2016 ACT International Women’s Day Awards
ACT Senior Woman of the Year
PANDSI is proud to congratulate Dr Marian Currie, finalist of the Senior Woman of the Year award in the ACT International Women’s Day Awards [Tuesday 8 March].
For over two decades, Dr Currie has been a leading advocate for the support ofwomen and familiesaffected byperinatal depressionin the ACT community and nationally. Dr Currie has been key to the establishment and success of PANDSI, the ACT’s perinatal support organisation, through her fund raising, research and advocacy, and12years’ service as PANDSI’s president. PANDSI now supports over 250 ACT families every year.
Dr Currie has been recognised as a pre-eminent expert in the field of perinatal health and has contributed to the National Perinatal Depression Initiative, funded by the Federal Government. She has been a key speaker at many health conferences and forums, sharing her professional expertise on ground breaking perinatal research.
Around the world, International Women’s Day marks the celebration of the achievements of women. IWD provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the significant contributions of women, and the legacy left by earlier generations. The day is also an occasion to inspire commitment to the future challenges that women face in making further progress.
PANDSI’s nomination of Dr Currie, which was supported by Senator Katy Gallagher, patron of PANDSI, is in recognition of the role she has played in tirelessly supporting the women and families of Canberra to achieve better mental health and quality of life.
Dr Currie holds a doctorate in perinatal health and was president of PANDSI from 2002 – 2014. Marian continues to work in the health field as Associate Professor in Nursing at the University of Canberra.
PANDSI thanks Dr Currie for her outstanding contribution to the ACT community.
Further information and contacts
- For more aboutPANDSI, go to
- For further information about PANDSI events and services, contact Polly McIntyre (CEO, PANDSI): 6287 3961 r Christine Spicer (President PANDSI) 0439 021 181