Chabot College Fall 2008
Replaced Fall 2011
Course Outline for Microbiology 1
Catalog Description:
1 – Microbiology 5 units
Bacteria, fungi, protozoans, parasites, and viruses with an emphasis on their relationship to humans. Cultivation, control, metabolism, body's defense against disease, microbial genetics, laboratory tests, and contemporary diseases are discussed. Methods used in the laboratory include staining, investigation, cultivation, identification of unknowns, and sensitivity testing. Prerequisite: Biology 31, and Chemistry 30A or Chemistry 1A (both completed with a grade of "C" or higher). Strongly recommended: Anatomy 1, eligibility for English 1A . 3 hours lecture, 6 hours laboratory.
Prerequisite Skills:
Before entering the course, the student should be able to:
1. describe and apply the scientific method and how it is used by scientists to further scientific knowledge;
2. cite the characteristics and levels of organization exhibited by all living organisms;
3. use the light microscope and dissecting scope;
4. describe how cells/specialized cells are structured and function;
5. describe basic cell metabolism;
6. describe/contrast, mitosis and meiosis;
7. describe structure, transmission and expression of genes;
8. explain the Darwinian concept of evolution as modified by modern scientific knowledge;
9. describe how the modern (binomial) system names and classifies organisms;
10. make unit conversions in the metric system;
11. describe the structure of the atom;
12. perform calculations using the mole concept;
13. identify properties of states of matter;
14. write balanced equations for chemical reactions including those in aqueous solution and
those involving elementary oxidation-reduction;
15. describe properties of solutions;
16. use Le Chatelier's principle to predict the qualitative effects of changes in concentration,
temperature and pH on an equilibrium;
17. perform laboratory experiments in an efficient, safe and purposeful manner;
18. collect and analyze scientific data;
19. perform titrations and volumetric analyses;
20. write balanced chemical equations for oxidation-reduction reactions;
21. calculate enthalpies of reaction using calorimetry, Hess's law, heats of formation and bond energies;
22, describe the bonding in compounds and ions;
23. explain chemical and physical changes in terms of thermodynamics;
24. define all concentration units for solutions and solve solution stoichiometry problems.
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Fall 2008
Expected Outcome for Students:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
1. describe key aspects of the development of microbiology and its significance to modern microbiology;
2. handle microbial cultures in a safe manner;
3. demonstrate proficiency using the bright field microscope;
4. list the main characteristics and structural components of viruses, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic cells, and to discuss their functions;
5. purify and identify bacterial isolates based on metabolic profiles and microscopic characteristics;
6. explain the principles and interpretation of common bacteriological tests;
7. describe the role of fungi as pathogens and their importance in the environment;
8. investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial isolates;
9. explain the use of disinfectants, antiseptics, sanitizers and the mode of action of selected examples;
10. explain fundamental bacterial genetic principles, and their relevance to disease development and biotechnology;
11. describe the main components and functions of the innate and acquire immunity;
12. describe the conditions that lead to infectious disease development in a population or an individual, and their control;
13. develop approaches to control the presentation of infectious diseases.
Course Content (Lecture):
1. Introduction to microbiology
a. Areas of study in microbiology
b. Taxonomy
c. History
2. Structure of bacteria
a. Shapes and arrangements
b. Flagella
c. Fimbriae
d. Capsules
e. Cell wall
f. Cell membrane
g. Cytoplasmic inclusions
h. Endospores
3. Cultivation of bacteria
a. Growth requirements
b. Classification of media
c. Obtaining and maintaining cultures
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Fall 2008
Course Content (Lecture) – continued:
4. Metabolism
a. Enzyme structure and function
b. Physical factors that influence enzyme activity
c. Structure of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids
d. Metabolism of glucose, proteins, lipids
e. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
f. ATP synthesis and function
g. Structure of DNA and RNA
h. Role of mRNA, tRNA, rRNA in protein synthesis
i. Operon Model
5. Genetics
a. Mutations, i.e., chromosome and gene
b. Genotype, phenotype
c. Conjugation
d. Transformation
e. Transduction
f. Genetic engineering
6. Fungi
a. Structure and reproduction of selected species
b. Human diseases
c. Growth requirements
7. Viruses
a. Composition
b. Reproduction
c. Animal viruses and diseases
8. Rickettsiae
a. Structure
b. Vectors
c. Human diseases
d. Methods of diagnosis
9. Control of Microorganisms
a. Sterilization, disinfection, antimicrobial agents
b. Physical factors
c. Antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents
10. Immunology
a. Nonspecific immunity, i.e., blood cells, lymphatic system, phagocytosis, tissue factors, complement
b. Specific immunity, i.e., antigens, antibodies
c. Clonal selection Theory
d. T and B lymphocytes and their function
11. Serological Diagnostic Methods
a. Agglutination tests
b. Precipitin tests
c. Complement fixation tests
d. Neutralization tests
e. Radioimmunoassay testing
f. Fluorescent antibody testing
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Fall 2008
Course Content (Lecture)-continued:
12. Contemporary Diseases
b. Infectious hepatitis
c. Dental diseases
Course Content (Laboratory Activities):
1. Microscope
2. Measuring cells
3. Bacterial morphology and arrangements
4. Aseptic and isolation techniques
5. Staining procedures, i.e., simple, gram, acid-fast, spore, capsule
6. Morphological unknown
7. Anaerobic culture methods
8. Carbohydrate fermentation
9. Respiration reactions
10. Protein utilization
11. Differential media
12. Enterotube II
13. Bacterial unknown
14. Serial dilutions and counting bacteria
15. Tubidometry
16. Effect of temperature
17. Effect of U.V.
18. Antibiotic testing-Kirby Bauer
19. M.I.C. Testing
20. Disinfectant testing
21. Oral hygiene
22. Evaluation of mouthwashes
23. Throat culture
24. Skin culture
25. Protozoans
26. Parasitic protozoans
27. Parasitic flatworm
28. Parasitic roundworms
29. Arthropod vectors
Methods of Presentation:
1. Lecture and discussion
2. Observation, collection and analysis of data
3. Laboratory studies
4. Charts, models, slides, transparencies
5. Films
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Fall 2008
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1. Typical Assignments
a. Lecture. Compare and contrast the cellular components of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Discuss how these cells respond to antimicrobials in the context of their cellular structure
b. Laboratory. Utilizing data gathered from the epidemiology exercise determine the rate of hand contact transmission of Serratia marcescens in a population. Plot the data in a chart and determine the prevalence of infection. Given an unknown culture determine by microscopy and biochemical tests the identity of the organisms. Proper use of aseptic technique and microscope use is assessed as well
2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
a. Examinations
b. Quizzes
c. Laboratory practical
d. Bacterial unknowns
e. Laboratory reports
f. Final exam
Textbook(s) (Typical):
Microbiology, 7th edition, Tortora, McMillian, 2007
Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology, Johnson, Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2007
Special Student Materials:
1. Lab coat or apron
2. Marking pen
3. Colored pencils
Revised 9/2007