PRIVATE SCHOOL LETTER __1st Notice __2nd Notice__3rd Notice
Dear Parents of:
This letter invites you to attend a meeting for: ______
Student’s Name
The purpose of the meeting is to:
develop/review a Services Plan for the provision of special education or related services for your child. The plan will describe the specific special education and/or related services the public school system will provide to the student in light of the services that it has determined through the consultative process with appropriate representatives of the private schools. At this meeting, unless you disagree, we may have a draft copy of the Services Plan for the team to review. In all cases, the Services Plan team of which you are an equal participant must review each section of the plan to assure agreement. Any section can be modified by the team before the Services Plan is finalized.
____ re-evaluate your child’s needs for special educational services. Your permission is requested for the re-evaluation (see the attached permission form). The evaluation procedure(s) we plan to use include the following:
1. A review of existing evaluation data, including evaluations and information
provided by you.
2. A review of your child’s progress toward meeting annual goals, benchmarks,
and/or short-term objectives.
3. Interviews with you, your child, your child’s teacher(s) and/or related service
4. A review of educational records, current classroom-based assessments and
observations in appropriate settings.
5. Other tests and evaluation procedures deemed necessary by the Services Plan
In addition to you and the student (unless you choose not to have him/her there), the persons listed below have been invited to attend this meeting and to participate as members of the Services Plan team. You may invite other persons to assist in developing your child’s Services Plan.
School System Personnel: Representative(s) of the Private School:
Officially Designated Representative Head of School/Counselor
Special Education Service Provider Teacher
The following arrangements have been made for the meeting:
Please indicate on the attached sheet whether you plan to attend the Services Plan meeting as scheduled. If this date and time are not convenient for you, please indicate when you can attend. Please return the form within three (3) days.
Students with exceptionalities enrolled by their parents in private schools and their parents are afforded certain rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Bulletin 1706 Subpart A or B: Regulations for Implementation of the Children with Exceptionalities Act. These rights are described in the enclosed educational rights booklet. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: ______
Child’s Name:
Please check the appropriate spaces and return this page within three (3) DAYS TO
____ I give my permission for you to conduct the re-evaluation and any additional tests that may be needed.
____ I plan to attend the Services Plan team meeting at the time and place indicated in the notification letter.
____ I am unable to attend the Services Plan team meeting at the time and place
indicated in the notification letter. The best day and time for me are:
____ I do not want my child evaluated at this time. I understand that, upon expiration of the current evaluation, my child will no longer be eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and/or Regulations for Implementation of the Children with Exceptionalities Act Subparts A and B. I understand that, if my child has a disability, he/she will no longer be included in the count of eligible students with disabilities enrolled in private schools which generates funds for IDEA services in private schools.
____ I have received a copy of Louisiana’s Educational Rights of Students with
Exceptionalities placed by their parents in private schools.
Parent’s Signature Date