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Ovine Johne’s Disease (OJD) Abattoir Detection in a Direct Line from the Low Prevalence Area

[Date] / Ref Line No

[Recipient Name]


[Property/Company Name]

[Street Address]

[City State Postcode]

Dear [Recipient Name]

A consignment of sheep that originated from your property (PIC) has been confirmed positive on laboratory testing for ovine Johne’s disease. This followed detection of intestinal lesions by an AQIS OJD Inspector in a direct line of sheep consigned from saleyard on . The sheep carcasses were examined at abattoir on the shift.

The positive line (Lot no.) contained sheep of which were inspected and (%) were found to have lesions visually consistent with OJD. A sample of these lesions was later confirmed at the laboratory as OJD.

Detection of OJD by abattoir surveillance is a reason to suspect that your flock is infected with OJD. You are being notified to enable you to asess the risk of OJD being present in your flock so that:

  • you may take appropriate action to manage any identified risk, and
  • you are well informed when completing a Sheep Health Statement.

It is a breach of the Stock Diseases Act 1923 to make a false or misleading statement when completing documents such as the Sheep Health Statement. When you are completing Category A on the Sheep Health Statement you are strongly advised to take into account any relevant advice from a Distirct Veterinarian or an approved SheepMAP veterinarian, particularly in terms of whether your flock is known or suspected of being infected with OJD.

Attached are copies of Prime Facts 661, 664 and 668 about OJD. Further information may be found on the NSW Department of Primary Industries website at: the Animal Health Australia website at: It is recommended that you consult your financial and farm management advisors about the implications of OJD infection on flock health management.

Ovine Johne’s disease is a notifiable disease. If you have any reason, now or in the future, to believe that your flock may be infectedyou must advise an inspector e.g. your local RLPB District Veterinarian or Ranger.

You will be contacted directly by your District Veterinarian to discuss a risk assessment. In the meantime please contact your Approved SheepMAP veterinarian or District Veterinarian if you require further information about this letter or about OJD.

Yours Faithfully

[Your Name]

[Your Title]