2015/001 / PRESENT
Councillor Akhtar [Chair] and Councillors Pedley, A Ahmed, Thorne, F Ahmed, Archer, Westerman, Dermondy, Zaman, Anyat, Firth, Walker, K Akhtar, Zubair, Fletcher, Hussain.
In attendance – Jonathan Hayes (Keighley Area Co-ordinator) and Liz Horn (Keighley Ward Officer)
One member of the press
Six members of the public
Dianne Duckworth – Minute Secretary
2015/002 /
Councillors Maunsell, Roberts, Khan, S Ahmed and Bibi.2015/003 /
To discuss any local issues or concerns brought forward by members of the parishThe Mayor opened the meeting, welcomed everyone and made introductions. He explained that Keighley Town Council is responsible for facilitating this public meeting. The public meeting is not constituted as an official meeting of the Council where business will be transacted in the accordance with the LGA 1972; therefore no decisions will be made by members of the Council.
The purpose of the meeting is to allow the public and elected members to speak candidly outside the current confines of Council protocols. The intension is to foster a sense of transparency and openness amongst members of the public.
Questions and comments:
Q. Concerns were raised with HGV vehicles using North Dean Avenue as a route to Barrett development. Residents were told this would not happen and regulations should be imposed.
A. Cllr Nazam as Chair of W&T Committee offered to contact the relevant departments on the resident’s behalf. He asked the resident to leave contact details after the meeting. Cllr Westerman as Chair of Keighley Public Transport Watch facilitated by KTC to raise the concern at the next meeting.
Q. When is Keighley coming out of Bradford? Local people know what Keighley needs as we were born and bred here. I’ve seen Keighley go down since Bradford took over and we as Keighley citizen want it brought back up again.
A. Cllr Nazam said it’s like a big ship that takes along time to turn around and agreed that Keighley is close to everyone’s heart. Cllr Westerman said that Bradford will not relinquish Keighley explaining that money comes from Central Government. He felt that money is not shared out equally and that Keighley only gets a proportion. He agreed that he too would love Keighley to be independent. Cllr Thorne remembers the old Council that was corrupt and a run down Borough Council. He supported going into Bradford in 1972. Housing stock in Keighley was in a terrible state but thanks to Ken Hirst started renewing Council stock and spent money on schools. It was explained that the House of Commons have already been asked twice so becoming independent will not happen in the foreseeable future. It’s a big ask and would mean a huge infrastructure change. It was felt more important for KTC to work with Area Committee and that it is positive that two officers from Area Co-ordinator’s Office were present tonight.
C. Cllr Anyat added that it’s more about obtaining sufficient powers for Keighley and to work with the greater district and leaders; for Keighley to have the power to do better things.
C. Keighley should become Airevalley Council and get out of Bradford as the Council is so corrupt.
R. Cllr Zaman said its bureaucracy and Bradford Council is not corrupt, he has lived here years and didn’t agree. He works closely with Bradford Officers and defends them. The meeting discussed powers, officers and freedom of information requests.
C. Cllr Firth agreed that we all want the same thing to be independent but the split has to come from Central Government and the Secretary of State. Local people need to write and lobby their MPs. Cllr Firth has written to Central Government and is still awaiting a reply.
C. Cllr Pedley added that KTC is only a small body in comparison but we all have a voice and people power. Local people need to be petitioning MPs and be telling Central Government what you want. You all have a voice so make it known that you want independence.
Q. We need a referendum? They would then have to take notice.
A. Cllr Westerman replied that Bradford Council will not devolve powers to KTC but under evolution of powers KTC should be able to take on cemeteries, Highways, Parks, toilets etc. Keighley only gets 10% of taxes and business rates. Cllr Thorne didn’t agree with this and said lets ask the Area Co-ordinator where money and services go, lets deal in facts not in common fantasy.
C. It cost £75,000 to re-open Keighley market toilets. Cllr Walker reported that after only 3 weeks of being opened the Market Inspector made a decision to close them due to evidence of drug dealing, the water didn’t work properly and no where to dry hands.
C. The Mayor spoke about localism and evolutions and clarified that the local authority will not devolve powers to KTC. The way forward is to work with Area Committee and KTC should have a voice on this committee and to share our ideas. Cllr Anyat agreed we need to look at facts and be realistic, we are a new Council and would like more delegated powers but we need the support of the Town for KTC to produce a realistic package.
C. Bradford Council’s mindset seems to be very anti-parish council.
Q. How is Bradford able to afford to build four new swimming pools at a cost of £47 millionfor the city centre; proportionally more is spent on Bradford than Keighley.
A. Cllr Zaman said by all working together we can all benefit this town. Cllr Walker added that the Parish in Western Supermere have certain powers that they filed for such as Parks war memorial etc. It’s nice to see what they have done now than under Summerset Council. Cllr Dermondy informed that to repair the pools it would cost £17 million but the Council would rather spend £47 million on new ones also the Council has spent £18 million on a new library. He went onto say that we need to push Bradford and to file for devolution of powers; we need to fight and use our voice. We have been twice refused on cemeteries.
Q. How can we pay Police precept on our Council Tax bill when there is no visible police presence in Keighley? The worry is Keighley Station is closing down.
A. Cllr Zaman informed that reported crime is down by 32%. He asked the meeting if they would you prefer buildings or police on the beat.
Q. Why do we have a Police and Crime Commissioner? His wage alone could pay for a lot of policemen.
A. Cllr Thorne replied that Bradford Council has had a 40% reduction in funding from Central Government. Cllr K Akhtar informed that as an ex-district councillor everything is budget controlled and scrutinised.
Cllr Archer spoke at length and raised a few points. She explained that as a newly co-opted Councillor of Wainhouse and Hainworth she is very interested in the history of Keighley and has been doing research. She went onto give some constructed feedback on how the Council is being run. She spoke about the problems is experiencing with communications, business cards, stationary, telephone numbers and email addresses and displeased with the general lack of support. The Mayor acknowledged that there have been issues with the website and more importantly staffing issues but this wasn’t the time and place to raise these issues. Cllr Pedley agreed that we are Clerkless at the moment and have only one officer to run the whole shebang and stated that this isn’t the forum to raise internal problems. Cllr Anyat added that the Council has a lot of new members, have lost staff and experienced problems with the website but all in all to give praise that it has been business as usual and still continuing to be workable. The intension is to get the Police museum back open so give us time and support.
C. A member of the public said he is a tax payer and pays £1,000 a year to Bradford and feels he does not get value for money and pays a precept to KTC. I understand KTC have issues that need to be addressed but needs to get its act together and political differences need to stop for the good of Keighley.
Q. When is the website going to be up and running?
A. The Mayor informed that we are at draft stage and should hopefully be live soon.
Q. Have any constructive ideas been put forward from the Civic Centre Strategy Committee?
A. Cllr Westerman informed that the first meeting has taken place and the Officer has been asked to provide full break down of all costings and all paperwork tobe examined at the next meeting on 17/9 before any decisions can be made.
Q. Has a full audit been done of the Civic Centre?
A. Cllr Westerman said yes, the Council did a full audit of everything.
C. I would like to see Police presence here in this town and for the Police to utilise this building, there are already cells here. The Police only pulled out of here solely due to parking.
C. We understand that you are operating with just one Acting Clerk and we appreciate what you are doing with the handicaps you are working under.
Q. Has the Council anymore plans for CCTV?
A. Cllr Westerman informed that when the incident took place in the park the W&T Committee made the decision to have CCTV has a standing item on the agenda and pledged to fund one camera per year in conjunction with the Police.
2015/004 /
None were received.2015/005 / DATE OF NEXT PUBLIC MEETING
The next public meeting is scheduled to be held on week commencing 14th December 2015 at Central Hall, Keighley.
The meeting closed at 7.15pm.