Nursery and Junior Church through summer
Please thank those who serve in both areas!
Junior Church and the Nursery will continue through the summer. And remember that Trinity Church provides a nursery for our youngest members (birth through age 3). This is available during Sunday morning worship. Parents are free to take their child/children to the nursery located in the lounge at the back of the sanctuary and then return to worship. All adults staffing this area have been trained in safe sanctuary procedures and have had background checks.
MET Fundraiser
The Ministry Event Team (MET) will be selling t-shirts, sweatshirts, and polo shirts soon.These will be great to wear to Trinity events like VBS, in our Putnam County Fair booth, in parades or any other time.What a great way to tell your friends and co-workers about the fabulous church you belong to in Ottawa!Look for more information to be coming soon!
Scrap Metal Drive
While you’ve been collecting stuff for Trinity’s Garage Sale have you come across some metal things and wished you could “get them out of your hair” too? Well, here’s your opportunity! Trinity’s Scrap Metal Drive begins May 25 and runs through the month of June. While we are happy to take your scrap metal please do not put TV’s, computer monitors, tires, paint, or aerosol cans in the dumpster – Trinity will be charged to dispose of those items. Proceeds from this Drive will go toward various Trustee projects including maintenance on our grounds and buildings.
Vacation Bible School just around the corner!
Surf's Up! :)
Catch the wave of God's amazing love! Join us for VBS 2016 @ Trinity on June 12-16 from 5:30-8:00 pm. There is no charge this year. Children ages 4-4th grade can attend. However, kids of all ages can join in the fun. We are still looking for adult volunteers. Invite your family and friends! Join our Facebook Event "Ottawa Community VBS" and share it with your friends. Forms are available in the narthex or you can contact Liz Trigg (419-615-2808) or Darlene Deatrick (419-235-3683) to register or volunteer.Registration deadline is Friday, May 27.
Calling Volunteers!!!
YOU are invited to help with Surf Shack Vacation Bible School. If you know someone who helped in past years or someone has not been involved before please invite them to share their talents as we work together teaching our children about God’s love. Or if you have questions please feel free to email us or call at 419-615-2808.
Thank you! Liz and Abby Trigg
Sunday Worship Prayer
by Pastor Lynda Lockwood
Starting in June, we are going to try something “new” and “old” for our prayer time during service. We will use the prayer cards (located in the pew racks) to write down prayer concerns and I will pray for those during service, this is the “old” part. The “new” part is, if you would like individual prayer or would like to keep the need private but would still like prayer, meet with me in the chapel after the service and I (and perhaps members of the Prayer Team) will pray with and for you.
Notes about folks:
Clara Settlemire received a stent and is a patient at St. Rita’s Medical Center, 730 W Market St, Lima, 45801
Mary Croy is in declining health. She is a resident at The Meadows of Ottawa
Keith Wagner was hospitalized for several days and is now a resident at The Meadows of Kalida. He would appreciate visits from everyone.
Patsy Kleman is experiencing some health issues
Tom Zimmerman underwent some medical procedures recently
Our Sympathy to:
Kay Ricker and family and Deb and Roger Peterson and family following the May 20, 2016 death of Kay’s husband and Deb’s brother Jim Ricker.
Judy Cuevas and family following the May 9, 2016 death of her nephew Matthew Mullins
Maternal grandparents Lisa and Randy Westrick announce the May 6, 2016 birth of their grandson Cameron Randall Frey. Cameron’s parents are Travis and Paige (Westrick) Frey.
Along with our congratulations let us also remember this family in our prayers as they begin the joyful and challenging task of raising the little one entrusted to their care.
Prayers for
family and friends:
- Luke Schmersal, great-grandson of Mary Croy and Virginia Vogt
- Mike Vogt, son of Virginia Vogt
- Doris Severns, aunt of Larry Archer
- Beatrice, great grandmother of Rob Howard
- Lisa Fish, friend of Sue Archer and Pastor Lynda
- Dawna Jo Kiesling, friend of Archers
- Ed Grabau, father of Patti Doud
- Linda, friend of Bev Ulrick
- Riley Abshire (former Ottawa resident),
friend of Mussers
- Ruth Wagner, mother of Keith Wagner
- Darrel Yoder, brother of Dave Yoder
- Pat Haines, mother of Nancy McBride
- Marcia Yoder, friend of the Deatrick family
- Jim and Brad, friends of Tom Tucker
- Mike, uncle of Rob Howard
- Sticks Warnecke, friend of Patti Doud
- Bob Holt, friend of Kelsey and Mike Hughes
- Susan, daughter of Naomi Yingling
- Zachary and Gabrielle,
sons of Dan and Candice Kaiser
- Mike YoungJeff Gerdeman
- Luke HazelmanDave Crawfis
- Jean Rosengarten
If this list includes the name of someone whose situation has improved and they could/should be removed or if someone’s name should be added, please call the church office or drop a note in the offering plate on Sunday.
The other week I shared this quote by Dr. Albert Einstein in the sermon and I believe it is worth repeating.
“Being a lover of freedom, when the Nazi revolution came, I looked to the Universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted their devotion to the cause of truth; but no, the Universities were immediately silenced.
Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers, whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the Universities, were silenced in weeks.
Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration for it because the Church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual and moral freedom. I am forced to confess that what I once despised, I now praise unreservedly.”
I am not trying to make some hidden political statement. The reason I like this quote is because it is a call to all churches everywhere that if we are to be relevant in this world we need to be the church that Christ has called us to be: The Church that builds up the kingdom of God by being faithful witnesses. The Church that reaches out to the lost, the lonely, the hurting. The Church that offers healing through the power of the Holy Spirit in our words and in our actions to our loved ones, family, friends and even those we don’t like (the Bible calls them our enemies). The Church that isn’t afraid to pray because it might offend someone. The Church who loves even when life gets messy and, let’s face it, life gets messy.
There are so many things we are doing right but that doesn’t mean that we don’t need to stop and re-evaluate where we are and how effective we are. Please pray with me that the Lord continues to pour out the Holy Spirit on each of us at Trinity, renewing, reviving, empowering and transforming us. Uhmmm sound familiar?
Pastor Lynda
If you know of high school or college graduates who should be recognized during our 10:30am worship service on Sunday, May 29 please let Sandi know at the church office 419-523-6496.
Samanthan Lyn VonderEmbse, daughter of Terri VonderEmbse and Dennis VonderEmbse will graduate from Ottawa Glandorf High School on May 29, 2016. She is a member of the National Honor Society and plans to attend The Ohio State University/Lima majoring in Art Education.
Abby Trigg, daughter of Amy and Ray Trigg graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education
Brian Recker graduated May 8, 2016 from Ohio Northern University with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude
On May 7, 2016, Laura Kahle received a Doctor of Physical Therapy from University of Toledo
- Kyle Ducey, grandson of Betty Brown
- Beau Roberts, grandson of Bill Roberts
- Andrew Standeford, grandson of Lowell and Marge Standeford
- Nathan Strohm, grandson of Anne McCracken
- Aaron Suter (England), son of Lou and Ed Suter
- Chance Wood, grandson of Lisa Higley
- Military personnel serving in the USA and around the world and their families
Prayer Pointers
May – Ephesians 4:6 “And fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” as we pray for the family unit.
June –James 2:17 “So, faith by itself, if is has no works is dead”; what is God asking you to do?
United Methodist Women Executives are scheduled to meet at 6:00 pm on Monday, May 23. Please mark your calendars.
Save The Date!!
United Methodist Women will have our annual picnic Thursday, June 2 at 6:00 pm in the fellowship hall. A fun program is being planned by the executive committee. Please bring a SALAD to share. Table service, drinks, and desserts will be provided. All women of Trinity are welcome and invited to attend.
Knitting Without Borders
is a website created by people who knit or crochet bears to give to sick children in the United States and around the world. You can join this project by knitting or crocheting your own small bears to donate. Visit the website to get the knitting or crocheting pattern and read about the completed projects. Watch for a box in the narthex to put your bears in or get a pattern if you don’t have a computer. The United Methodist Women will take care of shipping all the bears made by the end of September, 2016.
Information can be emailed to Sandi Racer at
. If you do not have internet access, information can be mailed to or dropped off at the church office. Please include the name and daytime phone number of a contact person.
Newsletter Deadline Publishing dates
Changes in dates are possible.
TUESDAY, June 7 Wednesday,June 15
No Newsletter in July
TUESDAY, August 9 Wednesday,August 17
22nd Annual Yesterday’s Treasures Garage Sale
Thursday, June 9 – 10:00am to 6:30 pm
Friday, June 10 – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Save those outgrown skates, record players, cameras, petticoats, gold appliances, old chairs, craft items, and anything else that you no longer want but is just too good to set at the curb for trash pickup. Someone will be thrilled to get your no longer needed “treasures.” Trinity's 22nd Annual Garage Sale set for June 9 (10am-6:30pm) and June 10 (9am-4pm). Pass the word to friends and neighbors, we'll accept their donated closet gleanings too! All items in good repair are welcome for the Garage Sale. [Last year we had to refund money because a major appliance did not work. We had not been told it was not in working order.]
*Donations can be brought to Trinity -
~~starting at 9am until 4pm Saturday, June 4
~~after worship and until 4:00pm on Sunday, June 5
~~9am to 6:30pm Monday, June 6 & Tuesday, June 7
~~9am until 11am on Wednesday, June 8
[This allows the working crew ample time for pricing and displaying merchandise!]
* Remember…don’t price anything – that will be done at the church.
*If large items do not sell, donors may be asked to pick them up.
*Help will be needed! Sign up in the narthex to help.
*Questions, talk with Sandi Racer
Trinity’sYoung at Heart group is for everyone who has celebrated 55 birthdays or more. Their Dutch-treat lunch gathering is set for Thursday, May 26, at 11:30am at Henry’s, 810 N Locust, Ottawa. If you have questions or suggestions, contact Ed and Pat Ketner at 419-523-4235. Plan now for the June 23 gathering 11:30am also at Henry’s.
Fry Pies!
Are your taste buds getting hungry for a fry pie? It is that time of year where the Choir is now taking pre-orders for fry pies. There are 15 flavors you can choose from if you pre-order while at the Putnam County Fair (June 20-25) we will only offer a choice of 7 flavors.
The 15 flavors are:
BlackberryBlueberryRed Raspberry
Black RaspberryCherryApple
Peach Peach Apricot Peach Pineapple
StrawberryRaisin Elderberry
Strawberry RhubarbGrape Lemon
The cost is $2.50 per pie/$30.00 per dozen.
Last day for pre-orders is Sunday, May 29. You may place your pre-order after church service on Sundays or by calling Pastor Lynda at the church, Monday through Thursday, 9am to 2pm at 419-523-6496.
Fair Week
The Choir is once more selling fry pies at The Putnam County Fair, June 20-25, as a fundraiser. We could use your help in manning the booth. It is a great time seeing old friends and putting a face to Trinity Church. A sign-up sheet will posted in the narthex. Thank You! (more in the article above)
Denise Phillips, Pearl Kleman, and Diane Fruchey (former teacher at Trinity Preschool)for their help on Trinity Preschool’s Program Day
Tina Basinger and Jean Killen for cleaning the nursery
Deb and Roger Peterson for preparing and serving the meal to the recent DCOM meeting held at Trinity Church
Keith Kahle for quickly checking things out when strange and concerning noises were heard in the building recently (it proved to be nothing serious)
Rob Howard and Doug Van Atta for installing a long needed water heater to serve the church kitchen
Trinity is on Facebook
Follow Trinity United Methodist Church Ottawa on Facebook! Invite your friends to follow us as well!
Trinity's Facebook page is a great way to keep up with the events and people of Trinity.
Sales Tax Holiday
S.B.264 enacted a sales tax holiday to occur only in 2016. The holiday starts on Friday, August 5, 2016 at 12:00am and ends on Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 11:59 pm. During the holiday, the following items are exempt from sales and use tax:
- Clothing priced at $75 per item or less;
- School supplies priced at $20 per item or less; and
- School instructional material priced at $20 per item or less.
- Items used in a trade or business are not exempt under the sales tax holiday.
If you have questions regarding this information, please call 1-800-304-3211.
Bishop Greg Palmer’s
Monthly Prayer and Fasting –
More information and resources for each month can be found available at