Older Londoners’ experiences with local information

Age UK London are undertaking this research to increase understanding of older Londoners’ experiences of finding local information whether through publications, the Internet, by phone etc. The purpose of the research will be to increase understanding of any potential barriers to access as well as to highlight how to improve access and awareness of local information.

Participation is optional and all responses are kept confidential. No names of individuals will be used in reports and all questionnaires will be destroyed after the final report has been completed. If you have any questions about the research or this questionnaire specifically, please ring Ben Donovan (researcher) on 0207 091 2592.

Please complete and return all questionnaires by 1st February, 2015.

Participant Information

1. Please state your borough:

2. In what capacity are you completing this questionnaire?

As yourself: / As an organisation working with/for
older people (go straight to Q.5):
On behalf of another person: / Other:
(please specify)______

3. Please tick the appropriate box for your age or the person on whose behalf you are completing this questionnaire:

50 and under / 51-60
61-70 / 71-80
81-90 / 91+

4. If you consider yourself to have any of the following, please tick the box the respective box below and provide a brief specification:

Physical impairment / Learning disability
Sensory impairment / Mental health problem/s
Dementia / Other

Please specify: ______


5. Please indicate your experiences with getting information in each of the following areas by ticking the appropriate box:

Area / Information clear and easy to find / Information clear but difficult to find / Information not clear but easy to find / Information not found / Have not tried to find this information
Opening times of local surgeries
Listings of local surgeries
Listings of local support services
Public Transport
The freedom pass
Ticket prices
Specialist transport options
Building/planning applications
Council tax
Information for tenants
Contacts for home adaptations
Parking & Roads
Blue badges
Parking permits

5 cont’d. Please indicate your experiences with getting information in each of the following areas by ticking the appropriate box:

Area / Information clear and easy to find / Information clear but difficult to find / Information not clear but easy to find / Information not found / Have not tried to find this information
Leisure Recreation
Local facilities
Social Groups
Lifelong Learning & Education
Courses and qualifications
Social Care & Benefits
Residential care
Home care
Benefits and Pensions

6. Please indicate the means by which you obtain local information by ticking the appropriate boxes (please tick all boxes that apply):

Phone / Face-to-face (council)
Online (websites) / Face-to-face (NHS)
Online (email) / Face-to-face (friends)
Television / Radio
Council publications / NHS publications
Please specify any other means not listed below:

7. Please give us one good example of where you have been able to get required information:

8. Please give a brief explanation of any difficulties you have had when trying to get information:

9. How do you think the availability of understandable information could be improved in your local area?

As part of this research, we will be conducting short follow-up phone-interviews with willing participants (10-15 minutes). If you might be happy to participate in this, please provide your name and phone number below. Alternatively, please contact Ben Donovan by email () or phone(0207 091 2592) to arrange an interview or request further details:

Name:______Phone No.:______

Many thanks for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.