Procurement Plan and Authorisation

Version 11

Procurement No. [Insert Procurement No.]

[Insert Procurement Title]

[Insert Procurement Description]


Item/service to be procured:

Justification for purchase:

Estimated value of the procurement
Provide estimate of cost(s) over total contract term egpurchase cost, maintenance cost, whole-of-life, etc.Also indicate whether or not options to extend the contract will be provided and if so, include an estimate of the value of those extensions should the options be exercised.
Contract period
State the period of the contract noting any options to extend to be included in the eventual contact.
Procurement methodology
Describe the procurement methodology to be adopted and insert background/reasons for the selected methodology.
(*delete as required) / *Open tender
*Select tender (with direct/limited submission sourcing approval)
*Direct negotiation (with direct/limited submission sourcingapproval)
*Multi-stage tender
Advertising method (if an open tender)
All open tenders must be advertised on the Tenders website and, if determined appropriate, in the tenders section of newspaper(s) and/or journal(s). If applicable, indicate which newspaper is to be used.
(*delete as required) / *The Mercury newspaper
*The Examiner newspaper
*The Advocate newspaper
*The Australian newspaper
*Other (provide details)
Market analysis/research
Describe the market analysis undertaken in preparation for the procurement (egresearch into available suppliers, level of competition, pricing structures and trends etc).
Cost/benefit analysis
Has a costs/benefit analysis been conducted? If so, please attach a copy.
Funding source
Indicate source of funds, confirming that sufficient funds are available.
Risk management
Detail whether a risk management analysis has been undertaken and whether a risk management plan has been developed.If one has been developed, please attach a copy.
Indicate the name of the person who will be approving the Specification.
Evaluation committee
List the members of the evaluation committee, their occupations and their prior procurement experience or training. / Chair:
Panel member:
Panel member:
Evaluation Committee Chair is aware of applicable procurement requirements
Confirm that committee chair is aware of
  • the requirements of relevant Treasurer’s Instructions contained inthe 1100 series, the 1200 series or the 1300 series;
  • the requirements of the Free Trade Agreements Guideline (if appropriate); and
  • the requirements set out in the Procurement Practice Manuals relating to building and construction (if appropriate).
/ Yes/No
Policy matters impacting on the procurement
Detail any government or departmental policies which will affect the procurement, examples are:
  • Buy Local Policy requirements including disaggregation, application of a Local Benefits Test and requirements for Tasmanian Industry Participation Plans
  • Free Trade Agreements
  • Use of consultants
  • Crown Contracts Confidentiality Policy
  • Whole of Government Communications Policy (DPAC)

Probity Advisers
Detail whether the appointment of a probity adviser has been considered and whether one is to be appointed?If a probity adviser is to be appointed, you should advise which method of appointment is to be adopted (egTreasury Probity Adviser Panel or independent quotation/tender process).
Pre–procurement industry consultation report
Does the procurement require a pre–procurement industry consultation report to be prepared and approved in accordance with either TI 1116 or1218?
Procurement Timetable
Provide details of the anticipated procurement timetable. / Procurement Plan approved by appropriate delegate by: / ____/____/____
Pre-procurement local impact assessment to be completed by: / ____/____/____
Specification to be approved by: / ____/____/____
Tender/Quotation Evaluation and Probity Plan request to be approved by appropriate delegate by: / ____/____/____
Pre-procurement industry consultation report prepared and approved (where applicable) / ____/____/____
RFT advertised/RFQ issued by: / ____/____/____
RFT/RFQ closing date: / ____/____/____
Evaluation of offers to be completed by: / ____/____/____
Evaluation report to be prepared by: / ____/____/____
Evaluation report to be QA’d by: / ____/____/____
Procurement Review Committee submission prepared and lodged (where applicable) by: / ____/____/____
Procurement Review Committee approval (where applicable) by: / ____/____/____
Approval of Tasmanian Industry Participation Plan (where applicable) / ____/____/____
Approval by Delegate/Head of Agency to be obtained by: / ____/____/____
Contract to be awarded (and Website updated) by: / ____/____/____
New contract to commence by: / ____/____/____


(insert name)
Delegate* approval
(insert name)

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