Chapter 4 Digital Technologies in the Classroom

True/False Questions

1) When requesting a computer for classroom use, you need to be sure to specify all of the

peripherals you want with it because they cannot be added later.

Page Ref: 135

2) You can add output devices to your computer so the entire class can see what you see on your


Page Ref: 135

3) Digitizers used by art students and similar professionals have special capabilities such as

special colors, brush sizes and types, and special effects.

Page Ref: 141

4) You can translate a drawing or page of text into computer data directly by using a laser

drawing pen.

Page Ref: 136-137

5) When text is scanned into a computer and converted so it can be modified in a word processor,

the software used is known as OCR.

Page Ref: 136

6) The least expensive method to display a computer image is a flat-bed scanner.

Page Ref: 136-137

7) It is faster and easier to get a picture into your computer by using a digital camera instead of a

regular camera and a scanner.

Page Ref: 138

8) You can take more pictures with a digital camera in high resolution than in low.

Page Ref: 138

9) Pictures taken with a digital camera can be printed on a regular computer color printer.

Page Ref: 139

10) You can draw digital images freehand if you use a whiteboard and special color pens.

Page Ref: 146

11) Handheld computers use abbreviated versions of the most popular types of software.

Page Ref: 153

12) Material written or drawn on an electronic whiteboard or a SMART Board can be saved to

your computer.

Page Ref: 146

13) A scanner is used to convert a drawing, page of text, or photo to digital data.

Page Ref: 136

14) Digital cameras require special types of film and photo processing.

Page Ref: 138

15) A primary use of a graphics tablet is to create complex drawings that would be difficult to

accomplish using a mouse.

Page Ref: 141

16) Ports on a computer are the points of connection between the computer and peripheral


Page Ref: 137

17) Personal digital assistants (PDAs) typically use trackballs as their input devices.

Page Ref: 142-143

18) An electronic whiteboard is useful for in the classroom because you can capture whatever is

written on it into a digital file.

Page Ref: 146

19) Scan converters let you turn digital video into still pictures.

Page Ref: 148-149

20) One of the key advantages of wireless devices is the flexibility they provide learners when

engaging in activities outside of the classroom.

Page Ref: 153

21) A tablet PC merges the flexibility of a memopad with the power of a computer.

Page Ref: 144

22) Voice technology enables computers to accept voice commands.

Page Ref: 155

23) Virtual environments are those created and accessed via the Internet.

Page Ref: 156-157

24) LCD data projectors typically need to be used with overhead projectors to display computer


Page Ref: 147

25) For prereaders, a touch screen is a useful instructional device for input.

Page Ref: 145

26) An electronic whiteboard is considered to be an input device to a computer.

Page Ref: 146

27) The higher the dpi of a scanner, the higher will be the quality of the captured image.

Page Ref: 137

28) Recently, scanners have begun connecting through the parallel port, permitting faster


Page Ref: 137

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Most LCD projectors today will project images from

A) TVs.

B) monitors.

C) computers.

D) VCRs.

E) C and D

Page Ref: 147-148

2) An advantage of digital-to-analog converters is

A) low cost.

B) high resolution.

C) extreme clarity.

D) size of the image.

E) A and D

Page Ref: 149

3) In the self-paced remediation lab at the middle school where you are teaching, the students

are working with multimedia skills reinforcement software. For the auditory component of the

programs in this setting, the peripherals of choice are

A) headphones.

B) speakers.

C) microphones.

D) laser printers.

Page Ref: 150

4) Wireless microwave technology is used in

A) cell phones.

B) beepers.

C) laptops with wireless cards.

D) LCD projectors.

E) A, B, and C

Page Ref: 152

5) As computer power increases, the size of the computer system tends to decrease. This is

exemplified by palm-sized computers known as

A) LCDs.

B) BPMs.

C) PTPs.

D) PDAs.

E) ABCs.

Page Ref: 142

6) Overhead projector platforms are used with

A) graphics tablets.

B) electronic whiteboards.

C) LCD panels.

D) LCD projectors.

Page Ref: 147-148

7) Catching students up on missed class work is a perennial problem at all levels and grades of

instruction. For information presented visually, one solution is to present the material as usual

by writing on a display surface but also to store the information for later retrieval. This

display surface is known as

A) a scanner.

B) a printer.

C) an electronic whiteboard.

D) a handheld computer.

Page Ref: 146

8) To view a photographic image taken on a digital camera, you usually first use

A) a scan converter.

B) a color ink jet printer.

C) a TV monitor.

D) a built-in LCD screen.

Page Ref: 139

9) It looks like a pen but is used to draw on an electronic pad, not paper. It is called a(n)

A) laser pointer.

B) joystick.

C) stylus.

D) LCD display.

Page Ref: 143

10) Electronic tablets that display stored digital text, page by page, are known as

A) graphics tablets.

B) LCD displays.

C) LCD screens.

D) electronic books.

Page Ref: 154

11) We anticipate that the next technology revolution will be

A) voice input technology.

B) wireless computers.

C) 3-D images.

D) virtual reality.

Page Ref: 155

12) As the capacity of storage devices increases, the size of the devices tends to

A) increase.

B) decrease.

C) stay the same.

D) vary.

Page Ref: 155

13) Using a headpiece and glove and other related hardware and software that enable you to

interact with a three-dimensional world is known as

A) artificial intelligence.

B) 3-D.

C) virtual reality.

D) role playing.

Page Ref: 156-157

14) Digital cameras typically store images on

A) high-speed film.

B) memory or ʺsmartʺ cards.

C) Zip disks.

D) videotape.

Page Ref: 138

15) In the classroom, PDAs can be used as a

A) classroom management tool.

B) video capture device.

C) LCD display.

D) scanner.

Page Ref: 144

16) The inexpensive device that lets teachers display computer images using a standard television

monitor is a

A) projection panel.

B) LCD projector.

C) scan converter.

D) touch screen.

Page Ref: 148-149

17) In the classroom, the advantage of headphones over speakers is that

A) using headphones does not disturb other studentsʹ work.

B) headphones have more clarity than speakers.

C) headphones allow multiple students to hear the same output.

D) headphones are not as easily broken or lost.

Page Ref: 150

18) Emerging technologies in education are those that

A) have been used in schools for less than 10 years.

B) are not suitable for use in the classroom.

C) have only begun to be used in schools.

D) have been designated too expensive for most districts.

Page Ref: 152

19) E-books allow students to

A) view and take notes on digital versions of books.

B) track their grades via personal gradebook software.

C) take tests and complete writing assignments via a school network.

D) keep a personal journal in a digital format.

Page Ref: 154

20) To capture a digital image of a page of a reference book, it is best to use a

A) digital camera.

B) page scanner.

C) multifunction device.

D) flat-bed scanner.

Page Ref: 136-137

21) After transferring photo images from a digital camera to the hard drive, the images in the


A) are left in the camera, but they can be recorded over.

B) lose significant quality.

C) can no longer be viewed.

D) may be deleted if you wish.

Page Ref: 139

22) Although any photographic image can be enlarged, when selecting a digital camera that will

provide images with sufficient resolution to make high-quality 8x10 prints, you should seek a

camera with at least how many megapixel resolution?

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

Page Ref: 139

23) To get instant feedback for assessment, such as physical education fitness, music lab activity,

or reading competency, students have been shown how to use

A) handheld computers or PDAs.

B) webcams or digital cameras.

C) desktop or laptop computers.

D) scanners or punch cards.

Page Ref: 153-154

24) What is a relatively new, wireless device that can enable students to take and organize notes in

a word-processed format without having to type them out, then download and read e -books,

all without the use of a desktop or laptop computer?

A) LCD projector

B) voice recognition software

C) webcam

D) tablet PC

Page Ref: 142

25) One of the newer wireless technologies that uses radio frequencies to connect computers and

other devices to wired network at fairly high speeds is known as

A) HiFi.

B) WiFi.

C) FiWide.

D) wireless technology.

Page Ref: 152

Matching Questions

Match the following.

1) Pen input device

Page Ref: 142

2) Touch screen

Page Ref: 145

3) Digital camera

Page Ref: 138

4) Scanner

Page Ref: 136

5) Data projector

Page Ref: 147-148

6) Scan converter

Page Ref: 148-149

A) Recognizes handwritten notes and

converts them to text

B) Records images on disks as digital


C) Makes computer images large

enough to see

D) Changes audio and video to

digital data

E) Turns images or text into digital


F) Replaces a keyboard and mouse

to input data directly from the


G) A stylus to input handwritten


H) Uses a stylus to press against a

pressure-sensitive surface

Match the technology with its description.

7) E-book

Page Ref: 154

8) Scan converter

Page Ref: 149

9) Touch screen

Page Ref: 145

10) Digital tablet

Page Ref: 141

11) Data projector

Page Ref: 148

12) Tablet PC

Page Ref: 143

13) Electronic whiteboard

Page Ref: 146

14) Microphone

Page Ref: 142

15) Scanner

Page Ref: 136

A) Captures and converts images

drawn on a board to digital files

B) Computer the size of a writing


C) Takes digital pictures

D) Allows for voice input

E) Used when precise control of

input is necessary

F) Displays digital images on a


G) Changes digital data for display

on a TV

H) Converts text and graphics to

digital files

I) Used to input sound

J) Stores and displays electronic

versions of books

K) None of these

Short Answer Questions

1) What is the purpose of an output device? Give an example of how it can be used to implement

an assignment.

Page Ref: 147-151

2) What is the purpose of an input device? How can it be used for instruction in a lesson plan you

will be teaching?

Page Ref: 136-147

3) You will have your students prepare electronic project portfolios to demonstrate achievement

in your class. Giving specific examples, tell how you will have them use a scanner to create

their portfolios.

Page Ref: 136-137

4) You are the advisor for the high school yearbook and want to do something extra to

supplement the traditional hard copy yearbook. Explain to the principal how you will use a

digital camera to create an electronic yearbook.

Page Ref: 138-141

5) How could virtual reality be used in your classroom if it were perfected today?

Page Ref: 156-157

6) What is the difference between a tablet PC and a graphics tablet?

Page Ref: 141-143

7) What type of equipment is currently needed to participate in a virtual environment?

Answer: Headpiece that displays 3-D images, headphones, and glove to manipulate objects in

the virtual environment

Page Ref: 156-157

8) What are the key advantages of a digital over a photographic camera?

Page Ref: 138-139

9) When we make PDA technology considerably larger and more powerful, we have what kind

of PC?

Page Ref: 143-144

Essay Questions

1) You have been awarded a grant to purchase any three digital devices for your classroom.

Which three devices would you select? Justify your choices.

Page Ref: 135-158

2) What emerging digital technology do you feel holds the most promise for education? Explain

your answer giving examples of the potential educational applications of the technology you


Page Ref: 152-157

3) What are some of the reasons that USB (or flash) drives are becoming so popular?

Page Ref: 155-156