Grade: Kindergarten Lesson # 3

How Do People Earn Money?

S.S.4.FL.1.2 People earn an income when they are hired by an employer to work at a job. Explain why employers are willing to pay people to do their work.

Correlated Literacy Standard:

LAFS.K.SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

S.S.4.FL.1.2 People earn an income when they are hired by an employer to work at a job. Explain why employers are willing to pay people to do their work.

How Do People Earn Money?

Lesson Number 3

Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)

  • LAFS.K.SL.1.2

Essential Question

  • How Do People Earn Money?
  • Why do employers pay workers?

Learning Goals/Objectives

  • Identify jobs that people have are based upon skill level and responsibility.
  • Understand that people are paid for jobs that they perform based upon the skill level and responsibilities they have on those jobs.


  • Students will identify the difference between higher/lower skilled jobs and the corresponding levels of responsibility. Then studentswill brainstorm chores, the corresponding skills and responsibilities needed for each and how much money they should earn in allowance for doing them.


  • Handout: “Chores and Allowance” (included)
  • Video Segment from Discovery Education: Jobs in the Community: (You must be logged in through the M-DCPS employee portal to access this video)


  • 20 minutes

Activity Sequence


  • Tell students that today’s class will be dedicated to understanding how money is earned. Write the following words: jobs; skill; responsibility; and allowance on the whiteboard. Discuss the meanings and give examples of each. (5 minutes)


  1. Watch the video segment from Discovery Education on “Jobs in the Community”. (4 minutes)
  1. Discuss the video presentation with students and relate the information to the definitions given earlier from the introduction. (2 minutes)
  1. Have students work whole group with the teacher to complete Handout “Chores and Allowance” to decide which chores they can do at home and how much they should get paid. (8 minutes)


Students will then circle the top chore on their worksheets to try at home with their parents. (1 minute)


  • Home Learning Assignment for this lesson should be for students to review their “Chores and Allowance” sheet with their parents and implement that chore at home.

Sources/Bibliographic Information that contributed to this lesson:

  • Discovery Education:
  • Google Images:

Handout Chores and Allowance


Directions: As a class, students can work whole group to suggest chores that can be done at home. After discussing the chores, skills, and responsibilities related to each one, a dollar amount to be earned as allowance for each one should be decided upon by the class. Next, student should circle a chore they would like to do at home. For Home Learning, parents should review this sheet, have students implement the top chore chosen by their child, sign, and return it within one week.

Chores / Skills / Responsibilities / Allowance

Parent Signature______