Agricultural Water Quality Project Planning,

Design, and Construction Services


All proposals must be addressed to the:

Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets

Robert Achilles, P.E. Agricultural Engineer

116 State Street

Montpelier VT 05620-2901

All bidders are hereby notified that proposals must be submitted to and physically in the office of the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets in Montpelier by the close of business (4:30 pm) on the proposal due date (Friday, November 5, 2010). Bidders are cautioned that it is their responsibility to originate the sending of proposals in sufficient time to ensure receipt by the State by the proposal due date. Proposals not in possession of the State by the close of business of the proposal due date will not be considered.

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets may, for cause, change the date and/or time of the proposal due deadline. If a change is made, the State will make a reasonable effort to inform all bidders. Bid results may be requested in writing and are available once an award has been made.







This form must be completed and submitted as part of the response for the bid to be considered valid.

The undersigned has read, understood and accepted all provisions, terms and conditions of this proposal.


To meet the requirements of Vermont Statute 32 V.S.A. § 3113, by law, no agency of the State may enter into, extend or renew any contract for the provision of goods, services or real estate space with any person unless such person first certifies, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that he or she is in good standing with the Department of Taxes. A person is in good standing if no taxes are due, if the liability for any taxes that may be due is on appeal, or if the person is in compliance with a payment plan approved by the Commissioner of Taxes, 32 V.S.A. § 3113. In signing this bid, the bidder certifies under the pains and penalties of perjury that the company/individual is in good standing with respect to, or in full compliance with a plan to pay, any and all taxes due the State of Vermont as of the date this statement is made.

Delivery Offered 30 Days After Notice of Award

Terms of Sale

Quotation Valid for 30 Days Date:

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:

Name of Company:

Federal Identification Number:

E-mail address:


Signature (Proposal Not Valid Unless Signed)


(Type or Print)




The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (collectively hereinafter “State”) requests formal written proposals and qualifications from consultants to supply Agricultural Water Quality Project Planning, Design, and Construction Services hereinafter referred to as “the requested services” at locations throughout Vermont.

The requested services consists of structural farm projects that are most likely to reduce the phosphorus loads delivered to water resources, including but not limited to: manure storage facilities, heavy use area management, waste transfer, clean water diversion and milkhouse waste treatment. The potential projects will be assigned by the State that meet the criteria for the Best Management Practices Program (BMP). The assistance being requested is for the design and implementation of structural practices. The work will be broken into three phases to include site investigation and preliminary design, design, and construction services. Projects shall be designed to meet or exceed NRCS standards and applicable state program requirements.


All communications concerning this Request for Proposal (RFP) are to be addressed in writing to the attention of:

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Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets

Robert Achilles, P.E. Agricultural Engineer

116 State Street

Montpelier VT 05620-2901

Phone: 802-828-6510

Fax: 802-828-1410


Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets

Stephanie Congo, E.I. Agricultural Engineer

116 State Street

Montpelier VT 05620-2901

Phone: 802-828-0384

Fax: 802-828-1410


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The total State funding anticipated for the requested services is up to $180,000 spread across three years. Resources for Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 will be contingent upon appropriation from the legislature.


The State is requesting proposals for the performance of the requested services in cases where the State is acting as the funding agency. See Section E (SCOPE OF SERVICES) below for a complete description of the range of services being sought.

Since this RFP does not contain site-specific information, which may affect the cost of service, proposals will be accepted on an hourly billing rate for specific professional activities described in Section E below.

The State anticipates signing contracts with several firms under the terms described in this RFP. This will allow the State to select the most appropriate contractor to provide the requested services associated with specific Agricultural Waste Management System Project Planning, Development, and Design Services based upon cost, location, contractor availability, and services provided under the terms of the contract. Contract duration will be from the signature date until June 30, 2012. Funding is contingent upon availability. This contract may be renewed for up to one, one year period.

The State shall contact the firms selected under this general contract when the requested services are required. The State anticipates that each contractor may be offered multiple opportunities to provide the requested services within the contract period. However, it is possible that a contractor would receive no offers to provide the requested services during the contract period.

The contract form will be the State of Vermont Standard Contract for Personal Services, with attachments. Appendix A contains the customary State contract provisions. Please refrain from bidding if the contract and provisions are not acceptable to your firm. The State will not negotiate changes in the contract or in these provisions.

The State reserves the right to solicit contractors for the requested services through the normal competitive bid process.


The work to be performed under this contract is divided into three phases:

Phase 1 – Site Investigation and Preliminary Design

Phase 2 – Design

Phase 3 – Construction Services

A site showing will be held for each specific project or group of projects. The Contractor will provide the State with a cost proposal outlining the hours by discipline necessary to complete the work for each phase and a delivery schedule. A task order will be issued as a not-to-exceed price for each site, by phase. Each phase will be considered complete after the required submittals provided by the Contractor have been received and approved by the State.

The landowner(s) and the State have considerable input into the decisions and continuation to the next phase in the Contractor contract. The contract may be cancelled at any phase of the contract based on costs or other reasons. The Contractor may anticipate that some of the phase(s) of work at a particular site in this contract may or may not be completed. The Contractor will be paid for the completed work as defined on completed phase(s) of work at a particular site.

Reviews and Conferences: Communication shall be maintained between the Contractor and the State to ensure concurrence in matters affecting the development of general or specific elements of the work. Conferences may be held as each phase is completed and whenever requested by the State, the landowner, or the Contractor during the course of the work. Conferences shall be held at mutually agreeable physical locations, such as the job sites, AGR offices, a local NRCS Field Office, or by teleconference.

Phase 1 – Site Investigation and Preliminary Design

Project Management: The Contractor provides project oversight, supervision of staff assigned to the project, is responsible for maintaining progress and schedule, deliverables and regular interface with the landowner(s) and the State. All work shall be performed under the direct supervision of a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Vermont, who will be required to affix his/her Professional Engineering stamp (seal) on all engineering drawings and documents, including final “as-built” drawings and certifications.

Alternatives Analyses & Project Identification: All work shall conform to the minimum requirements of NRCS, as detailed in the Field Office Technical Guide; the National Engineering manual; the rules, regulations, and requirements of the State of Vermont, including applicable building codes and Accepted Agricultural Practices (AAP’s); and sound engineering principles. The Contractor shall follow the format laid out in the latest versions of these reference materials and Vermont Construction Specifications, including the following:

1.  Manure and Wastewater Handling and Storage Plan (if available from NRCS)

2.  Designation of the Approximate Location Anticipated for Each Project (if available from NRCS)

3.  Cultural Resources Assessment (if available from NRCS)

4.  Wetland Determinations (if available from NRCS as needed)

5.  National Engineering Manual

a.  Specifically, Section 511.11

6.  Field Office Technical Guide

7.  Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets

a.  Acceptable Agricultural Practices (AAPs)

b.  Medium Farm Operation & Large Farm Operation Regulations

8.  Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

a.  Construction General Permit (CGP) for Stormwater

Discharges Associated with Construction Activities

Project identification and prioritization, preliminary landowner commitment, and alternatives selection shall reflect, wherever possible, stakeholder consensus. Projects shall maintain, restore, or accommodate the farm’s business goals and also comply with State and National water quality standards.

Scoping Meeting and Project Design: The Contractor shall conduct a scoping meeting with the landowner, landowner’s general contractor and the State on site to discuss the alternatives analyses and project identification. Contractor shall produce maps and/or preliminary design drawings which create a basis for landowner commitments, are suitable for construction contracts, and support the project objectives. Projects shall be designed to meet or exceed NRCS standards and applicable state program requirements. Design standards and methods in the NRCS Conservation Practices are available at:

Phase 2 - Design

The Contractor shall provide the landowner’s general contractor an appropriate design package for the project. For some projects (i.e., clean water diversion), field design documentation or job sheets can be acceptable in lieu of engineering plans.

An appropriate design package shall include:

1.  Engineering design plans with VT PE stamp

2.  NRCS construction specifications

3.  Cost estimate (landowner only)

4.  Statement on sheet one of plan “To the best of my professional knowledge, judgment and belief, these design drawings meet or exceed applicable NRCS practice standards.”

Phase 3 – Construction Services

The Contractor will oversee the construction of the project and document the construction meets design standards and specifications. Documentation shall include certification that work complies with approved plans and the statement, “To the best of my professional knowledge, judgment and belief, these practices were installed in accordance with or exceed the approved design and NRCS construction specifications” shall appear on sheet one of the as-built plans.


This proposal shall include the following elements:

1. Qualifications of the Project Team. Identity qualifications of the persons who will be available for work under this contract (“project team”). For each member of the project team, please enter the following information:

·  Name and Title

·  Project Team Role - select from the following:

Project Manager

Data Compilation

Overall Farm Assessment

Alternatives Analyses & Project Identification

Project Design

·  Professional Licenses or Certifications held

2. Vermont Agricultural Water Quality Project Experience. For each project team member, identify up to three Vermont Agricultural Water Quality projects in which they have participated involving the requested services, and the roles performed (project manager, data compilation, alternatives analyses, assessments, design, etc.), within the last three (3) years. If no such experience, please indicate so.

3. Billing Rates for the Requested Services in US Dollars per Hour. This contract will be performed over a three year timeframe. For all information requested below, provide current costs (option year one) as well as costs for option years two and three.

Labor Rates - Provide billing rates for the following positions:

1.  Principal Engineer, PE

2.  Senior Structural Engineer, PE

3.  Project Engineer, PE

4.  Design Engineer

5.  Registered Land Surveyor, LS

6.  2-Person Survey Crew

7.  Surveying Technician

8.  Civil Engineering Technician

9.  CADD Draftsman

10.  Secretary (Word Processor)

Travel - Travel will be negotiated as needed on individual task orders, which will be limited by Federal Travel Regulations.

Reproduction - Provide cost per each Electronic Files CD.

Provide reproduction costs for each sheet including the following:

1.  Drawings (11” x 17”)

2.  Specs / Cost Estimates / Design Folder

3.  8 ½ ” x 11” Paper

4.  8 ½ ” x 14” Paper

4. Capacity to Accomplish the Work. Evaluation will be based upon the number of personnel available, the quantity of existing work under contract, the schedules for completion of the existing work, and the capacity to provide personnel for multiple contracts.

5. Geographic Availability. Indicate any geographic limitations on availability; i.e. will availability to provide the described project planning, development, and design services for individual projects be limited by distance from home, office, or base of operations?

6. Proof of Insurance. A proof-of-insurance form for the required insurance coverage (Workers Compensation, General Liability and Property Damage, Automotive Liability – see Contract Attachment C for limits). In addition, a proof-of-insurance form for professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance coverage is also required (Limit – $1 million per occurrence, $1 million aggregate). Insurance coverage must be in place by the contract start date (not necessary for the purpose of this proposal).


All proposals will be judged by the following weighted criteria:

·  Completeness – All proposals shall be evaluated for completeness. All proposal elements identified in Section G above must be included. Incomplete proposals will not be evaluated. In the event an insufficient number of proposals are considered complete, bidders may be given extra time to submit addendums.