Fire Service Technology Advisory Committee
September 20, 1999 Minutes
Fire Service Technology
Advisory Committee
Monday, September 22,1999
Room 1603, 4:30 P.M.
Present: Randy Bradley, Asst. Chief LLNL Fire Dept.,
Josh Gatkin, Captain, LPFD and LPC Instructor,
Ron Johansen, ACFD and LPC FST Coordinator,
Tim Kordes, Engineer, LPFD and LPC Instructor,
Jim Linhart, Division Chief, LPFD and LPC Instructor,
Mike Litvinchuk, Training Officer, ALCO and Chabot Instructor
John McPartland, Retired Battalion Chief and LPC/Chabot Instructor
Maynard Brown, Chabot FST Coordinator
Dr.Neal Ely, Dean of Academic Services
Each committee member introduced himself. Dr. Ely welcomed Maynard Brown, the FST Coordinator from Chabot College.
Approval of Spring Minutes
The minutes of February 20, 1999 were unanimously approved as written.
John McPartland/Tim Kordes/unanimous
Fall Enrollments
The fall enrollments look good and are up from last fall. The instructors are asked to encourage enrollment in the sequence courses, FST 64A and 64B
Spring Schedule
Copies of the Spring FST Schedule were distributed. Mr. Johansen would like to see Fire Investigaton 1A and 1B offered in the spring, which would be in addition to spring offerings. Dr. Ely pointed out that budget considerations and time constraints may limit additional course offerings for spring.
Students are encouraged to attend either college in order to complete the required courses.
Chabot College Curriculum Proposal
Maynard Brown presented a comprehensive curriculum package to the committee. The State Fire Marshall’s Office is mandating that four current core requirements be updated and rewritten (FST 50, 53, 54, and 55) and a new course be added, FST 56. FST 86 will also be expanded. Mr. Brown is presenting the revisions and additions to the October Curriculum Committee at Chabot College. The course changes will affect LPC and Chabot certificate, AA and AS degrees. The changes must be in place by July, 2000.
Mr. Brown explained the urgency of moving on these changes. Re-accreditation of the Fire Academy at Chabot College depends on curriculum compliance.
There is a cooperative spirit between the colleges at this point. The advisory committee feels that cooperation will best serve our students’ interests.
Status of Special Courses
FST 9950 (Fire Prevention 2A) and FST 9951 (Fire Prevention 2B) had very good enrollments last spring. These courses were offered off campus and in cooperation with theAlameda County Fire Prevention Officers Association. The association came to the college very late requesting a Fire Prevention 2C course offering. The association chose not go through the LPC curriculum and hiring process. The course was offered through MPC for credit. Mr. Johansen will try to work with this group and try to ascertain what courses will be offered and when.
California Interagency Wildland Fire Training Program
The program was offered for the first time this summer at Camp Parks. The agency wants to expand the program and offer the courses for college credit. The committee is interested in getting more information about this program. Mr. Johansen will attend the next planning meeting in October and will return with more details.
Statewide Training and Education Advisory Committee
Ron Johansen and Maynard Brown will keep up with minutes from this group. This will allow time to make the proper curriculum changes.
FST Acquisitions
Ron Johansen stated that it might be possible to have a 1983 Fire Truck Inc. fire engine donated to the LPC FST program. The advisory committee approved a formal motion to approve and pursue the acquisition of this fire truck.
Jim Linhart/Mike Litvinchuk/unanimous
Mr. Johansen donated five rolls of three inch hose to the LPC FST program.
FST Club Update
The FST student club has to replace several officers due to people having to leave their positions. The by-laws and constitution are written and ready for submission.
Dr. Ely announced that Josh Gatkin received $6,600 for updating equipment for the EMT program from the Instructional Block Grant requests.
Josh Gatkin reports that Health 81 is now updated and a part of the EMT program at both LPC and Chabot.
Capt. Gatkin also pointed out that there have been problems with AMR regarding the “ride-alongs” required by the Health 81 students. This could be a problem area in the future.
Recommendations from the Advisory Committee
1). Immediately update the counseling flyers with accurate information
a. Health 81 (no longer with 95 or 96)
b. FST 65 needs to be on these flyers as a required course
c. Update the required units as necessary
2). The faculty from both LPC and Chabot are encouraged to work together with curriculum changes.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
Motion to adjourn:
Randy Bradleyl/Mike Litvinchuk/unanimous
The next meeting will be March 6, 2000 at 4:30 pm in Room 1603.
Fire Service Technology Advisory Committee
September 20, 1999 Minutes
cc: Susan Cota
Don Milanese
Karen Halliday
Ed Maduli
Corey Kidwell
Neal Ely
Dee Roshong
Linda Lucas
Lettie Camp
Steven Bundy
Alene Hamilton
Brian Owyoung
Barbara Morrissey
Susan Hiraki
Art Tenbrink
Gilberto Victoria
Terry Burgess
Bev Bailey (2)