University of Latvia
International Scientific Conference on Medicine
February 23, 2018
Academic Centre for the Natural Sciences of the University of Latvia, Riga
1.The deadline for submitting abstracts is the January 7, 2018, 23:59.
2.All abstracts must be submitted in English.
3.Abstracts are to be submitted electronically by filling out the submission form and sending it to , with the last name of the presenting author and the medical fieldof the abstract indicated in the subject of the email.
4.Abstracts in the medical and pharmacological fields may be submitted.
5.Abstracts must contain original material. Material presented elsewhere within the last year may be submitted (unless it has already been published in previous proceedings of the Medical conference of the University of Latvia). Abstracts ofcase reports will not be accepted.
6.Authors are responsible for the content of their abstracts. All material must be the work of the authors listed.
7.Formatting requirements
7.1.Abstracts must be drafted in Times New Roman font with single line spacing (Single). Spacing between paragraphs should be 6pt (Paragraph Spacing After 6pt).
7.2.Non-English words must be italicised (Italic).
7.3. The use of commercial drug names is forbidden, authors should use international nonproprietary or generic drug names (active substance).
7.4. The abstract should contain the following (all headings in bold) in the following order (example attached):
a.Title: a maximum of 200 characters typed in upper-case (capital) letters (except for abbreviations and study names), bold font, font size 14.
b.Authors: name, surname (in italics, presenting author in bold, font size 12), affiliation number (in superscript without spaces after the surname);
c.Affiliations (italics, font size 10): name of the institution, city, country;
f.Material and methods
i.Acknowledgements (including funding)
7.5.The maximum word count cannot exceed 400 (counting the following sections: Background, Purpose, Materials and methods, Results, Conclusion(s), Acknowledgements).
7.6.No more than one table may be included in the abstract (table format must not exceed 5x5). If a table is included, the total word count should be reduced to 375.
7.7.Page format A4 (dimensions 21 cm x 29.7 cm), vertical layout (Portrait); page layout (Page Layout): margins 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 cm from the bottom, 2.5 cm from the left, 2.5 cm from the right.
- Upon submission of the abstract, authors must indicate:
- contact details (e-mail and phone number) of the corresponding/presenting author;
- the field of medicine that best fits the content of the abstract;
- the preferred type of presentation (oral presentation, poster presentation, or both, if there is no preference).
- the preferred language for presenting.
- Abstracts that do not meet the submission requirements or are submitted after the submission deadline will not be accepted.
- The organizing committee may change the medical field of the abstract indicated by the author.
- Authors will be notified via email about the final decision (acceptance or rejection)regarding thesubmitted abstracts by the 19th of January, 2018.
- If accepted, presentations will have to meet the following requirements:
- Oral presentations: 7 minutes for presenting + 3 minutes for discussion. Depending on the number of the accepted abstracts, the length of presentations for a specific section may vary. The authors will be notified about this before the conference.
- Poster presentations: 4 minutes for presenting + 2 minutes for discussion. The poster should have the following dimensions: A0 Portrait layout, 118.9 cm (height) and 84.1 cm (width).
- Should any questions arise, please contact us by email