GLL Points of Emphasis
Safety rules are dictated by Little League and GLL. See the Little League Rule Book for a complete list of safety rules.
- No jewelry may be worn.
- No “on-deck” batters are allowed in Major and below. Bats cannot be touched by any player until the player who is up has completed their “at-bat.”
- No bats may be swung outside of the fenced field area or batting cages during practice or games.
- Runners should slide or attempt to get around a fielder who has the ballis waiting to make the tag.
- Runners should never slide head-first while advancing in Major or below. Doing so will result in runner being out. Headfirst slides are allowed in Junior and above.
- Only league-approved managers and/or coaches who have had background checks done are allowed to lead a team practice or game. Parent Helpers with background checks may assist at practices. A list of approved volunteers is listed under the Volunteer tab on our website,
- One coach or Parent Helpermust remain in the dugout with the players at all times.
- Players should not visit the stands or concession stand during the game.
- Managers must never leave a child unattended after a practice or game.
Conduct rules are dictated by Little League and GLL.See Little League Rule Book for a complete list of conduct rules.
- Managers are responsible for the conduct of their coaches, players, and fans.
- Good sportsmanship and behavior are expected from players, coaches and parents.
- No profanity will be tolerated.
- Managers/ Coaches should show by example that they respect the judgment and authority of the umpire. Balls, strikes, or other judgment calls cannot be argued. Only the team manager may discuss rule interpretations with an umpire provided that the manager can identify the specific rule from rulebook.
- No tobacco or alcohol in park.Zero tolerance for coaches who been drinking before a game, as defined as having alcohol on the breath. Coach will be immediately ejected and punishment will follow GLL Constitution guidelines.
Key Policies
- GLL follows the Big Al Baseball Coaching System. Managers and coaches are encouraged to use their Big Al Coaching Manual in addition to the GLL Coaches Handbook.
- The GLL website has a ton of information on it that you may find useful while managing. Some of it is included in the manual, some is not. The tabs you will probably find most useful are: Coach’s Corner, Rules/Umpire Info, and Documents.
- Coaches are expected to know and abide by all rules. Read your rulebook. Learn it, live it, love it!
- Once fields are prepped for game, there should be no practice on the infield until the coach starts infield practice with the team. Coaches should keep players (including catcher) off the chalk lines. No infield batting practice before the game. Please inform parents of this as many want to come and practice on the infield before the game.
- Home team occupies 3rd base dugout
- Managers are expected to have their rosters and batting order sheet completed prior to the start of the game. This is required to eliminate any extended delay time in-between innings trying to figure out who is playing what position.
- Each Baseball team’s coach/scorekeeper will record number of pitches for both teams in the scorebook. Scorekeepers will compare numbers after each 1/2 inning.
- There is no automatic “one base on an overthrow”. As in LL rules, ball is liveand runners may advance more than one base at their own peril.
- Umpires: Coaches umpire in Tee Ball and Machine pitch. Home team supplies field umpire for Minor 9/10, Senior Minor, and Major games. Both umpires supplied by GLL in Junior and above.
- For purposes of time and weather limited games, a new inning is considered to have commenced when the third out is recorded in the last half of previous inning.
- No soft toss into any fences.
- Managers are responsible for entering scores into the website for Minor 9/10 and above. See the Managers Website Training Manual under the Documents tab at for more detail on how to do this.
- There are times as a manager or coach that issues will arise. These can be with players, parents, umpires, other coaches, or even with your director or board member. Your Division Director should be the first point of contact for all issues. They will then get other board members involved as necessary. If your issue is with the director, contact the Vice President of your league.
- Team pictures will be taken by McConomy Photo this year. You will be contacted by them to setup a time. Pictures are taken at Fair Haven Ministries and your time will correspond with one of your games early in the season. When pictures are done, they will be available for pickup at the concession stand. Please have one parent pick up the package for the whole team.
- Regular season player shirts are provided for every team with your sponsor’s name and a number (1-13) on every shirt. Custom numbers are not available. The Uniform Director will deliver the uniforms to the Division Director, who will contact managers about when they can pick them up. There will be a team roster included with the shirt order that will list the player’s size. There may also be additional team shirts in the box without numbers on the back. These are additional shirts that the players’ families have ordered and the shirt sizes they ordered will be listed adjacent to the player’s name as Extra #1, Extra #2, etc.
- All-star players shirts may have custom numbers selected by the players.
- If you are going to coordinate team pants and sock colors, please contact the parents early so they don’t purchase the wrong colors.
- The following uniform pieces are provided by GLL:
- Baseball – Tee Ball and Minor Machine Pitch: T-shirt and black hat
- Baseball – Minor 9/10, Senior Minor, Major, Junior, and Senior: 2-Button Henley and black hat.
- Softball – Tee Ball and Minor Machine Pitch: T-shirt and black visor
- Softball – Senior Minor, Major, Junior, and Senior: Sleeveless 2-Button Henley, no visor or hat
- Equipment pickup and return will be coordinated with your Division Director and the Equipment Director. Please ensure that all equipment issued is returned and that your returned bag includes your name, division, and team number.
- Big Al Coaching Manuals will be issued with your equipment and must be returned with the equipment. Note that you may purchase these manuals from GLL for the same price we paid, if you desire. The cost is $13 for the 5-8 and 9-12 manuals, and $18 for the 13 and over.
- Scorebooks (and pitch count books for baseball) will be issued with your equipment.
- Practice schedules on GLL fields will be determined by the Division Director. For additional practices, GLL suggests using local school, park, and church fields.
- Practice expectations for 9/10 Minor, Senior Minor, Major, Junior, Senior, and Big League Divisions
- At least 1 practice per week
- 3 gatherings per week (combination of practices and games)
- Machine Pitch equipment for games will be delivered to and picked up from the field. Equipment will include pitching machine, game balls, 2 buckets, and a bag of catcher’s gear..
- Tee Ball Tee and ball will be provided by the teams. A catcher’s mask to share between the teams will be delivered to and picked up from the field.
- Team medals are provided for all players in Tee Ball and Machine Pitch. You will receive these from your director approximately one week before your season ends and should hand out after the last game. Trophies are provided to division winners in all other divisions.
- The pitching distance for Senior Minor Softball is 35’ and Major Softball is 40'.
- Division Winners determined by the following:
- Winning percentage if teams have not played same amount of games;
- if tied, then Head to Head Record;
- if tied, then Defensive Runs allowed;
- GLL allows Division Directors to manage/coach in their own division. However, Division Director should make every effort to be above reproach by deferring in situations where an advantage to their team could be inferred. NEED TO LOOK AT FOR 2011.
- District 9 Team Tournaments are held before All-Stars for Major, Junior, and Senior divisions
- GLL strives to limit teams to 12 players, but teams will have a minimum of 11 and a maximum of 13 players. This does not apply to Junior and above where Pool Play is available.
Local Rules and Highlighted Little League Rules
Game rules are dictated by Little League and GLL. See the Little League Rule Book for a complete list of game rules. Highlighted rules are local GLL rules while rules that are italicized are simply highlighted from the Little League Rule Book.
Tee Ball
- Tees used the first 4 weeks of the season and then transitions to Coach Pitch with the use of the Tee after 3 strikes. No strike-outs are possible.
- Ten players in the field, 4 of which are outfielders.
- Every player will bat in line-up (continuous batting order). (Rule 4.04) A player not listed on the original batting order and arrives late is to be added at the bottom of the order.
- All outfielders are to be outfielders and must be on the outfield grass, approximately 10' off infield.
- Runs per inning rule: None, bat ½ order or 3 outs (note: no outs first 2 weeks)
- Limited to no new inning after 50 minutes from game start.
- No leadoffs.
- No stealing.
- No advance on over-throw.
Machine Pitch
- If ball hits the pitching machine it is dead. Runners only advance to base they were attempting to reach.
- Every player will bat in line-up (continuous batting order). (Rule 4.04) A player not listed on the original batting order and arrives late is to be added at the bottom of the order.
- All outfielders are to be outfielders and must be on the outfield grass, approximately 10' off infield.
- Utilize 4 strikes or 8 total pitches as an out. No Tees are to be used.
- Ten players in the field, 4 of which are outfielders.
- Limited to no new inning after 60 minutes from game start.
- Runs per inning rule: 5/inning
- No leadoffs.
- No stealing.
- No advance on over-throw.
Minor 9/10 Baseball
- Every player will bat in line-up (continuous batting order). (Rule 4.04) A player not listed on the original batting order and arrives late is to be added at the bottom of the order.
- Ten players in the field, 4 of which are outfielders.
- All outfielders are to be outfielders and must be on the outfield grass, approximately 10' off infield.
- Limited to no new inning after 60 minutes from game start.
- Baseball Pitch Count should be reported to Division Director.
- Runs per inning rule: 5/inning, until unlimited final inning
- Mercy rule: 10 run lead after 4,or 3½ if home team is ahead
- No leadoffs until the ball passes the plate.
- Stealing, any base at runner’s perilafter the ball passes the plate.
- May advance on overthrows at runner’s peril. No automatic base.
Senior Minor
- Every player will bat in line-up (continuous batting order). (Rule 4.04) A player not listed on the original batting order and arrives late is to be added at the bottom of the order.
- All outfielders are to be outfielders and must be on the outfield grass, approximately 10' off infield.
- No time limit other than darkness
- Baseball Pitch Count and Softball Innings Pitched should be reported to Division Director.
- Runs per inning rule: 5/inning, until unlimited final inning
- Mercy rule: 10 run lead after 4,or 3½ if home team is ahead
- Softball Pitch count: More than 1 inning, 1 day rest. Max 6 innings/game. Max 6 innings per Sun-Sat.
- No leadoffs until the ballpasses the plate.
- Stealing, any base at runner’s peril after the ball passes the plate.
- May advance on overthrows at runner’s peril. No automatic base.
- No time limit other than darkness, unless game is a double header.
- First game of double header: 5:30 start, no new inning after 7:30
- Second game of double header: approximately 7:45 start, no new inning after 10:00
- Baseball Pitch Count and Softball Innings Pitched should be reported to Division Director.
- Runs per inning: Unlimited
- Softball Pitch count: More than 1 inning, 1 day rest. Max 9 innings/game. Max 18 innings per Sun-Sat.
- Mercy rule: 10 run lead after 4,or 3½ if home team is ahead
- Leadoffs/Stealing
- Baseball: Can leadoff or steal anytime ball is live.
- Softball: Can leadoff or steal after ball leaves pitcher’s hand.
- May advance on overthrows at runner’s peril. No automatic base.
- No time limit other than darkness, unless game is a double header.
- First game of double header: 5:30 start, no new inning after 8:00
- Second game of double header: approximately 7:45 start, no new inning after 10:30
- Note that times may change slightly for softball if scheduled for inter-league
- Baseball Pitch Count and Softball Innings Pitched should be reported to Division Director.
- Runs per inning: Unlimited
- Softball Pitch count: More than 5 innings, 1 day rest. Max 10 innings/game. Max 30 innings per Sun-Sat.
- Mercy rule: 10 run lead after 5,or 4½ if home team is ahead
- Leadoffs/Stealing
- Baseball: Can leadoff or steal anytime ball is live.
- Softball: Can leadoff or steal after ball leaves pitcher’s hand.
- May advance on overthrows at runner’s peril. No automatic base.
- No time limit other than darkness, unless game is a double header.
- First game of double header: 5:30 start, no new inning after 8:00
- Second game of double header: approximately 7:45 start, no new inning after 10:30
- Note that times may change slightly for softball if scheduled for inter-league
- Baseball Pitch Count and Softball Innings Pitched should be reported to Division Director.
- Runs per inning: Unlimited
- Softball Pitch count: More than 5 innings, 1 day rest. Max 10 innings/game. Max 30 innings per Sun-Sat.
- Mercy rule: 10 run lead after 5,or 4½ if home team is ahead
- Leadoffs/Stealing
- Baseball: Can leadoff or steal anytime ball is live.
- Softball: Can leadoff or steal after ball leaves pitcher’s hand.
- May advance on overthrows at runner’s peril. No automatic base.
Big League
- No time limit other than darkness, unless game is a double header.
- First game of double header: 5:30 start, no new inning after 8:00
- Second game of double header: approximately 7:45 start, no new inning after 11:00
- Note that times may change slightly for softball as scheduled for inter-league
- Baseball Pitch Count and Softball Innings Pitched should be reported to Division Director.
- Runs per inning: Unlimited
- Softball Pitch count: More than 5 innings, 1 day rest. Max 10 innings/game. Max 30 innings per Sun-Sat.
- Mercy rule is per rulebook: 10 run lead after 5,or 4½ if home team is ahead
- Leadoffs/Stealing
- Baseball: Can leadoff or steal anytime ball is live.
- Softball: Can leadoff or steal after ball leaves pitcher’s hand
- May advance on overthrows at runner’s peril. No automatic base.
2011 Gll General Guidelines-Policies-RulesLast Saved: 10/14/2010 4:45 PMPage 1