QUBES InTeGrate FMN Reflection Survey 2: Directly following completion of FMN activities
Survey 2: Influences and effectiveness of the QUBES InTeGrate FMN
We have enjoyed working with you in this faculty mentoring network! This reflection asks first and foremost for information that will be of use to the QUBES team as they work to enhance faculty experiences in future mentoring networks. Additional audiences include the InTeGrate leadership and evaluation team and the QUBES InTeGrate FMN team. We are also interested in sharing the results of this survey with the wider community through scholarly presentations and publications. Identifying information will be removed from your responses in all research activities.
Click NEXT to proceed to the survey.
The following questions ask that you think about the ways that your involvement in the QUBES InTeGrate Faculty Mentoring Network has influenced you professionally.
Part 1: Influences on your teaching
In what ways has your experience with the QUBES InTeGrate FMN influenced your teaching?
It has influenced the. . .
A. manner in which I plan my courses
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
B. manner in which I design/develop courses
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
C. ways in which I think about student learning
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
D. types of pedagogies I use in the classroom
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
E. strategies I use for working with students from a range of cultural and educational backgrounds
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
F. ways I assess students' learning
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
G. content I use in my courses
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
H. topics I emphasize in my courses
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
I. the learning goals of my courses
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
J. way in which I collaborate with others related to my teaching
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
K. willingness to collaborate with others related to my teaching
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
K. willingness to use math and/or data in the classroom
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
L. Other influence:
Please select one - will be a drop down menu
NA - does not apply to my professional situation
did not influence me in this way
true for me to some extent
true for me to a great extent
please describe the other influence:
Please elaborate on the most significant way the QUBES InTeGrate FMN has influenced your teaching. Describe how it has influenced you and what activities were most critical for making this happen.
Part 2: Effectiveness of QUBES InTeGrate FMN
- What aspects of this faculty mentoring network experience were most beneficial? Choose all that apply.
- Access to new curriculum materials
- Access to effective uses of curriculum materials
- Mentoring in innovative teaching projects
- Opportunity to collaborate on teaching projects
- Networking with peers who share similar personal and professional interests
- Recognition from your school’s administration of your teaching scholarship
- The action plan
- Network assignments
- The in-person meeting at NABT
- Other: ______
- How did interactions with other faculty motivate you, if at all, to continue participating in the mentoring network?
- In what ways do you think peer to peer interactions among participants contributed to your learning in the mentoring network?
- Who was/were the mentors in this mentoring network?
- What did you see as the role(s) of the mentor(s) in this mentoring network?
- To what extent did the presence of the mentor(s) shape your success in the network? (scale, 1- not at all; 5 – very much)
- Was this faculty mentoring network what you expected? Why or why not?
- Given your experience in this faculty mentoring network: (will be Yes, No, Maybe options with space to elaborate)
- would you participate in another? Why or why not?
- would you consider serving as a mentor in another? Why or why not?
- would you recommend participation in future faculty mentoring networks to a colleague? Why or why not?
- How much total time per week did you invest in the faculty mentoring network?
- How much time (on average) did you spend each week:
- On the QUBES website
- On the InTeGrate website
- Uploading documents to the collection
- On Google Hangout
- Emailing/posting questions to the mentors
- Please use this space to enter any additional comments you would like to share about your experience in the faculty mentoring network.
Thank you for completing this reflection survey!