HELD ON WEDNESDAY 10th JUNE 2015 18.00


Committee Present: Colin Scott Chairman

Haaroon Atcha Deputy Chairman

Daphne Lowenthal Town Planning

Conrad Botha Treasurer

Nicola Aylward Security

Alphonso Raats Security

Cherylanne Elshikh Executive Secretary

Alan Steinberg Roads Portfolio

Guest Speakers Craig Pretorius Town Planning Draft Precinct Plan

Alon Hendel Fibrehoods

Trent Rossini Mosque Application

Apologies: Cllr Andrew Stewart Ward 91 Councilor

Tina Miller ex-Chairman and Resident

Patrick Dunseith Chairman south@six

Mrs. Jane Mayer Trustee Inanda Park

Adv. & Mrs. Levin

Mr. & Mrs. Van Flymen

Mr. & Mrs. Edey

Mr. & Mrs. Perrin

Stan Hoffmann

Ralph Jacobsberg

Mr. & Mrs. Zilk

Mr. & Mrs. Smirin

Mr. & Mrs. Wainwright


Good evening and welcome to the 26th Annual General Meeting of the Sandton South Ratepayers and Residents Association at the Inanda Club One Forrest Road Inanda. Thank you for making the effort to

attend and be part of the work we do for our residents.


Copies of the Minutes of last year’s A.G.M were read by Colin Scott and seconded by Mr. Conrad Botha.



Craig confirmed it had been two years since the Draft Precinct Plan was lodged with Council and he apologized for the delay in it being approved by Council. The reason being is that the Spatial Development Framework is being reviewed and should have been set down at the end of May 2015 however has now been postponed till the end of the current year. The current precinct plan stands as a guide for any new applications in the suburbs.

Erf 350 Illovo Corner Otto Street and 1st Ave where the owners Town Planner is Steven Jaspan & Associates have applied to extend the Illovo Post Office Center and install a Woolworths has still not been approved due to the Spatial Development Framework and approval of the Draft Precinct Plan. There will be a Hearing and Craig mentioned it might be necessary to have a Public Meeting in this matter before the Hearing.

Land is still being sold on the Wanderers Golf Course between 5th and 6th Ave Illovo and the rezoning is still under farm portions. Craig stated that there is possibly 7 to 8 stands up for grabs each not more than 1500m2. Access to these homes will be through 5th Ave closure and more will be revealed once the actual application has been lodged at Council. Up till then there is nothing anyone can do regarding this issue.

Wanderers Golf Club Ninth hole on Rudd Road side is also being sold and there is a possibility that 300 homes will be developed here and that Rudd Road will become a one way!

Atholl application from ‘’Residential 1’’to ‘’Institutional’’ is being well managed by the Atholl Residents and to date a possible 700 objections have been lodged at Council and Craig has lodged an extensive objection on behalf of all SSRRA Residents.


Concerned residents needed clarity on the three different companies currently targeting residents:

CSS Tactical, A.I.I.W.E. and Fibrehoods. Alphonso Raats was able to clear this up and later Fibrehoods highlights the importance in the suburbs of fibre to the homes.

TREASURER’S REPORT: See Attached Financial Statement

The Annual rates have not increased in the last three years and Conrad suggests that there is an increase of 7% to improve income or alternatively more contributors to come on board, Nicola Aylward suggests a letter be drafted detailing exactly what Cherylanne does for the community and this should be sent out to all residents encouraging more contributors before the new year 2016.


1.  Alon Hendel Fibrehoods - Thank you to Alon for last minute approach to be a guest speaker and he was able to step up to the plate. He pointed out that Fibrehoods will be rolling out access to residents for fibre to their homes (FTTH). This would increase internet speed to 100MBPS and provide x25 faster speed staying ahead of the mass.

·  Fibre internet speeds at ADSL prices

·  Gated community security services in un-gated suburbs

·  World class security solution

·  World class internet offering

·  More options

·  Lower prices

·  Improved property value

Over 134 poles have been installed over the last few months within the suburbs of Atholl, Inanda, Illovo, Winston Ridge and Elton Hill and within two weeks residents will be able to access this to their homes. Visit the website www.fibrehoods.co.za for any further information and or a private quotation. Fibrehoods is an Open Access Network- All Internet Service Providers will have the ability to supply their internet offerings on the network.

Trent Rossini – Resident in Atholl

Trent Rossini a resident in Ayr Road Atholl Ext 4 directly opposite Erf 88 Ayr Road Atholl Ext 4 site for Mosque Institution was confident and pleased to come to the SSRRA AGM and go over the last few weeks regarding the application from ‘Residential 1’ to ‘Institutional’. The clearing of this stand started in December 2014 and every single bit of vegetation has been removed. The reason for not wanting a Mosque Institution has nothing to do with religion it is the fact that the area will not be able to sustain another 400 people driving into the area regularly and where will they park? Dennis Road could become gridlocked and the services cannot cope as it is, therefore adding that many more people will definitely put a strain on the suburb.

Having setup a petition and arranging a community protest walk Trent together with his team have been able to get full support from the Atholl residents and +- 750 objections have been lodged at Council. They have a very good attorney Quintin Du Plessis and town planner Linda Pitte. A fair sum of money has been donated to support this so far although more will be required if necessary. Trent went on to report that building has been stopped at this address and no further building is allowed until the application has been approved at council. So far standing together is what it has taken to prevent any further development at this site. Well done!


·  Events through the suburbs Margaret Hoffman raised this issue particularly the recent Neon Fun Run where she was able to tell us that paint on property and cars was left behind by the runners or organizers not sure so have asked that she provides details to send to the organizers so that a follow up can be made. The current trend is to have facts as if not the complaints will just fall by the way side.

·  Mr. Merowitz reported that the Municipal Officers in Fredman Drive are shocking. For the wealthiest suburbs in the country surely this should be raised with the Ward Cllr and some improvements made?

The size could be bigger as everyone hears everything people have to say about their services query?

More professionalism needed in handling each situation?

OFFICE BEARERS remains the same

1.  Colin Scott Chairman

2.  Haaroon Atcha Deputy Chairman Town Planning

3.  Daphne Lowenthal Town Planning

4.  Alphonso Raats Security Portfolio

5.  Colin and Nicola Aylward – Security Portfolio

6.  Conrad Botha Treasurer

7.  Patrick Dunseith Chairman of south@six

8.  Anne de St Croix Environmental Portfolio

9.  Alan Steinberg Roads Portfolio

10.  Cherylanne Elshikh Executive Secretary

11.  Craig Pretorius Town Planner

12.  Cllr Andrew Stewart Councilor for Ward 91

There being no further matters Colin Scott closed the meeting at 7.30pm