COA Curriculum Committee - Minutes
Meeting: Feb. 21st, 2006 A144 1:30 to 3:30 pm
1. Call to order
a. Present: B. Grill; W. Allen; K. Compton; P. Simon; S. Robinson; R. Brem; L. Bollentino; S. Gerstle; S. Hall; M. Jones; A. Roberts
b. Absent: G. Perkins
c. Guests: S. Chin; E. Chan, C. Ferrero-Castaneda, M. Duncan
2. Review of agenda
3. Items for curriculum committee need to be delivered to the program specialist one week in advance of the meeting. Items that come later will be put on the next meeting agenda.
4. BUS 248AI - International Business Simulation I
a. To be offered Spring 2006
b. Suspension of rules – M/S/U R. Brem/P. Simon
c. Approved – M/S/U – P. Simon/R. Brem
5. ESL 248AL – Business English for ESL
a. To be offered Spring 2006
b. Suspension of Rules – M/S/U R. Brem/M. Jones
c. Approved – M/S/U P. Simon/M. Jones
6. CIS 97A - Oracle SQL and PL/SQL
a. Suspension of rules – M/S/U R. Brem/L Bollentino
b. Approved – M/S/U – R. Brem/L. Bollentino
7. Items such as course updates will in the future be added to a consent agenda which can be approved as a whole. Members will be allowed to remove individual items for discussion.
8. CIS 6, CIS 47, and CIS 73 – Updates
a. New textbooks
b. Approved – M/S/U P. Simon/R. Brem
9. Desktop Technician Certificate
a. Includes new courses CIS 226A, CIS 226B, and CIS 239
b. Approved –M/S/U P. Simon/R. Brem
10. CIS 74B, CIS 224, and CIS 225C – Deactivations
a. Approved – M/S/U S. Gerstle/K. Compton
b. P. Simon will send notice of deactivations with instructions for waivers to Admissions and Records and Counselors
11. ENGL 201A and ENGL 201B
a. Possible problems fitting new 4 unit class into schedule grid. May impact enrollment.
b. Approved – M/S/U R. Brem/S. Gerstle
12. LRNRE 211 and LRNRE 272 – Updates
a. Approved – M/S/U R. Brem/M. Jones
13. Discussion of possible removal of 4E requirements for AA at Alameda.
a. Alameda is the only Peralta college that has this requirement
14. List of Changes to class listings for GE Requirements
a. Approved M/S/U S. Robinson/R. Brem
15. Add DANCE 43 – Swing Dance to CIPD agenda for March
a. Have consulted with Laney faculty about course addition.