Local Government Act 1972
Dear Sir/Madam
I hereby give you notice that a Meeting of the PARISH COUNCIL of the above named Parish will be held at The Guild Hall Aston Cantlow on20thSeptember 2011 at 7.00 o’clock in the evening.
All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder.
Dated this14th day of September2011
Clerk to the Parish Council
1.Apologies for absence
2.Public participation
3.To welcome Cllr Lydia Pemberton to the Council
4.Members Declaration of Personal and Prejudicial Interests
5.To approve for signature the minutes of the meeting on 18th August 2011
6.To note Cllr Simmons resignation as Chairman effective 30th September 2011 but ratify the extension of his term of office until the 13th October meeting.
7.To receive reports from and refer matters to County & District Councillors
8.Communications relating to previous minutes
9.To receive other communications
10.Online Mapping – to ratify the Clerk’s actions taken under delegated authority following receipt of a written report from Mr Hodgson dated 20th August on his evaluation of options.
11.WALC matters:
- To agree who will represent the council at the WALC AGM on 27th October;
- To establish whether there is anyone willing to attend the Stratford Area Committee on the 3rd October and be nominated for the county committee.
- To formulate any proposition for the WALC AGM
12.Planning applications received since last meeting – to note responses agreed and discuss any earning points on:-
- 11/01803/EXT Ardencote, 23 Chapel Lane, Aston Cantlow
- 11/01774/FUL Lodge Hill, Shelfield Green – courtesy consultation
13.Audit of non-Listed properties of historic interest -- to receive SDC’s comments and agree the way forward
14.Update of Emergency Plan and to consider any lessons to be learnt from Exercise Watermark
15.Local Government Pensions – to note the potential impact of workplace pension reforms and new rules
16.Reports of Council meetings – to agree the authorship and publication policy, i.e. who writes them and, as well as publishing in the Village Vine, should they be posted on the community website
17.Backup arrangements for data on Clerk’s computer
18.Clerk’s salary payments – to agree payment by Standing Order
19.Community Forum on 28th September – to note final agenda and finalise arrangements
20.Community Computer:
- Hosting agreement with the Club – to review progress
- Broadband service at Club – subject to above, to finalise arrangements
- To note responses to a further notice in the September Village Vine and plan accordingly
21.To review the current state of the council’s financial reserves
22.To approve payment of outstanding invoices
23.To propose items for consideration at the next meeting
24.Date of next meeting – Thursday 13th October 2011 - and clarify meeting dates for 2012
* This notice must be left at or sent by post to the usual place of residence of every member of the council three clear days at least before the meeting.