Faculty Workload Definitions – Academic Year 2008 - 2009
Data Provided by / Column / Heading / DefinitionIR / A / College / Name of CSU College.
IR / B / Dept. / Name of Department/unit within College.
Dean’s Office / C / Semester/Year / Fall and spring semester that make up an academic year.
Dean’s Office / D / PeopleSoft ID / Faculty PeopleSoft ID is a required field and can be obtained along with course ID, course component, course title, etc. on a PeopleSoft panel called "schedule of classes meetings."
IR / E / Faculty / This field contains the faculty name based on the “primary name” in the system.
IR / F / Faculty Type / Faculty type 1 – tenured or tenure-track, 2- term or visiting, 3 – part-time, 4 – other (those without a teaching contract).
IR / G / Instructional FTE / This field is defined by HR and further processed by IR.
Dean’s Office / H / Course Subject / As referenced in the course catalog.
Dean’s Office / I / Course Catalog Number / As referenced in the course catalog.
Dean’s Office / J / Section Number / This field is provided by the College/Department.
IR / K / Course ID / This can be obtained from the PeopleSoft panel called "schedule of classes meetings."
IR / L / Course Component / This field will be populated by the Colleges in the system and IR will report them accordingly. This includes lecture, lab, independent study, recitation, seminar, studio, clinical, practicum, thesis, discussion etc.
IR / M / Course Title / This can be obtained from the PeopleSoft panel called "schedule of classes meetings."
Dean’s Office / N / Cross-listed / This field includes the same number assigned to all cross-listed courses. For example, SOC 501/401 would each be assigned the same number (101 or 102) if they are cross-listed. Cross-listed courses are those that are taught by the same instructor and meet at the same date and time.
Dean’s Office / O / % Responsibility / Included in this field is the faculty member’s percent of responsibility for instruction in the course. This field is 100% unless the course is being team taught.
IR / P / PeopleSoft Credit Hour / This field captures course credit hours in PeopleSoft system for which a student is enrolled. IR will provide variable hours (Minhrs –MaxHrs) based on actual enrollment after the 15th day.
However, The Dean’s Office will populate the fixed hours for Fall 2009 and beyond.
IR / Q / Number of Students Enrolled / This field will be populated by IR after the 15th day enrollment becomes available in a given semester.
Dean’s Office / R / Instructional Workload Course Credit / This field indicates the number of workload course credits for which a faculty member gets credit (consider team taught a class). Formula = P*O
IR / S / Number of SCH in Course / This field will be populated by IR after the 15th day enrollment becomes available in a given semester. Formula = Q*R
Dean’s Office / T / Workload Weights (by Credit Hours) / Columns T-W account for unique disciplinary instructional activities that create exceptions in workload assignments. For each course only one column out of T-W will be filled with non zero value.
This column would capture course workload in rare situations where PeopleSoft course credits differ from the workload credit assigned to a faculty member. For example, this would include instances where a 3 credit course does not result in a faculty member being assigned 3 workload credits.
Dean’s Office / U / Workload Weights (by Head Count) / This column would capture course workload in situations where PeopleSoft course credits differ from the workload credit assigned to a faculty member based on the course enrollment. For example, this would include instances where a 3 credit course requiring field supervision includes X number of students, and workload is assigned on the number of students supervised. This workload is based on the number of students enrolled rather than the credit earned by each student.
For example, EDU 397 Supervision for Student Teaching is a 4 credit hour course, however, the workload credit is calculated by the number of students enrolled.
Dean’s Office / V / Workload Weights (by Contact Hours) / Weights in this column would reflect disciplinary differences in one-on-one instruction as is found in fields of Music, Dance, etc.
For example, a 2 credit hour clinical course would count for 3 workload credits by contact hours, resulting in 150% of workload weights being reported in this column.
Dean’s Office / W / Courses Without Workload Credit / This includes cross-listed courses, independent studies, and others. This field will include workload credit for only one of a set of cross-listed courses and the other courses in the set will carry a weight of 0. Independent studies and other similar courses will or may also be weighted 0.
Calculation / X / Instructional Credit Hour Total / This field is calculated based on the following formula = R*(T+V+W) + (U*Q)
# of Student Enrolled (Q)
Team Taught Workload Course Credit (R)
Workload Weights (by Crs Credit) (T)
Workload Weights (by Head Count) (U)
Workload Weights (by Contact Hrs) (V) (This column is null currently)
Courses without Workload Credit (W) (This column is null currently)
Dean’s Office / Y / Research Credit
Dean’s Office / Z / Release Code / For example:
1. Assoc / Asst Dean
2. Department Chairperson
3. Program Director / Coordinator In College Program (Provide Program Name In Detail Column)
4. Director / Coordinator Of University-Wide Program (Provide Program Name In Detail Column)
5. Funded Grant Release
6. Unfunded Instructional Project
7. Unfunded Research Project
8. Unfunded Special Project (E.G., Accreditation)
9. New Faculty Startup
10. PLOA
11. Senate Function
12. AAUP Function
13. Illness / Personal / Family Leave
14. Contract Credit Banking (E.G., Doctoral/Masters Committee)
15. Other:
Dean’s Office / AA / Service Credit
Dean’s Office / AB / Release Code / Same as Column Z.
Dean’s Office / AC / Other Credit
Dean’s Office / AD / Release Code / Same as Column Z.
Calculated / AE / AY Total Workload / This field is calculated as follows:
Instr cr hr Total (X)
Research Credit (Y)
Service Credit (AA)
Other Credit (AC)
Dean’s Office / AF / Beginning Banked Credit Hours
Dean’s Office / AG / Banked Hours Used This Year
Dean’s Office / AH / Expected Workload Hour / Term, Visiting and Clinical faculty are required to teach a 16 hour workload per term as mandated by the Provost’s Office.
Calculated / AI / AY Carry Forward Banked Credit Hours / This field is calculated as follows:
AY Total wkld (AE)
Beginning Banked Credit Hours (AF)
Banked Hours Used This Year (AG)
Expected wkld hr (AH)
Dean’s Office / AJ / Explanation if AY Total Workload does not equal the Expected Workload Hours (Column AH)