunç DEMİRCAN
Professor Dr. Faruk AŞICIOĞLU
Forensic Science Specialist,
Director of the Institute of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul University
Research Interests:Forensic Sciences, Forensic Genetics, Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Web of Science Research Interest: Psychology and Psychiatry
Faruk Aşıcıoğlu isgraduatedfromIstanbulUniversity- Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine at 1985. He worked in differentdepart - ments of theTurkishMinistry of Healthuntil 1991. He had specialistdegree in ForensicMedicine (1994), AssociateProfessor (2004), Professor (2014). He also had Ph.D. degree in MedicalBiology (2006). He workedconsecutive 22 years at theCouncil of ForensicMedicine, theTurkishMinistry of Justice, respectively at the Q&D drepartment (1994-2000), BiologyDepartment (2000-2003; as a director) and as a chairman of the 5th Committee (thesupremeexpertise organ aboutforensictoxicology, narcotics, andgenetics in Turkey) of theCouncilbetween 2003- 2014. He worksnow as a Professor at theInstitute of ForensicMedicine, University of Istanbul. Besidesmanynationalandinternationalpublishedarticles, he wrotefivebooks in Turkish in theForensicfield. He has an active role as a member at manynationalandinternationalscientificorganisation. He is thefounderandstillpresident of theTurkishAssociation of QuestionedDocumentexamination, andtheTurkishAssociation of ForensicBiology, Genetics and Gene Law. He is also a nationalexpert of EarlyWarningSystem of TUBIM which is theTurkishFocal Point of EMCDDA (EuropeanMonitoring Center DrugforDrugsandDrugAddiction).A full list of his publications and researches can be found on
Professor Dr. Sefa SAYGILI
Psychiatry Specialist,
Clinic Chief of İstanbul VakıfGureba Hospital
Research Interests:Psychology and Psychiatry, PTSD, Personality Disorders
Web of Science Research Interest:Psychology and Psychiatry
SefaSaygılı studied medicine at İstanbul University Medical Faculty and graduated in1980 and became a psychiatry specialist in 1984. He became an associate professor in psychiatry in 1991 and got his professorship in the same field in 2009. Saygılı has writtenlots of papersandpublishedmanybooksin psychiatryfield. A full list of his publications and works can be found on
Professor Dr. İbrahim BALCIOĞLU
Psychiatry Specialist,
İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine
Research Interests:Adult Psychiatry, Geriatrics, Violence and Society.
Web of Science Research Interest: Psychology and Psychiatry
İbrahim Balcıoğlu studied medicine at İstanbul University Medical Faculty and graduated in 1980. He respectively became a psychiatry specialist with his dissertation thesis “Psychiatric Symptoms in Epilepsy Cases”. He became an associate professor in psychiatry in 1991 and got his professorship in the same field in 1996. He has publishedlotsof papersandbookchaptersandhas done manypresentations at nationalandinternationlaacademicmeetings. A full list of his publications and researches can be found on
Psychiatry Specialist,
Faculty Member in the Department ofMedicine Science of the Institute of Forensic Sciences and Medicine, Istanbul University
Research Interests: Psychology and Psychiatry, PTSD, Personality Disorders
Web of Science Research Interest: Psychology and Psychiatry
İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine 1984 receivedmedicaldoctordegree
HealthSciencesUniversityIstanbul Bakırköy NeuropsychiatryTeachingandResearchHospitalSpecialty in Psychiatry 1987-1991
HealthSciencesUniversityIstanbul Bakırköy NeuropsychiatryTeachingandResearchHospital 1991-1994 AssistantProfessor of Psychiatry
AssociateProfessor of Psychiatry 1994 HealthSciencesUniversityIstanbul Bakırköy NeuropsychiatryTeachingandResearchHospital
HealthSciencesUniversityIstanbul Bakırköy NeuropsychiatryTeachingandResearchHospitalDirector of 2.Psychiatry Clinic
HealthSciencesUniversityIstanbul Şişli EtfalTeachingandResearchHospitalDirector of Psychiatryclinic 2002-2011
Professor of PsychiatryIstanbul Üsküdar University 2011-2017
Professor of PsychiatryIstanbulUniversityForensicSciencesInstitute 2017 -
Professor Dr. Erdinç ÖZTÜRK
Social Forensic Science Specialist,
Head of the Department of Social Science of the Institute of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul University
Research Interests:Forensic Psychology, Trauma and Dissociation, Childhood Traumas and Psychopathology
Web of Science Research Interests:Forensic Psychology, Trauma and Dissociation
ErdincOzturk, studiedpsychology at IstanbulUniversityandgraduated in 1992. He had his Master’sdegree in psychology in 1995 at thesameuniversity. (Master Thesis: Evaluation of AnxietyandDepressionLevelsAmongTurkish Male HomosexualPopulation) He had his Ph.D. degree in 2003 at Institute of ForensicMedicine, Department of SocialSciences, IstanbulUniversity. (Ph.D. Thesis: Childhoodtraumata in thefirstdegreerelatives of traumatizeddissociativepatients) He mostlyspecialized in treatment of interpersonalrelationshiptraumaandchronicanddevelopmentaltrauma (dissociativepatients as victims of psychologicaltrauma). Forthelast 20 years he has treatedhundreds of patients.He has writtendozens of papersandbookchapterspublishedbothnationallyandinternationallyand has done manyspeeches, presentationsandwork-shops at nationalpsychologyandpsychiatrymeetings. In 2007 one of his paperswon ‘The Best Paper in theField of TraumaandDissociation’ reward, giveneveryyearbythe International Society fort he Study ofTraumaandDissociation.
Major Publications :
1. Öztürk E., Sar V. (2005). ‘Apparently normal’ family: a contemporaryagent of transgenerationaltraumaanddissociation. (In: Not just a North AmericanPhenomenon.HaworthPress). pp.7-20
2. Öztürk E., Sar V. (2008).Somatization as a predictor of suicidalideation in dissociativedisorders. PsychiatryandClinicalNeurosciences. 62 (6): 662-668 .
3. Şar V., Öztürk E., (2014) "StimulusDeprivationandOverstimulation as DissociogenicAgents in PostmodernOppressiveSocieties", in: Global Perspectives on DissociativeDisorders, Routledge, London/New York , New York, pp.18-32
4. Öztürk E. (2017) Travma ve DissosiyasyonDissosiyatif Kimlik Bozukluğunun Psikoterapisi ve Aile Dinamikleri. (TraumaandDissociation) Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul.
Associate Professor Dr.Neylân ZİYALAR
Social Forensic Science Specialist
Associate Director of the Institute of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul University
Faculty Member in the Department of Social Science of the Institute of Forensic Sciences and Medicine, Istanbul University
Research Interests:Forensic Social Sciences, Forensic Psychology, Criminology, Victimology, Behavioral Sciences, Criminal Justice and Forensic Medicine.
Web of Science Research Interests:Psychology,Social Work, Criminology & Penology
NeylânZiyalar is graduated from the Faculty of Art Department of Educational Sciences (Pedagogy), Istanbul University in 1986. She respectively became a specialist in Forensic Social Sciences in 1993, received her PhD in Forensic Social Science in 1998. She became an associate professor in 2015.Since her first journal article in 1993 Ziyalar has published many more such articles, as well as plenty of other kinds of academic writing (book chapters, books) both in nationally and internationally. On the other she supervised more than 30 master and PhD thesis during her academic career. A full list of her publications and researches can be found on
Associate Professor Dr.E. Hülya YÜKSELOĞLU
Forensic Science Specialist
Faculty Member in the Department of Science of the Institute of Forensic Sciences and
Medicine, Istanbul University
Forensic Molecular Genetics Unit Supervisor
Research Interests: Forensic Science, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Forensic Genetics,
Population Genetics, Criminalistics, Paternity Investigation, Behavioral Genetics, Crime
Scene Investigation, Sexual Assault, Standardization and Accreditation, Crime Organization,
Environment and Crime, Environmental Pollution and its Effects on Living Organisms.
Web of Science Research Interests: Genetics and Heredity
EmelHülyaYükseloğlu graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of
Biological Sciences, Middle East Technical University in 1992. She respectively became a
specialist in Forensic Science in 1996 with her thesis titled “Evaluation of HLA-DQA1 locus
by two different techniques based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in terms of forensic
sciences”, received her PhD in Forensic Science in 2003 with her dissertation titled “Y
Chromosome STR Polymorphism Paternity Detection and Its Use in Forensic Identification”,
she became an assistant professor in 2004 and an associate professor in Forensic Science in
2015. She co-authored a book published in 2015 by the title “Basic Forensic Genetics for
Legal Experts and Geneticists”.
Associate Professor Dr.Cüneyt EVREN
Istanbul Training and Research Hospital for Psychiatry Neurology and Neurosurgery Alcohol and Drug Research Treatment and Training Center (AMATEM) Clinic Chief
Research Interests:Psychiatry Neurology and Neurosurgery, Alcohol and Drug Research, Substance Abuse
Web of Science Research Interests:Psychology and Psychiatry
Cüneyt Evren is graduatedfromIstanbulUniversity, IstanbulFaculty of Medicine in 1991. He completed his psychiatryspecialization in Bakırköy Training andResearchHospitalforPsychiatry, NeurologyandNeurosurgery in 1996.Inthesameyear, he startedworking as theheadassistant in AlcoholDrugResearch, TreatmentandEducationCentre (AMATEM), and he becameAssoc. Prof. 2006.In 2010, he tookovertheposition of clinicdirector of AMATEM. He has upto 200 nationalandinternationalscientificpublicationsandbookchapters in thefield of alcoholdrugaddiction. He is still in chargeofAMATEMAlcoholDepartment, Editor of Düșünen Adam: Journal of PsychiatryandNeurologicalSciences, President of Bakırköy Researchand Advanced EducationCentre (BARİLEM) andMember of Scientific Meeting Arrangement Board of TurkishPsychiatryAssociation.
Assistant Professor Dr. Mustafa OKUDAN
Forensic Science Specialist,
Vice Director of the Institute of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul University
Research Interests: Forensic Sciences, Disability Evaluation
Web of Science Research Interest: Psychology and Psychiatry
Mustafa Okudan is studied medicine at İstanbul University Medical Faculty and graduated in 1978. He respectively became a forensic medicine specialist in 1991 and worked as forensic medicine specialist at Institution of Forensic Medicine from 1991 to 2016 for 25 years.He became an assistant professor in the same field in 2016.
Assistant Professor Dr. Z. Belma GÖLGE
Social Forensic Science Specialist
Faculty Member in the Department of Social Science of the Institute of Forensic Sciences and Medicine, Istanbul University
Research Interests:Forensic Social Sciences, Forensic Psychology, Victimology, Behavioral Sciences, Psychological Trauma
Web of Science Research Interests:Psychology and Psychiatry
Z. Belma GÖLGE is graduated from İstanbul University Psychology Department and respectively became a specialist in Forensic Social Science and received her PhD in Forensic Social Sciences from Department of Social Science of the Institute of Forensic Sciences and Medicine, Istanbul University.
ClinicalPsychiatristSpecialist at ÇEMATEM
Bakırköy Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman MentalandNeurologicalDiseasesHospital
Research Interests:Psychiatry ,Alcohol and Drug Research, Substance Abuse
Web of Science Research Interests:Psychology and Psychiatry
ArzuÇiftçiDemirci isgraduatedfrom Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine in 1996. Shecompleted her residencyeducation at Bakırköy Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman MentalandNeurologicalDiseasesHospitalbetween 1996-2001. Sheworked as a consultantphysician at 70th YearPhysicalTherapyand Reha - bilitation Training andResearchHospitalbetween 2002-2010. Since 2010, she has beenworking as a physician in charge at Child andAdoles - centAlcoholandSubstanceAddictionTherapy Center (ÇEMATEM). Sheworked in fieldssuch as psycho - somaticdiseases, psychiatricdiseasesrelatedtothespinalcordinjuries, andconsultation-liaison. Inlastfouryears, she has beenworking on thepreventionandtreatment of substanceabuseandaddiction in thechildandadolescentagegroups.
Social Forensic Science Specialist
Faculty Member in the Department of Social Science of the Institute of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul University
Research Interests:Criminology, Victimology, Penology
Web of Science Research Interests:Criminology & Penology
Can Çalıcı is graduated from the Department of Social Anthropology, Istanbul University in 2008. He respectively became a specialist in Forensic Social Science in 2011 and received his PhD in Forensic Social Sciences in 2016.A full list of his publications and researches can be found on
- Literature and reference materials:
Book and handouts that will be used:
Attendants may prefer to use standard textbooks of ForensicPsychiatry, Narcology (Addiction) andForensicPsychology. Handouts of Power Point presentations would also be given.
Brigham, J.C. (1999). What Is ForensicPsychology, Anyway? Lawand Human Behavior, 3 (23).
Cassel, W. S., Bjorklund, D. F. (1995) Developmentalpatterns in eyewitnessmemoryandsuggestibility. Lawand Human Behavior, 19, 507-532.
Hess, J. E. (1997)InterviewingandInterrogationforLawEnforcement. Anderson Publishing Co., Cincinnati.
Sattler, J.M. (1998)ClinicalandForensicInterviewing of ChildrenandFamilies. Publisher Inc. California. S. 96-130.
Ceci, S.J., Bruck, M. (1993) Thesuggestibility of childwitness: A historicalreviewandsynthesis. PsychologicalBulletin, 113, 403-439.
Davies, G. M., Westcott, H.L. (1999)Interviewingchildwithnessesunderthe memorandum of goodpractice: A researchreview. Home Office, PolicingandReducingCrimeUnit. London.
AmericanPsychiatricAssociation (APA) (1994). Diagnosticand Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders: DSM-IV, 4th Edition. AmericanPsychiatricAssociation. Washington D.C.
Kluft, R.P. (1991).Clinicalpresentations of multiplepersonalitydisorder, PsychiatClinic North Am. 14: 605–609.
Öztürk E, Şar V. (2005).“Apparently normal” family: A contemporaryagent of transgenerationaltraumaanddissociation. J TraumaPractice. 4(3-4): 287-303.
Putnam, F.W. (1991). DissociativePhenomena, In Tasman A., Ed. byGoldfinger, S.M.; AnnualReview of Psychiatry 10. AmericanPsychiatricPress. Washington.
Şar V, Öztürk E, Kundakçı T. (2002).Psychotherapy of an adolescentwith dissociativeidentitydisorder: change in Rorschachpatterns. J TraumaandDissociation. 3(2) :81-95.
Şar V, Öztürk E. (2005).What is traumaanddissociation? Journal of TraumaPractice. 4:1-2
- Location
Course could be given in the main building classrooms and seminar room of theInstitute of Forensic Science and Medicine, Istanbul University, in Istanbul.