Little AngelsLearningCenter
Child Permission Form
Please initial those you authorize.
_____ I authorize Little Angels Learning Center to take photographs of my child while he/she is attending the program, and to utilize them for display, promotional or other purposes.
_____ I authorize LALC to take my child on walking trips within the vicinity of the program. This includes walks to CollegeGreenPark and HoraceMannPark for ages two to five years. I understand that if a field trip is scheduled outside of the program building, other than listed above, I will be notified in advance. I will be given a permission form for the trip/activity, at which point I will be able to choose whether or not I would like my child to participate.
_____ I authorize LALC staff to give first aid to my child. First aid includes, but is not limited to, washing and cleansing the wound with soap and water, using and antibiotic ointment, and applying bandages. I will be notified by an Incident Report of any first aid my child received.
_____ I authorize LALC to apply sunscreen to my child before going outside. If I have not supplied my own sunscreen, LALC is allowed to use their own. Do not apply sunscreen to the following areas of my child’s body: ______.
Child’s Name: ______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______
Printed Name: ______
Date: ______
Little AngelsLearningCenter
Illness Policy
In order to protect the children and staff members from contagion, children and staff with any of the following symptoms should not be at the center:
- A temperature of 100.5 F or more; must be fever free (without medication) for 24 hours before they can return.
- Vomiting within the last 12 hours; must stay home for 24 hours vomit free before they can return to the center.
- An intestinal disturbance with diarrhea or 3 or more abnormally loose stools at home or since coming to the center that day.
- Any undiagnosed rash or a rash that may be caused by a contagious illness or condition
- Contagious conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) or discharging eyes, ears, or profuse nasal discharge
- A bacterial infection such as streptococcal pharyngitis or impetigo without completing 24 hours of antibiotic treatment
- Chicken pox until no longer infectious or lesions are crusted over
- Lice, ringworm, or scabies that are untreated and contagious to others; lice must be treated and children must be nit free before returning to the center. Please wash and dry all bedding, stuffed animals, coats and hats at home as well
- Significant respiratory distress
- Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease. LALC prefers that they are home until the blisters/sores are gone. However, according to the health department, as long as they do not have a fever and aren’t drooling with sores in the mouth, they are allowed to come back to the center.
*A take home fever may change due to recommendations of the health department.
If your child has any of these symptoms, please do not send them to the center. Simply call us to let us know when and why your child will be out so that we can notify the appropriate staff. If your child develops any of the above symptoms while in attendance at the center, you will be notified and will be required to pick your child up as soon as possible.
Child’s Name: ______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______
Printed Name: ______
Date: ______