APRIL 8th----- IT IS ON!
The 1stannual Maple Point Catapult Competition!
What is this?
It’s a catapult competition! You are going to research, design, build, test, and compete against other sixth grade teams with actual catapults. – Simply put… we are going to launch things as far as we can for awards and bragging rights! IT WILL BE MOST EXCELLENT!
WAIT….. I have so many questions!!!!!!!!
- What is a catapult?
A catapult is a device used to launch a projectile a great distance without the aid of explosive force.
- What are we going to launch?
To control this variable we will all launch the same object, a standard size tennis ball.
- Where is the competition?
The actual competition will be held indoors at Maple Point in the gymnasium.
- We are going to launch indoors? Is this safe?
The Maple Point science staff will do everything possible to ensure that the entire competition is safely run. This is our job....you are in good hands.
- What do I use to build a catapult?
This is a question that only you can answer? I recommend doing some research. - Scrap materials can be found in most homes. Talk to an adult and be creative. I have seen elaborate machines constructed from metal compete against machines constructed of plastic, paper, and sticks. – The key is in the design. Good research yields good results!
- I looked online and saw a lot of different types of catapults. Can we use any type of catapult?
The only types of catapults that we are going to stay away from for our competition are ballista style catapults (sling shots/crossbows). This means NO balloon launchers and/ giant rolling sling shots. – Also, dog toy throwers will not be permitted for our competition.
- Who can I work with? Do I have to work with people in my science class?
The science department decided to set the limit of people per team at a maximum of 4. If your group of friends exceeds 4, then the group will need to be divided into two smaller groups.
With this being said….you can pick your 4 members from any 6th grade team at Maple Point (yes, 6-A and 6-B are mixing it up and working together… it’s crazy). As most of the work will be done outside of the classroom, you may want to pair up with family friends, neighbors, or groupwith people you can easily meet with at home to research, build and test your catapult.
- Can parents and other family members help out?
Absolutely! Mom and dad miss the days when you wouldadmit that you actually needed/wanted them! They look forward to you asking for their help and actually want to be involved with what you are doing. We encourage help from all types of people in your life. Draw upon their experience and see what you can produce.
- Can my team design t-Shirts?
Now that’s a great question! Of course they can! How will people know what team you are on if you don’t advertise? I’ve seen teams order shirts online, I’ve seen teams design their shirts to match their catapult, I’ve seen slogans, and I’ve even seen teams buy cheap shirts from the craft store and use markers and puffy paint. Again…be creative! This is supposed to be about the fun! However, I would put more time and effort into the design and building of the catapult than the t-shirt.
- Is there a grade for this?
No, there is no grade. This is an extension to our Variables Unit. Science is about discovery, and the desire to understand things on a higher level. – Think about this... there is no grade for soccer practice, yet kids all over the world attend practice every day. Why do they go? The ones who accept this challenge and decide to enter will do so for their love of science and their passion for competition.
- How big can my catapult be?
The entrance-way to the school (adjacent to the gym lobby) is 37” wide and 80” tall. Your catapult must fit through this door to take part in the competition. Some assembly may be done in the gymnasium prior to the competition. -- See further questions below regarding competition start time and building access. Catapults not ready to launch on time will forfeit.
- When can I bring my catapult to school for the competition?
There will not be any secure place at Maple Point to store catapults before the competition date. The gym area will be open starting at 3:00 PM on April 8th for set up. Teams will have an hour to check-in their catapults and an additional thirty minutes to prepare for the competition. The first launch is scheduled to start at 4:30 PM. There will be NO EARLY ADMITTANCE to the building while school is in session (security reasons).
- How do I enter the competition?
Simply pick up an entry form from your science teacher, fill it out, and turn it back in to the same teacher.
- Is there a charge to be in the competition?
There will not be any fee to take part in the competition.
- Can family/friends watch the competition?
The doors will be open, the bleachers will be pulled out, and there will be plenty of space for mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa to snap pictures and capture video.
- What time will I launch my catapult?
Once registrations are turned in, a lottery system will be used to determine who (which group) launches first.
- Do I only get to launch my catapult one time?
Now that wouldn’t be an accurate test! Scientists conduct multiple trials and calculate the average of the trials. Each group will conduct 5 launches in a row. Each launch will be measured (linear distance, in centimeters) and the average distance will be calculated. -- The lowest distance per team will be dropped before the average is calculated.
- So…the catapult at the end of testing with the best launch average (farthest distance) wins the competition?
Here is where we get a bit creative. Each team will launch 5 times. The shortest distance will be dropped and the average distance (in centimeters) of the remaining four will be calculated to determine the overall capability of the individual catapult. After each group completes this process, the top 5 groups (based on highest average distance) will move onto the finals.
- What are the finals? How does this work?
The top 5 teams will each have a chance to launch again. The final round erases all previous measurements (each team starts fresh and on even ground for the finals). These teams will launch 3 additional times. The shortest distance will not be dropped for the final round; the average will be calculated using all three launches. – Launch placement will be dependent upon average length in the opening round. The highest average from round one will shoot last in the finals, the second highest average will launch fourth in the finals, and so on.
- What are the prizes?
Sign in, join up and find out the day of the competition.
- Will there be any other awards given out?
Now that’s a good idea! How about the best decorated catapult! What about the best name of a catapult! These sound like good ideas for awards! – Voting ballots will be available for spectators and participants to select their favorites from the competition. Voting tallies will determine who the crowd favors as far as décor and cool names!
- Again, I looked online and saw many different designs. Which one is the best to use?
This is where you will have to do some research. Good research, research based on multiple sites, will be most helpful. – I would select your design, find a place and adjust your variables one at a time to find the best way to operate your machine.
- Can our parents help us launch the catapult during the competition?
All catapults must be launched by one of the competitors. One adult may be in the launch box to assist with set-up, but must exit before the machine fires.
- What is a launch box?
There will be a 3 foot square taped off on the gym floor; all catapults will launch from inside of the square. All measurements will be taken from the front of the square to ensure proper measurements.
- Are there any other safety concerns that I should be aware of?
We are only going to launch one catapult at a time. The catapults will not be launched until the landing area is completely clear. Every member of the launch team will be required to wear safety goggles/glasses; goggles will be available at the competition, personal glasses are permitted as well.
NO ONE will be allowed to chase/catch projectiles. All projectiles will be retrieved by members of the staff, or those designated by the staff.
Safety precautions will be taken to avoid launches into the spectator area. Spectators will be reminded of the boundaries during the competition and anyone who cannot follow the rules will have their catapult disqualified from the competition.
- What if I have more questions?
This is our first year for this new competition and I expect that there will be many questions that will need to be answered. Any and all questions from parents can be sent to Mr. Hunt at and questions from students can be directly addressed at any time in room B-207; stop by and see me on day 3 during lunch; I have lunch duty and would love to talk about the competition.
Work Hard, and Be Kind!