7th Grade Poetry Project

Project includes various assignments with specific due dates. Be sure to read through for all due dates.

Directions: Students will create an original poem in each of the forms listed below. Each poem will be included in a Poetry Book, which must have a decorative cover page.


Poetry Book Due 11/1/10

You must write at least one poem for each type of poem.

1. Parts of speech poem

The spider

small yet creative

designs and weaves




Line 1: Article, noun

Line 2: adjective, conjunction, adjective

Line 3: verb, conjunction, verb

Line 4: adverb

Line 5: noun (must relate to the noun in the 1st line)

2. Cinquain


Bright- Light

beams, warms, persuades

Tempered spirit contented now



Line 1: Noun (title)

Line 2: Two words to describe the title

Line 3: Three verbs

Line 4: A 4 word phrase

Line 5: Noun that is a synonym for noun in line 1

3. Add an adverb poem




The man


to the wrathful king.



Line 1: Adverb

Line 2: Adverb

Line 3: Adverb

Line 4: The + noun

Line 5: Verb

Line 6: Prepositional phrase

Line 7: Noun

4. Preposition poem


Bangs, Clangs, Clatters

From the attic

To the cellar

Over all creation



Line 1: Noun

Line 2: 3 verbs

Line 3: Prepositional phrase

Line 4: Prepositional phrase

Line 5: Prepositional phrase

Line 6: Noun

5. Haiku

Sea devil of doom

Billowing out of control

Pursuing its prey!


17 syllables- end of lines do not rhyme

Line 1: 5 syllables

Line 2: 7 syllables

Line 3: 5 syllables

6. Lantern – Light and airy



running fast

scoring touchdowns



Line 1: 1 syllable

Line 2: 2 syllables

Line 3: 3 syllables

Line 4: 4 syllables

Line 5: 1 syllable

7. Tanka – Nature or mood

The birds are chirping

Quietly in the forest

Watching for some worms

To appear after the rain

Oh, so patiently they wait


Line 1: 5 syllables

Line 2: 7 syllables

Line 3: 5 syllables

Line 4: 7 syllables

Line 5: 7 syllables

8. Acrostic- name of a person, place or thing is written in a vertical (up-and-down) line. The poem is developed from the beginning letter on each line.

9. Emotion Poem

Example: If happy were a color,
It would be blue.
As blue as a sky on a sunny day. If happy were a taste,
It would be as sweet as honey melting in your mouth. If happy were a feeling,
It would be exciting as your first step must have been. If happy were a smell,
It would be as wonderful as brownies baking in the oven. If happy were a sound,
It would be as soft as tinkling keys on a piano.

Pattern: Choose any emotion as a subject. (happy,angry,love,nervous,jealous,etc.)

Line 1: Emotion

Line 2: If ___ were a color,

Line 3: It would be __

Line 4: As __ as a __.

Line 5: If __ were a taste,

Line 6: It would be just like ___.

Line 7: If __ were a feeling,.

Line 8: It would be __ as a ____.

Line 9: If ___ were a smell,

Line 10: It would be ___ as a ___.

Line 11: If ____ were a sound,

Line 12: It would be ___ as a ____.

10. Limerick – whimsical poem with only five lines. This type depends on rhythm and rhyme. (AABBA)

There was an old man from Peru

Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.

He awoke in the night

In a terrible fright,

And found it was perfectly true.

11. Concrete – use the words and their physical formation to convey meaning.

12. Narrative – tells a story.

I’m fed up with jack- I sent him out yesterday To take the cow now, Down to the market. We needed a good price – And what do you think He came home with – A handful of beans!

I was not pleased!

Lyrics are the Lick! 10/19

In movies, the best scenes have background music that supports what’s happening on the screen. Give me two verses of a song that you would say is the background music for your life. Write a short response telling me why you chose this song and how it reveals who you are to others.

Gimme A Beat! Due 11/8

You are required to do two poetic readings with background music for your final presentation. One genre of music will be selected by me and another by you. The readings will be no more than 3 minutes total so please choose your pieces carefully. Genres to choose from are listed below.

Classical Country Heavy Metal Reggae Popular

Electronic Industrial Rock Blues Folk

NeoSoul Jazz Gospel Big Band Hip hop

Punk Funk Contemporary Christian

Poetry Project Rubric

(Turn this rubric in with your poetry book)



you Your

complete Grade

___ ___/10 Poetry Book Cover Page

__ ___/30 Parts of Speech

__ ___/30 Adverb

__ ___/30 Preposition

___/100 Total (Double Formative Grade)

__ ___/50 Concrete

__ ___/50 Acrostic

___/100 Total (Double Formative Grade)

__ ___/50 Narrative

__ ___/50 Emotion

___/100 Total (Double Formative Grade)

__ ___/60 Japanese Poems (Haiku, Tanka, and Lantern)

__ ___/20 Cinquain

__ ___/20 Limerick

___/100 Total (Double Formative Grade)

__ ___/100 Lyrics are the Lick

__ ___/100 Gimme A Beat! (Summative)