Harrow Mental Health Strategy Questionnaire
We want your views and feedback to help us to work with NHS Harrow Mental Health Commissioners to develop and improve existing services offered under the new Harrow Mental Health Strategy.
Please read the information below and complete the questionnaire and return to:
Raksha Pandya: Mind in Harrow, 132 – 134 College Road, Harrow HA1 1BQ.
For further information please contact Raksha Pandya User Involvement Co-ordinator at Mind in Harrow on : 0208 426 0929 or at
What is the Harrow Mental Health Strategy?
At the present time in Harrow, we are working with Commissioners and Service Users to help develop three main themes which are part of the Harrow Mental Health Strategy:
- Hospital and Inpatient Care – for example, this includes reducing and avoiding hospital admissions, improving discharge and support.
- Recovery and Rehabilitation – for example this includes having access to specialist treatment and care, and receiving care in the right setting for you and CPA.
- Getting enhanced mental health treatment from your GP (also known as Primary Care) - for example how best can your GP support you if you’re discharged from your psychiatrist, improving service offered by GP Practices.
How will completing this questionnaire ensure my voice is heard and included in the new NHS Harrow GP Commissioning - Harrow Mental Health Strategy:
Your views from the questionnaire will be the used to form the basis of the new strategies and improvements to the services above. This is an on-going process and you will be involved and informed at every stage.
Focus Groups and interviews
We will be holding Focus Group meetings and in depth individual interviews, please indicate if you would like to be involved in either or both.
Focus Group dates:
Thursday 4th July 2013 – 2pm – 3.30pm – 44 Bessborough Road, Harrow HA1
Monday 15th July 2013 – 11.30am – 1.00pm - 44 Bessborough Road, Harrow HA1
Care Programme Approach
1. Are you currently on a CPA (Care Programme Approach)?Please tick which applies. If you answer ‘No’ please go to question 10.
Yes / Not Sure / No
2. Who are the people you would like to be involved in developing your care plan? Please tick all which apply.
Friend / Carer / Care
co-ordinator / Key worker / CPN
Family / Psychologist / Psychiatrist / Advocate / State other:
3. Are you informed in advance which professionals will be present at your CPA / Care planning review meeting? Please tick which applies.
Yes / Not Sure / No
4. How far are you actively involved in the development of your care plan? Please tick which applies.
Not at all / Hardly / Partly / Mostly / Fully
6. How much are your social care needs discussed and covered in your care plan, for example social activities, taking steps towards employment?
Please tick which applies.
Not at all / Hardly / Partly / Mostly / Fully
7. How much are your cultural or religious needs discussed and covered in your care plan? Please tick which applies.
Not at all / Hardly / Partly / Mostly / Fully
8. How far has your care plan met your expectations for help and support from mental health services? Please tick which applies.
Not at all / Hardly / Partly / Mostly / Fully
9. When your care plan was last completed, how long was it before you received a copy of your care plan? Please tick which applies.
Not at all – Never get a copy / Within two weeks / Within a month / Within 2 months / 3 months or longer
10. If you are not on CPA (Care Programme Approach), do you feel that you need to be? Please tick which applies.
Yes / Not Sure / No
If you have answered ‘Yes’, please state why:
GP/Primary care
11. How can you best be supported by your GP after you have been discharged from your psychiatrist? Please tick all which apply.Access to welfare rights/housing advice
/ Self help groups / Referral to other counselling agenciesMedication / Physical health care e.g exercise on prescription / Help in a crisis
Other ways you would like help and support:
12. When you have been to your GP to ask for support for your mental health, what has been offered? Please tick all which apply.Access to welfare rights/housing advice
/ Self help groups / Referral to other counselling agenciesMedication / Physical health care e.g exercise on prescription / Help in a crisis
Other ways you were offered help and support:
13. In Harrow, rate how much your GP is aware of mental heath support services available. Please tick which applies.Not at all / A little / Moderate amount / Good / Excellent
14. How would you like to see your GP’s knowledge of local mental health improved? Please tick all which apply.
More information in the surgery / Mental health out reach workers at GP surgery / Sign posting to other services / Would like to be involved in GP Patient groups/regular meetings with GPs / Mental Health Training for all practice staff
Cultural awareness
15. Would you prefer to see another health professional other than you GP?
If that is so, please tick all which apply. If not, please go to question 16.
Health Trainer / Social worker / Community engagement worker / Faith Leader / Drop in centre / Complementary therapists
16. If you would prefer to see another health professional other than you GP, why is that? Please tick all which apply.
Prefer holistic therapy / Medication side effects / Want more choice / Want to try alternative therapies / Want talking therapy / Spiritual needs
Other reasons:
Recovery and rehabilitation
17. What type of support do you feel is helpful to prevent admission to hospital? Please tick all which apply.Quick and easy access to Counselling / Access to home treatment team / Emergency housing / Support groups / Welfare benefits advice / Emergency advice
Other types of support:
18. How much are your treatment and discharge plans discussed and agreed with you whilst in hospital and after discharge from hospital?
Please tick which applies.
Not at all / Hardly at all / Part of the time / Most of the time / Fully
19. How can mental health services and staff improve their support to you in your mental health recovery? Please tick which applies.
Very important / Quite important / Not that important / Not at all important
Listen to your wishes
Treat people as people
See you as a unique individual who deserves respect and dignity
Build hope; be supportive and encouraging
Have desirable characteristics as helpers
Provide services that are appropriate to the needs of the individual
Be available, and provide ready access to services
Your comments ………………………………………………………………………….
Thank you for taking out the time to fill in the questionnaire. If you would like to be invited to a future Focus group to give your feedback on this topic in more detail please contact Raksha Pandya (User Involvement Coordinator) to express you interest on 020-8515-7668 or Mind in Harrow main office number 0208 426 0929 or email at .
NHS organisations are required to collect details about an applicant's ethnicity. This information is collected to fulfil that obligation and is used for monitoring purposes only.
I would describe my ethnic origin as follows:Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background
Black or Black British
Any other Black background / Mixed
White & Asian
White & Black African
White & Black Caribbean
Any other mixed background
Any other White background / Other Ethnic Group
Any other ethnic group
I do not wish to disclose my ethnic origin
In order to comply with these regulations NHS organisations are monitoring sexual orientation and religion/belief in applications. Please answer the following questions:
Please indicate which term would best describe your sexual orientation:Lesbian / Gay
Bisexual / Heterosexual
I do not wish to disclose my sexual orientation
Please indicate your religion or belief:
Islam / Jainism
I do not wish to disclose my religion/belief
The Equality Act 2010 protects disabled people - including those with long term health conditions, learning disabilities and so called "hidden" disabilities such as dyslexia. If you tell us that you have a disability we can make reasonable adjustments to ensure that any selection processes - including the interview - are fair and equitable.
* Do you consider yourself to have a disability? / Yes I do not wish to disclose this information No
Please state the type of impairment which applies to you. People may experience more than one type of impairment, in which case you may indicate more than one. If none of the categories apply, please mark 'Other'. / Physical Impairment Learning disability/difficulty
Long-standing illness Sensory Impairment
Mental Health Condition Other
If yes, do you need special arrangements to enable you to attend for interview? / Yes
No / If so, please give details below
MHS Questionnaire 2013