Sima Nayeri-Graham

Econ 331

Business Proposal

February 26th, 2009

Name:Ag Insulation

Description of Product and Service:

Ag Insulation will be providing high quality cellulose insulation directly to builders and customers who are building new agriculture structures and updating old structures. Cellulose insulation is a high efficiency thermal product that still delivers an effective R-value. It is made from 85% recycled paper fiber (normally newspaper and other recyclable paper products). It is considered a permanent form of insulation, and is fire resistant and rodent resistant. My business would provide service from the first contact with the customer following through until after the insulation has been installed. This would include the bid, the sale, the installation, the payment and any questions the customer may encounter along the way. Also, after the project had been completed, the company would be available for additional projects, repairs, and any other questions or problems that may arise.

Intended Customers and Needs:

As previously stated, the intended customers are those constructing agriculturally geared buildings. The customers that would contact Ag Insulation are those that are in need of an insulation bid. We provide the product and installation.

Created Value:

Our product creates its own value by being a necessity in buildings. We further the value created by teaching the customer about how cellulose can benefit them immediately and in the future.

Product Differentiation:

Cellulose insulation is different from other forms of insulation in that it is made from recycled materials and is more efficient than other insulation options on the market, in comparison to fiberglass insulation, spray foam insulation, reflective insulation systems and blankets.

Opportunity for Growth:

Because there are no direct competitors, this company can easily become dominant in this sector of agricultural construction. If our team at Ag Insulation can market the product well and keep customers informed and happy, I see no reason why we can’t keep the hold on this market.

Financial Plan:

I have approached the owner of a local, established insulation company and he is willing to sell. I plan on coming up with half of the money and I will talk to the loan officer at my bank to fund the rest of the purchasing costs. The sale of our service will cover all costs and create enough revenue to pay employee’s salaries, advertising expenses and other business expenses.

Who am I:

My name is Sima Nayeri-Graham and I know I have the skills, background and strong work ethic to make this company thrive. I already have the product knowledge and established professional relationships. I know I can work hard and feel I have the skills to manage a team based on my past involvement in community organizations and good communication skills.

Entry into the Market:

I feel that this is an ideal time to start this business based on the economy and the way the product has been marketed in the past. Traditionally, this product has been geared toward newly constructed homes, however, I feel with the benefits of the product and the “going green” movement, Ag Insulation could flourish.

My Team:

I seek a professional entrepreneurial team that is eager to learn and willing to put in the time and effort to launch a successful company. The members of this team must work well alone and in a group setting when necessary. They must have basic computer knowledge and not be afraid to share their thoughts and ideas with the team.