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fo|ky;hf’k{kk ,oalk{kjrkfoHkkxHkkjrljdkj
Qksu ua0 09868654973 / / Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
Village - BAI , Teh & Post – Nuh
Distt. Mewat 122107 (Haryana)
An Autonomous Organization of Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of School Education & Literacy,
Phone No. 09868654973


Tender Valid up To 30.04.2018

R.S.T. NO______Registration N0______

C.S.T. NO.______Licence No.______

Name of the Firm ______


The Principal ,

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,

Bai,Distt-Mewat Haryana

Sub;-Tender for the supply of Mess Labour .


With reference to your advertisement for the above cited items Published in the______DD NO. dated AMOUNT______In accordance with the terms and conditions of your tender for issued to me for the purpose, I tender the rates of the under mentioned items ;-

fo|ky; esayxHkx 500 Nk=&Nk=kvksagsrqpikrhcukus] lCthNhyus o dkVus ¼lgk;rk dk;Z½ [kkukforj.kdjus] crZuksa dh lQkbZdjus o LoPNrkdk;Zgsrq de ls de 9 L=h] iq:"k dehZgksuspkfg, A

  1. JfedksadspkypyudsckjsaesaBsdsnkjLo;avkLoLrgksukpkfg,Afdlhizdkjdku”kk]xqV[kkiw.kZr% oftZrgSA
  2. Jfedksadsckjsaesaiw.kZmRrjnkf;RoBsdsnkjdkgksxk A 18 o’kZls de vk;qdkdksbZHkhdehZ u gksA
  3. fo|ky; esaizfrfnuuk'rk] nksigj o “kkedkHkksturS;kjdjukgksxk A
  4. pikrh dh xq.koRrk dh ftEesnkjhBsdsnkj dh gksxh A
  5. vodk”kdkyesaBsdsnkjdksfdlhizdkjdkHkqxrkuughafd;ktk;sxkA viSzyekgesaNk= la[;k de gksusdsdkj.ketnwj dh la[;k de dh tk;sxh ,oafu/kkZfjrjkf”kesalsde gq, etnwjksadkHkqxrkudkVfn;ktk;sxkA
  6. izfrekl Je dh nj ------
  7. vU; dksbZHkhdk;ZblO;olk; lslfEcf/kr o fo|ky; iz”kkludsfgresagksdjukgksxk A
  8. dksbZnq?kZVukgksusijBsdsnkjLo;a o dfeZ;ksagsrqftEesnkjgksxkA

/kjksgj @ tekurjkf’k :Ik;k ------tek @ layXuMkQV u------fnukad Terms & Conditions Attach


I hereby certify that all the terms & Conditions mentioned in the tender form issued to me, are accepted. The other terms & conditions if any, mentioned in the supply order will so be accepted to us

WitnessSignature of Tender & Seal of the firm
