Information for attendees of SQA’s 2017 Quality Network Events for Construction and Confined Spaces following the TQT Workshop
Total Qualification Time (TQT)– is the term used to describe the estimated number of notional hours it would take an average learner, with no previous experience, to achieve and demonstrate they have attained all of the learning outcomes of a qualification.
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) – All of the time that learners are being taught or are participating in education/training under the immediate guidance or supervision of a Lecturer, Supervisor, Tutor or other appropriate provider of education or training.
Immediate guidance or supervision by means of electronic communication (egLive webinar or telephone tutorial) is also counted as Guided Learning Hours providing it is carried out with the Lecturer/Supervisor in real time.
Note: The total value of Guided Learning Hours needs to include any Invigilated Assessment time, however, the Invigilated Assessment component requires an individual value assigned.
Invigilated Assessment – The supervision by an appropriate person, of Learners being assessed for a qualification, where such supervision involves neither any teaching nor provision of guidance or direction beyond that necessary to convey the instructions for carrying out the assessment.
Unsupervised Learning Hours – any other time that the learner is carrying out activity as part of a qualification where they are not being observed supervised, taught or assessed by a lecturer, supervisor, tutor or other person who provides education or training.
Guided Learning Hours (including any Invigilated Assessment value) + Unsupervised Learning Hours = Total Qualification Time
Examples of activities contributing towards Guided Learning Hours (GLH), Invigilated Assessment
and Unsupervised Learning Hours (ULH) components of Total Qualification Time (TQT)
Activities which forms part of TQT / Guided Learning Hours (GLH) / Invigilated Assessment / Unsupervised Learning Hours (ULH)Induction to the Qualification and the Health and Safety Assessment / Yes / No / Possibly*
Sector/industry specific training in a classroom environment prior to workshop practice / Yes / No / Possibly*
Skills practice of hand skills in workshop/on site with assistance from supervisor/tutor when required / Yes / No / No
Research on web and/or in trade magazines regarding methods and H & S legislation / No / No / Yes
Summative and formal assessments carried out in a workshop environment / Yes / Yes / No
Direct feedback from supervisor/tutor on outcome of assessment and remedial work prior to reassessment / Yes / No / Possibly*
Drawing and sketching practice whilst working with experienced supervisor. Discussion with experienced work colleague on current practices to develop knowledge and skills / Yes / No / No
*Some activities might incorporate a small amount of unsupervised learning alongside guided learning eg where learners are being taught/trained about the sector or industry they will be operating in, prior to workshop practice, but they may undertake some research via the web/trade magazines individually and not under direct supervision or guidance.