Prayer In Honour of Blessed Edmund Rice


Any appropriate Hymn

Symbols Needed:

Picture of Edmund Rice mounted in front of the altar

or in the middle of the Sacred Space.

Glass Bowl of Soil

Glass Bowl of Water

Some Large Candles

Choose four leaders to do the sections.


When our ancestors in North America reflected deeply on the Mystery in Creation, they came to understand that Earth, Air, Fire and Water were at the heart of the great Mystery.

These same earth elements are reflected in Scripture and in the sacramental Tradition of our Christian faith. Modern science has given a new significance to these ancient earth elements.

As we celebrate the life and legacy of Blessed Edmund Rice who always explored the Mystery of God, we offer these four elements as symbolic ways of entering the wonderment of the presence of the Divine Mystery we call God in all of Creation. Edmund Rice coming from a farming background would be very pleased.


(Place the bowl of soil near an image of Bl. Edmund)

Reader 1:

“The Universe especially the earth needs to be experienced as the primary mode of divine presence.” (Thomas Berry)

“The universe and all it contains is the first Book of Revelation.” (Thomas Aquinas)

“And may the whole earth be filled with the glory of God. Amen. Amen.” (Psalm 72)

Earth invites us to be grounded in healthy, intimate relationships

within community and with the whole Earth.

All: As Edmund did, we open our hearts and respond to those whose hearts are broken through isolation, sickness, injustice, poverty, anger and violence.


(Take a moment to breathe deeply a few times to remind yourself

of the importance of the air you breathe)


Reader 2:

“The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it but do not know from where it is coming; so it is of everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3

The air invites and calls us to wander freely across boundaries of spirituality and culture while anchoring ourselves within our own Catholic tradition.

Edmund had many friends who were Protestants and Quakers.

All: As Edmund did, may we be open to deepening our understanding

of the Mystery we call God in all of Life!


(Have a person come forward to light the candles and place them near Edmund’s picture)

Reader 3:

“I have come to cast fire upon the earth and how I wish it were already kindled!”

Luke 12.

Fire inspires us to be passionate and a compassionate presence within our communities, in our ministry and in the wider community. We are all inflamed with the Vision and Spirit of Jesus and Edmund “daring to be the change that we wish to be in the world”. (Gandhi)

All: As Jesus and Edmund did, may we be enflamed with the Vision and Spirit to live passionate and compassionate lives.


(Have someone place the large glass bowl of water in front of Edmund’s picture)

Reader 4:

“Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel with which he was wearing.”

Water energizes us to flow freely in collaboration with all of life. Without water we die. Water is an invitation to action. It invites us to be open to new possibilities. Edmund did this with education!

All: May water nurture the desire in us to be advocates for the poor and voiceless. May the waters we see each day remind us to listen to and care for this mother we call Earth.

Intercessions through Edmund’s Intercession

Leader: Gracious God,

Listen, we pray, to these our intentions we bring before you today

through the intercession of Blessed Edmund.

1.  We remember today all those who have lost their courage to dream a new dream that they may be reconnected to the Vision and Mission of Jesus and Edmund.

Response: Through Edmund’s intercession, hear our prayer!

2.  We pray for the courage to form healthy, heart-centred and forgiving communities of Brothers in the tradition of Edmund Rice and his first companions.

3.  We pray that we may be open to experience the person of Jesus Christ in our relationships with the poor and marginalized.

4.  We pray for those Brothers in our congregation who are sick and in pain, that they may experience the peace and healing touch of Jesus.

(Name your intentions)

All: We ask these prayers through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Our Father

Closing Prayer,

O God,

We thank you for the life of Blessed Edmund Rice.

He opened his heart to Christ present in those oppressed by poverty and injustice.

May we follow his example of faith and generosity.

Grant us the courage and compassion of Edmund as we seek to live lives of love and service.

Grant that Blessed Edmund may soon be declared a saint by your Church.

We ask this through Jesus our Brother. Amen. Live Jesus in our hearts forever.