This General Questionnaire is used to collect information for two reasons:
- Puts you in the running for Best Club in your Zone and provides the judges with a general overview of the club.
- Contains additional information for other categories you may wish to enter. Please note: this information will not be asked in the other questionnaires, although the scores below will be carried across.
Friday 12th January 2018 5:00pm:submission of this questionnaire due
Thursday 1st February 2018 5:00pm:audited financials due
Official Judging Criteria Worksheet:
Criteria / Maximum Score / Judge 1 Score / Judge 2 ScoreSite inspection
See last page for copy of inspection criteria / 20
Q1 / Facilities provided / 10
Q2 / Business overview
a / Strategic & business plans / 5
b / Short term goals / 5
c / Medium term goals / 5
d / Long term goals / 5
Q3 / Staff Training / 10
Q4 / Community service & charity / 15
Q5 / Financial overview (profitability – up to 20 marks and quick ratio – up to 5 marks) / 25
Overall Total / 100
Judges Notes:
What year did your Club start trading as a licensed Club:
Please provide the name and contact number of your Club President:
- A photograph of your club to be used in event collateral for the Awards for Excellence (jpeg format). This photo may be used on AV slides on the awards night and should be at least 350dpi.
- Your club logo to be used in event collateral (eps format)
- Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement for the club
- Audited full list of any community services and/or charity donations with a total dollar value along with a Community Benefit Statement. This list is to include any cash and in kind donations.
Note: For clubs whose financial year ends 31 December 2017, please submit Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2017.
Email: Please clearly label your submissions and email to Colleen Ocafrain via
Post: Place the above attachments and submission on a USB, along with a hard copy and send via post to Clubs Queensland: ATTN Colleen Ocafrain, Awards for Excellence to PO Box 93, Northgate, Qld, 4013.
I (insert full name):hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in the 2018 Keno & Clubs Queensland Awards for Excellence questionnaire is accurate and reliably represents the position of the club.
Position held at Club:
Phone number:
- Facilities provided
List all the facilities and services provided by the club and make particular mention of any new improvements to your facilities or services in the last 12 months.
5 marks
Facilities:New Facilities:
2. Business overview
a)Provide a summary of the strategic planof your club, outlining your mission statement and vision for the club.
5 marks
Summary of Strategic Plan:Mission Statement:
Vision for the Club:
b)Briefly explain what your short term goals (up to 5 years) are and what you are doing to successfully implement them.
5 marks
c)Briefly explain your medium term goals (5-10 years).
5 marks
d)Briefly explain your long term goals (over 10 years).
5 marks
3. Staff training
Provide details of internal and external staff training undertaken at the club in the last 12 months.
10 marks
4. Community Service & Charity
15 marks
If your club participated in any community services and/or charities, please attach a list outlining these details. Please include a total dollar amount that reflects both cash and in-kind donations. This must be verified in your annual report.
NEW: You must also submit an audited OLGR Community Benefit Statement. This is normally only for clubs with 51 gaming machines or more but is viable for all clubs to complete. A copy of the form is at the end of this questionnaire.
5. Financial Overview
25 marks
Please provide your club’s financial year end date:
For clubs that financial year ends 31 December 2017, please submit a Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2017. This may be forwarded separately up until 5pm, Thursday 1 February 2018.
Financial Assessment Table
Year ended 2015 / Year ended 2016 / Year ended 2017Turnover
Net profit before tax
Interest Expense
Interest Revenue
Cash at bank
Total current liabilities
Please identify below the main reasons for your financial result being above/below budget and last years result, including non profit and loss type expenses (donations, subsidies etc). You may also wish to outline areas that have impacted your quick ratio, such as accelerated loan repayments.
Activity / Due By / CompletedQuestions completed
Questions proofed for grammar and spelling
Attached photo of club (jpeg format)
Attached logo of club (eps format)
Email to
Print hard copy questionnaires & upload all documents to USB and mail to:
ATTN Colleen Ocafrain
Awards for Excellence
Clubs Qld
PO Box 93
Northgate QLD 4013 / No later than 5:00pm Friday 12/01/18
Attached audited profit & loss statement, balance sheet, list of donations & community benefit statement / 5:00pm Thursday 01/02/18
Site inspection questionnaire read (overleaf) and shared amongst relevant departments
Purchase tickets to Awards Dinner on Tuesday 6th March 2018 / Before 23/02/18
First Impressions
1 / How would you rate the work ethic of the staff you saw during your visit?
2 / Was there a receptionist, security guard or a doorperson present?
3 / Rate the overall cleanliness and the condition of the general areas of the club including restrooms, exterior, carpark and dossers
4 / Please score your first impression of the greeting you received today.
5 / Were your credentials checked on sign in?
6 / Please enquire about southing a club member/visitor would ask and rate the response
Bar Areas
7 / Did the bar attendant greet you in a friendly and professional manner?
8 / Rate the promptness of the staff in taking your order
9 / Rate the presentation of the staff member/s you encountered in the bar area
10 / Please rate the service of the staff member who presented the drinks order
11 / Rate the cleanliness of the bar area
Dining Areas
12 / Were the menus readily available and in good condition
13 / Rate the presentation of the staff member/s you encountered in the dining area
14 / Rate the food presentation of the self serve display
15 / For the outlet you chose to dine in, was the menu appealing, varied and offered dietary options?
16 / Rate the promptness of the staff in taking your order
17 / Rate the service time after ordering
18 / Rate the presentation of your meal – temperature, taste, appeal etc
19 / As a general observation, rate the cleanliness of the dining area
Gaming Areas
20 / Did all the machines appear to be in good working order?
21 / Rate the presentation of the staff member/s you encountered in the gaming area
22 / Rate the cleanliness of the gaming area
23 / Rate the overall look, feel, comfort and ambience fo the gaming area
Overall Site Experience
24 / How would you rate your overall experience in the club?
25 / Rate the overall environment in the bar, dining, gaming and lounge areas
26 / Would you recommend or revisit this venue?
This anonymous site inspection is worth 20 points on the General Questionnaire. It will be carried out between October 2017 and February 2018 between 11am and 2pm Thursday through to Sunday. You will not be given any prior notice of their arrival but will receive a full copy of the questionnaire post awards.
Note that the questions marked yellowhave a “not applicable” option for the mystery customer to tick meaning that your club does not lose points if this is chosen. The scores are all reweighted to out of 20 marks so are fair and even across the board. An example being that your club won’t lose marks if you don’t offer gaming, the N/A box will be ticked and the points you are marked out of lower. If you want to talk through how this process works, please contact the Event Manager, Colleen Ocafrain, for further explanation on 07 3252 0770.