Hi everyone,

With winter fast approaching, it is time to think about submitting your annual reports. The deadline has been set for December 15th. They can be submitted online by going to the website and filling them out. Actually I prefer getting them in the mail as last year there were several problems. Some would not print the answers. Also, it saves me time as I already have a hard copy and do not have to print them.

The reading program reports are to be mailed to: Jan Lambert - 504 Pickens Road - Huntley, MT 59037

The Participation Reports mailed to - Vicki Weiper - P. O. Box 552 - Bridger, MT 59014

Each unit is to fill in their Membership report online at:


The Mission Today and Honor Unit reports mailed to - Ellen Hill - 173 Bridger Fromberg Road - Bridger, MT 59014

Activities coming soon are Mission U on February 2nd and 3rd, 2018 at Laurel United Methodist Church and The Spring District Meeting on April 14th at the Laurel United Methodist Church.

I look forward to the coming year and hope to see you at these events.

Ellen Hill

To Local Secretaries:

This form needs to be emailed or mailed to the Directory Editor Grace Matthaes preferably by December 15th, 2017 but no later than January 10th, 2018. Please fill out and email the officers list to her at or you can mail a copy to her at: 1833 Clark Ave, Billings MT 59102-4042. Be sure to include up-to-date email addresses for all your officers. Our newsletters are now sent by email. Additions or corrections to the list can be sent during the year.


Yellowstone Conference UMW collects officer names and addresses for all local units as well as District and Conference Mission Team Leaders. Each unit will get a copy of the Directory sent to the President of the local unit. We hope that your local UMW has elected its officers and it will be easy for you to fill in this form and send it back by no later than January 10th, 2018. We depend on your efforts, as a local secretary, to collect this vital information including email addresses. If you do not have a complete list elected, please send the information that you do have. We must begin the process of making each new Directory by January 15 in order to publish the Directory by the first weekend of February. If we do not have a list from you, we will have to use the information from the previous year.

You have full permission to copy any part of or the entire Directory for your own use. We believe that sharing contact information is one of the helpful things we do to make Yellowstone Conference special and hope that your copy of local officers’ information will give you ways to bring each local unit closer to nearby units. We do not allow any of this information to be given to any but local UMW members and U.M. Churches and trust you to keep this promise of security within our church and our UMW units. This Directory is prepared with prayers for each person listed as each name is typed into the master copy.

We wish blessings on you and on all your officers as you work for Mission in Jesus’ name.

Name of UMW Unit____________________________________________ Date of election_ ____________________


Mailing address_____________________________________________Email___ _____________________________


VICE PRESIDENT_____________________________________________PHONE______________________________

Mailing address____________________________________________ Email_________________________________



Mailing address_____________________________________________Email___ ______________________________



Mailing address______________________________________________Email___ _____________________________


SECRETARY PROGRAM RESOURCES__________________________________PHONE______________________________

Mailing address_______________________________________________Email___ ______________________________




SPIRITUAL GROWTH_____________________________________________PHONE______________________________

Mailing address________________________________________________Email________________________________


SOCIAL ACTION_________________________________________________PHONE______________________________

Mailing address_________________________________________________Email___ ____________________________


MEMBERSHIP NURTURE & OUTREACH______________________________PHONE______________________________

Mailing address________________________________________________Email___ _____________________________


EDUCATION AND INTERPRETATION_________________________________PHONE______________________________

Mailing address________________________________________________Email___ _____________________________


NOMINATIONS CHAIR____________________________________________PHONE______________________________

Mailing address______________________________________________Email___ ______________________________




Mailing address______________________________________________Email___ ______________________________



Mailing address______________________________________________Email___ _____________________________



Mailing address______________________________________________Email___ _____________________________



Mailing address______________________________________________Email___ ______________________________


Return this form to: Grace Matthaes, Directory Editor Email to:

Or by Mail: 1833 Clark Ave / Billings MT 59102-4042

This form can be found online at under UMW - Big Horn District. If you are unable to fill it in on your computer Grace can email it to you in fill-in PDF or WORD.

Each local UMW is encouraged to become a Mission Today UMW
by completing a minimum of 10 of the following 20 items including at least 4 of items 1-7.

Check the box by each item you have completed during this calendar year.

Send this report and the Honor Local UMW report on the opposite side by December 15th to:

Ellen Hill -- 173 Bridger Fromberg Rd, Bridger, MT 59014 ---- 406-662-3605

Name of Church: __________________________________ City: ____________________

☐1. Used the Prayer Calendar at general/circle meetings and prayed for person in mission.

☐2. Your local UMW made and met its Pledge to Mission.

☐3. Your local UMW added two or more new members to its roll.

☐4. Your local UMW had one member subscribe to Response and give a Response Moment at meetings.

☐5. Your local UMW used at least two programs from the Program Book during the year.

☐6. Your local UMW or a circle conducted at least one mission study.

☐7. Your local UMW or a circle implemented the Charter for Racial Justice by reading books, Response articles about other races and cultures, by a mission study involving other faiths, interacting with other cultures, or by using the video "In Search of Social Justice" available from the Conference Sec of Program Resources.

☐8. At least one member attended the Winter or Summer School of Christian Mission (mission u).

☐9. At least two members attended a District Meeting (not including District or Conference officers).

☐10. At least two members attended the UMW Conference Annual Meeting (not including District or Conference officers).

☐11. One or more members serve on the UMW District, Conference or national level.

☐12. At least one person joined the UMW Action Network to receive Action Alerts and wrote to a legislator.

☐13. Members corresponded with at least five people listed in the Prayer Calendar.

☐14. Your local UMW participated in the Campaign for Children. Activities include working with children in church, schools or community or co-sponsoring a Children's Sabbath in your church or being involved in the local school system.

☐15. Your local UMW received 5-Stars by contributing to all 5 channels of Mission Giving.

☐16. Your local UMW participated in a district, conference or world mission project.

☐17. Your local UMW had one or more members participate in the Reading program and give a book report.

☐18. Your local UMW invited a District or Conference officer to a local UMW meeting during the year.

☐19. Your local UMW had a "green" program or is a "Green" United Methodist Women local UMW (Get information on becoming a Green Local UMW at http://www.umwonline.org/environment).

☐20. Your local UMW held a mini-Spiritual Growth Retreat.

Did your local UMW complete a minimum of 10 of the above items, including 4 of items 1-7?

Mark YES ☐ or NO

Thanks for all you do to promote Mission!

2017 Big Horn District/Eastern Northern Plains UMW Honor Unit

Unit Name: ______________________________________ Total Points: _______ Needed Points__40_

Circle each item completed below. Each item is worth one (1) point. Subtotal on section lines and report at the top of this form. Items notated with * count toward the Five-Star Award for units completing 5 Channels of Giving in the last section of this report.

Please complete and return this report regardless of total points earned. We want to know how you have served women, children and youth and God this past year. Mail to Ellen Hill -- 173 Bridger Fromberg Rd, Bridger, MT 59014 ---- 406-662-3605

_____ Reports mailed by 2017 due dates.

1. Mailed Mission Today, and Honor Unit reports to District President, Ellen Hill by 12/15/2017.

2. Mailed Unit Census Record to District Membership Nurture & Outreach, Vicki Weiper, 12/15/2017.

3. Mailed Notification of Completed Reading Programs to Sec. of Program Res., Jan Lambert, 12/15/2017.

4. Mailed Pledges to the District Treasurer, Patti Keebler by 12/1/2016.

5. Mailed 2018 Officer Directory listings to District Communications Coordinator, Grace Mathaes by 12/15/2017.

_____ Member Attendance

1. Yellowstone Conference Mission u (February 2017 or August 2017)

2. Spring District Meeting (Roundup, April 2017)

3. Fall District Meeting (Fort Benton, Fall 2017)

4. UMW Luncheon at Annual Conference (June 2017)

5. Annual UMW Meeting (Bozeman, MT October 2017)

_____ Program Resources

1. Used the Prayer Calendar at a circle or unit meeting program

2. Used the Program Book at a meeting

3. Used a Mission Study in a meeting

4. Purchased Books for Reading Program participation.

_____ Spiritual Growth

1. Members attended a retreat (does not need to be UMW)

2. Members used a Spiritual Study from Mission u.

3. Members participated in a Call to Prayer and Self-Denial Program

4. Members shared prayer concerns at meetings

5. Members shared a book listed within the last 5 years from the Reading Program Spiritual Growth category or an article from the RESPONSE from this category.

_____ Social Action

1. Unit/Circle selected a social issue for focus, prayer, study and action during the year.

2. Members participated in the UMW Action Alert on legislative issues.

3. Implemented the Charter of Racial Justice in a unit or circle program.

4. Members participated in meaningful community mission involvement.

5. Members shared a book listed within the last 5 years from the Reading Program on Social Action or an article from the RESPONSE from this category.

_____ Membership, Nurture, and Outreach

1. Members had meetings altered to accommodate younger, older, or employed women and invited those non-attenders to a meeting.

2. Unit or circles provided child care at meetings.

3. Unit or circle had a membership drive and/or added a new member.

4. Unit or circle had an “ice breaker” activity at your meeting.

5. Members shared a book listed within the last 5 years from the Reading Program on Nurturing for Community or an article from the RESPONSE from this category.

_____ Education and Interpretation

1. Unit or circle had at least one program focused on children/youth or used Children Sabbath materials.

2. Invited a Missionary, Deaconess or like volunteer to meeting for the program.

3. Promoted understanding of the UMW PURPOSE.

4. Helped a member attend Mission u.

5. Worked toward becoming a “Mission Today” Unit.

6. Member shared a book listed within the last 5 years from the Reading Program on Education for Mission or an article from the RESPONSE from this category.

_____ Communication

1. Unit sent at least one article for the 2017 Winter or Summer SPARK.

2. Forwarded a name of a women as a possible candidate for district or conference office to Nominations.

3. Created or updated local UMW history for the archives and sent to the Yellowstone Conference President.

4. Shared the District (SPARK) and Conference (FLAME) newsletters at a meeting.

5. Shared correspondence from District, Conference and National office at a meeting.

6. Used the online community for the District, Conference or National webpage or BHD gmail notification.

7. Local UMW uses electronic communications/promotions on facebook, twitter, emails or other system.

_____ Leadership

1. Mailed Participation Records to District MNO, Vicki Weiper.

2. Member took lay leadership training.

3. Member mentored a young woman or helped a young woman attend a UMW event.

4. Member talked to youth or young woman about their local UMW.

5. Member shared a book listed within the last 5 years from the Reading Program on Leadership Development or an article from the RESPONSE from this category.

_____Pledge to Mission:

1. Sent Pledge to Mission to District Treasurer by December 1st due date *

2. Set 60% of unit budget for Missions

3. Promoted “Where Mission Money Goes” information at meetings

4. Promoted Mission Giving.

_____ Special Mission Recognition

1. Budgeted a line item for Special Mission Recognitions Pin purchases.

2. Bought Special Recognition Pins and/or Certificates this year *

_____ Gift to Mission

1. Bought at least one “Gift to Mission” card from the District Treasurer*

2. Used at least one “Gift to Mission” Card

3. Unit Treasurer kept “Gift to Mission” cards on hand for purchase.

_____ Gift in Memory

1. Used a “Gift in Memory” card *

2. Displayed “Gift in Memory” card a most meetings.

3. Send UMW names to District President for Annual Meeting Memorial Service.

_____ World Thank Offering

1. Unit gave to the World Thank Offering and sent to District Treasurer by December 1st due date*

2. Collected a World Thank Offering at a meeting.

3. Members attended World Thank Offering Service.