Linedance competition



28.01.2017 – Baložu kultūras nams (Latvija)

„Junioru kauss” is linedance competition, where in linedance can compete kids and youth till 18 years. Youre age division determined youre age at 28th of Januar, 2017.

  1. Line dance age and dance divisions:

Rugrats: 0-5y

Kids: 6-9 y

Primary: 0-9 y

Junior: 8-10y

Youth: 11-13y

Teen: 14-16 y

Young Adult: 17-18 y


This division is only for dancers - beginners aged up to 6 years.

The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment of dance and dancers latest encouragement to take part in competitions. For dancers in this Division have one dance to dance.


This division is only for dancers - beginners aged 7-9 years.

The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment of dance and dancers latest encouragement to take part in competitions. For dancers in this Division have one dance to dance.

Tautas klase/ Social

Socialage divisions:

Primary: 0-8g; Junior: 8-10; Youth: 11-13; Teen: 14-16; Young Adult: 17-18

This division is recommended for dancers - beginners or dancers who have never competed before. Variations in this division are not permitted. In this division the focus is on correct vanilla footwork, as well as to the rhythm of music. For dancers in this Division havethree dances to dance.

Iesācēji/ Newcomer

Newcomer age divisions:

Primary: 0-8g; Junior: 8-10; Youth: 11-13; Teen: 14-16; Young Adult: 17-18

This division is recommended for dancers - beginners. Variations in this division are not permitted. In this division the focus is on correct vanilla footwork, rhythm and musical sense, as well as technical performance.For dancers in this Division havethree dances to dance.

Ar pieredzi/ Novice

Noviceage divisions:

Primary: 0-8g; Junior: 8-10; Youth: 11-13; Teen: 14-16; Young Adult: 17-18

This division is recommended for dancers who have been line dancing for more than three years or who have some prior experience to participate in line dancing competitions. In this division the focus is on accurate, relevant basic rhythm-step execution, technique and style appropriate emotions. This Division is also allowed minimal variations, but dancers can not perform turns of more than 180 degrees on one foot.For dancers in this Division havefour dances to dance.

The main Rooles

Girls and Boys will dance in separate or combined heats, but they will be judged separately.

Dances will be count-in, so that the contestants know when to start dancing.

Dance will be 2 – 2,5 min long for line dancers. For Teams will be as long as the Music.

Variations: Dancers must dance first 2 Walls Vanilla steps. 3rd, 5th and all following ODD walls you may introduce variations. Variations should folow Vanilla direction of movement, it must not interfere with other dancers, the last 2 Mazor (2x4 or 2x3 (waltz)) dance vanilla. 4th, 6th and all following EVEN Walls you must dance vanilla with styling.

You can moove in dance intro, but just in ine step radius.

Dances with the description of parts (A-B-C) the variations are not allowed dancing every part of the first and second time. Only the dancing part of the third time is allowed for variations, but the last 2 Mazor (2x4 or 2x3 (waltz)) must dance Vanilla.

Social: variations are not allowed

Newcomer: variations are not allowed

Novice: Some variations are allowed, but dancers can not perform turns of more than 180 degrees on one foot

  1. Duo

Duo age divisions:

Juniori/Junior: 0-13g; Tīņi/Teen:14-18

Duoare two individual dancers –Girl, Boy or mixed, dancing in any non-joined pattern.

Hands or bodies may briefly touch, but dancers can not join to execute any movement.

Before the competition will be announced the music to which the Duos will be able to prepare their own choreography.

During the dance at the same time on the dance floor will be several Duos.

Dancers should start dancing when they want, they will not be counted in at the beginning of the dance.

Competitior may dance just in one Duo during the competition.

  1. Quad

Quad age divisions:

Juniori/Junior: 0-13g; Tīņi/Teen:14-18

Quads are four individual dancers, Boys, Girls, or any combination of gender, dancing in any non-joined pattern.

Hands or bodies may briefly touch but dancers can not join to execute any movement.

Before the competition will be announced the music to which the Quads will be able to prepare their own choreography.

During the dance at the same time on the dance floor will be several Quads.

Dancers should start dancing when they want, they will not be counted at the beginning of the dance.

Competitior may dance just in one Quad during the competition.

  1. Teams

Team divisions:

  • Country Classic Team
  • Standard Line Team
  • Cabare Team

All competitors must be aged up to 18.

Country Classic Team

Team must have at least 6 dancers, there is no limit to the maximum number of team members.

In this division are rooles the same as in Line dance Novice. There will be announced one dance. First 2 Walls dancers must dance Vannila Steps and in 3rd, 5th and all following ODD walls they may do a Variations.

During the dance at the same time on the dance floor will be several Teams.

Standard Line Team

Team must have at least 8 dancers, there is no limit to the maximum number of team members.

Team is at least 8 dancers, who are individual dancers –Girls, Boys or mixed, dancing in any non-joined pattern. Hands or bodies may briefly touch, but dancers can not join to execute any movement.

Music must be 2-5 min, 50% need to be country Music. Team prepare their own choreography. Acrobatic are not allowed.

Cabare Team

Team must have at least 8 dancers, there is no limit to the maximum number of team members.

Team is at least 8 dancers, who are individual dancers –Girls, Boys or mixed. Music must be 2-5 min. Team prepare their own choreography. There aro no movement, music, clothing restrictions.

  1. Costumes - All Divisions

Boys must wear a cowboy hat for dances except funky and novelty style dancing.

Girls - together with skirts and dresses must wear a skin-colored tights and "dance pants", that is, underwear which limit visibility.

All dancers:

  • are recommendeddance of country / western style boots, with the exception of dancing, which is not in country style.It may be time to pull any other dance shoes. If the dancers used in any other style shoes, they must dance shoes with a heel height does not exceed 4.5 cm.;
  • are recommendedcountry style outfits, except in funky and novelty dances style;
  • any kind of thematic or formal gowns, masks are not allowed;
  • costumes must not have any kind of name or advertising;
  • strapless tops are prohibited;
  • transparent or color material that is used in a dancer's costume that gives an immodest view of underwear or body that can cause embarrassment to competitors, judges or spectators are not allowed
  • naked body of the chest to the waist is not allowed;
  • suits must be worn in the awards ceremony.


Registration for „Junioru kauss 2017”- you need to send information to th data:

Line dancers:

  • Name
  • Birth date
  • Address
  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • Division


  • Team Name
  • Team leader name, address, phone, e-mail
  • Team members names and birth dates
  • Division

Registration is opentill 10.01.2017. Competition fee 10 EUR/p.p

Dances for „Junioru kauss 2017”

Mazuļi/ Rugrats:

Shine Like Rainbows – hor. Jessica Devlin (Music: Shine Like Rainbows - The Rainbooms)

Bērni1/Kids -

Can’t Stop the Feeling - Marie McBrien (Music: Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake)

Tautas klase/ Social:

  1. Amazing Grace I See – hor. Jo Thompson Szymanski (Music: Amazing Grace - Scooter Lee)
  2. We Get One Shot – hor.D.Trepat, R.Fowler, D.Bailey (Music: One Shot - Rob Thomas)
  3. If I Wuz U – hor. Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris (Music: Me Too - Meghan Trainor)

Iesācēji/ Newcomer:

  1. It Takes Two – hor. E.Pol, R.Sarlemijn, P.Machado (Music: It Takes Two-Tina Turner & Rod Stewart)
  2. Body Cha – hor. Niels Poulsen (Music: El Bodeguero – Emmanuel)
  3. Hip Hop Police – hor. Raymond Sarlemijn (Music: Hip Hop Police - Chamillionaire feat. Slick Rick)

Ar pieredzi/ Novice:

  1. Who’s Cheating Who – hor. Barbara Seelt (Music: Who's Cheatin' Who' - Alan Jackson)
  2. I Can’t Do This – hor. Darren Bailey (Music: I Can't Do This - Vince Gill)
  3. You Cha Cha – hor. Fred Whytehouse (Music: You - Chris Young)
  4. Pump It – Masters in Line (Music: Pump It - The Black Eyed Peas)

Music for Duets/Duo:

Juniroi/Junior - A Spoonful of Sugar - Kacey Musgraves

Tīņi/Teen - Mona Lisa by Brad Paisley

Music for Četrinieks/Quad:

Natural Disaster - Zac Brown Band (for all ages)

Klasiskā kantrī komanda/ Country Classic Team:

Drift Away – hor. Rob Fowler (Music: Drift Away - Nathan Carter)