Harrow Lawn Tennis Club
Terms and Conditions
Contents Page
1 General information
- Introduction 2
- Membership 2
- Courts 2
- Club house 3
- Court access 3
- Court availability 3
- Dress Code 3
- Social play 3
- Coaching 4
- Teams 4
- Tournaments 4
- Juniors 4
- British tennis membership 5
- Social 5
2 LTA Guidelines for Court Etiquette 6
3 Club Events Calendar 2017 7
4 Useful Contacts 8
5 Child Protection 9
6 Junior Health Registration Form 10
7 Equality and Diversity Policy 11
8 Safeguarding Policy 15
1 General Information
Harrow Lawn Tennis Club was founded in 1880 and is one of the oldest tennis clubs in the country, even the world. Club Minutes date back to 1893.
There is a club constitution which is reviewed and updated every 5 years, or more often as necessary. The club has its own website www.hltc.net which helps keep members up to date, and provides information. There is a brief history of the club on the website which details anecdotal snippets from over the years. The website also lists court availability, playing times, coaching, teams, junior section, social activities, club tournament, league match dates and photographs.
This information sheet has been prepared to help all members enjoy their tennis and membership with HLTC. If any member wishes to express a concern, or share an idea they would like the club to pursue, please speak to a member of the committee. Names of all committee members with their contact details can be found on the HLTC web site. If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee please make yourself known to our club secretary at least 2 weeks before the next AGM.
Club Membership
Stands at approx 200 adults, plus we have a strong and active junior section. The membership has historically attracted most of its members from amongst the residents of Harrow on the Hill, but today a significant part of the membership comes from further afield. This has extended both the club’s potential, and the opportunity to increase the numbers of teams that we are able to field in the North West Middlesex Leagues and friendly local leagues. HLTC does not have a ‘Play In’ policy: our view is that tennis should be available to everybody within the local community; we strive to provide quality tennis for everyone. Each member may bring guests up to 8 times per year for a nominal fee of £3 per visit, payable to any committee member.
The club has 12 acrylic courts (6 porous, which are playable in most weather). The courts are named the Beckwith Courts. Peter and Sir John Beckwith are two Old Harrovians, brothers who enjoyed their tennis and funded the tennis court facilities. Foundations have been laid for floodlights, but to date funding has not been available. HLTC pays a facility fee each year for its continued agreement with the School to allow access to courts and the Boyer Webb pavilion at agreed times.
A First Aid kit and Accident Report forms are available in the brown storage box courtside. The padlock number is the same as the main gate. Additionally, Accident Report forms are available from the reception desk in the main sports building.
Club House
The Boyer Webb pavilion is available for use by HLTC members as our club house, and this is where much of our socialising takes place. It is situated adjacent to the Sports Centre with a view over the School’s 1st team rugby pitch, Wembley Stadium and London beyond. Entry is via a keypad situated on the side doors. The current entry code is available from any member of the committee. These facilities are shared with both the School’s Golf and Angling clubs. The Harrow schoolboys also use the pavilion during their designated times. Shower and changing facilities are available, as are tea making, microwave, fridge and dishwasher. Members are asked to ensure they leave the pavilion as they would wish to find it.
Court Access
Court Access to the club is via Garlands Lane, off Peterborough Road. The speed limit for Garlands Lane and all areas within the School’s grounds is 10mph max. Parking is available in the 2 car parks opposite the courts.
Court Availability
The club has an agreement with the School for the use of the courts at certain specified times each day. Juniors have priority on certain courts at certain times (please see their separate information detailed on the web and on the pavilion notice board).
There are 2 fixed dates each year when the school requires all of the courts. Those dates are listed on your fixture card and posted on the website and club notice board. Members are asked to observe these notices.
A guide to HLTC’s playing times is listed on the home page of our website
Dress code
Members (including juniors) are requested to wear recognised tennis shoes and suitable clothing. Incorrect footwear can mark and damage the courts so only non-marking coloured soled shoes are permitted.
Members (including juniors) are asked to visibly display their ‘in date’ membership tag when visiting the club. Players not showing a current tag may be approached and asked to justify their presence.
Club Social Play
Is usually between 10am and 12.30pm at weekends throughout the year. These times are a guideline only and may vary to accommodate matches. There is also a ladies’ session on Thursdays 10 – 12pm. When courts are busy at weekends and summer evenings members are asked to play short sets (ie first to 5 games) coming off after each short set, and mixing in with those waiting courtside. All members are asked to be inclusive and aware of new arrivals waiting to play, especially at weekends and peak times.
Club Coaching
HLTC endeavours to provide a comprehensive all year round coaching programme for juniors and adults of all abilities. Elaina Foreland (Mob: 07789 961142) and Pete Rutland (Mob: 07940 888909) offer Team, Adult Beginners, Intermediate and Junior coaching sessions, as well as individual lessons. On Mondays and Fridays between 09:30 and 10:30, Cardio Tennis is offered by Elaina. Elaina and Pete also coordinate junior play and match experience with the support of dedicated parents and committee. Please contact them direct if you wish to know more.
Adult Teams
We have a very busy and active fixture list. There are 6 men’s and 5 ladies’ teams who play in the Middlesex Summer League, ranging from divisions Intermediate to 10. We also enter teams in many local leagues and Middlesex Winter Leagues, giving all members who are keen to play in competitions the opportunity to take part. We also run ladies’ teams who play social, friendly matches during the daytime and at weekends. If you are interested in playing for a team please make yourself known to any of the team captains who will help you integrate into the correct squad. Team captain details are listed on the fixture card.
Club Tournaments
Our Summer Club Tournament consists of men’s and ladies’ singles, doubles and mixed doubles as well as plate fixtures. This tournament is organised over the summer months in a timetabled schedule.
An End of Month Tournament is held each last Sunday of the month, except for August and December, from 10am – 12pm.
The President’s Challenge Cup Tournament has been used in recent years as a club veterans’ tournament (mixed doubles between partnerships with a total age of 110!). This event has been surprisingly popular for such a young and vibrant club.
A Christmas Tournament, a Winter Interclub Team Tournament, a Spring Charity Tournament, a Box League Tournament, a Doubles Ladder Challenge Tournament and many Junior Tournaments are also held throughout the year.
Juniors are supported both with coaching match play and mini tournaments. HLTC consistently strives to increase junior membership and put in place a range of holiday coaching and tournament activities. HLTC complies with the LTA Child Protection Practice Guidelines and has a dedicated Child Protection Officer. For the peace of mind for parents, and their reassurance, HLTC promises that children playing at HLTC will be looked after, encouraged and supported with their game. They will not be put under any duress to perform outside their capabilities. We promote team spirit at all times, and hope every child will enjoy his/her club tennis experiences. Each parent who enrols their child for coaching and supervised play, or allows their child to use the courts unaccompanied, is asked to complete a child registration / medical information form, which includes signed consent to call for medical assistance should the need arise. A copy of this form can be found on our website, together with other parental guidance notes and all other junior forms. As children develop, our adult coach will assess their abilities to transfer into the club’s intermediate sessions, and to play in senior league and adult tournaments.
We actively encourage junior participation in our events and organise specific sessions for them alone. They have priority on specific courts on Tuesday and Friday evenings, as well as coaching opportunities at weekends and during school holidays.
British Tennis Membership
BTM is now free for all affiliated Club Members. For any more information, please contact the county office on 020 8569 2333 or . Joining online via the LTA website (www.lta.org.uk), registration only takes 2 minutes and signs you up as a British Tennis Member instantly. Please note that in our Wimbledon Ticket Ballot, we are only permitted to allocate Wimbledon Tickets to HLTC members who have also signed up to the LTA's British Tennis Membership, affiliated themselves to Harrow Lawn Tennis club and opted into the Wimbledon ballot.
The Club’s Social Calendar
The social calendar usually includes a charity quiz night, dinner/dance, barbecues with music and dancing, a Finals Day celebration party and President’s Pimms.
Over the past years firm friendships have been forged with a tennis club from Germany, TC Blauweiss. Anyone wishing to join the group should contact Wendy at
Social events are listed on our Events card on page 7 and on our website. Any additions / changes to the calendar are communicated to the membership mainly via group emails.
Anyone with new ideas or wishing to organize or help with any of these events please speak to one of the committee members.
2 LTA Guidelines for Court Etiquette
Tennis etiquette is different from the rules of the game. It covers a broad range of actions and behaviours which are traditionally considered acceptable on and around the tennis court. Here are some actions and behaviours your club may like to recommend to your members.
When all courts are in use and members are waiting to play you can play tie-breaks at 5-5 so matches don't go on too long, you can also play sudden death at deuce (the returner decides who receives the serve).
Service calls are the responsibility of the server and their partner. It is easier for the partner to call some lines and the returner to call others.
If the serve is out, the returner should leave it, not return the serve to the server or hit it into the net. This is often not possible though.
When playing please wear recognised sports clothing (not jeans etc) and most importantly "Tennis Shoes ". This is for two reasons, first, other shoes mark and damage the courts and second, non tennis shoes do not grip the courts as well and can cause accidents and avoidable injury if you were to fall or slip
Please do not walk behind players whilst a game or a rally is in progress, this is to avoid distracting other members and most importantly to avoid any potential accidents on court.
If you are trying to cross a court please wait until you are invited to and it is safe to do so.
When you are crossing courts it is normal to do so at the rear of the court and not at the net.
When you decide to cross behind other courts do so as quickly as possible and don’t stop for a chat on the way.
If a stray ball comes onto your court don’t knock it back immediately, wait until the owners are ready and then hit it to the server’s end.
During play and particularly between games, keep the amount and volume of conversation down to a minimum necessary to play and enjoy your own games. Too much social chatter or debate can be disturbing to those on adjacent courts who came to play tennis.
Line calls can be a problem and the majority of experienced players use what the Americans call the ‘honour system’.
· Only call the lines on your side of the net.
· Call clearly and firmly what you see and what you honestly believe to be correct.
· If you are not absolutely certain or didn’t see the ball clearly, the ball was IN and must be given in the opponents favour.
· If occasionally you have serious doubts as to your opponent’s eye-sight, ask politely if they are certain as to the accuracy of their call. If they say that they are, get on with the next point.
· If you feel your opponents regularly have difficulties making correct calls, start looking for different opponents.
· If in social friendly matches there exists some doubt on a line call, offer to play the point again rather than cause undue aggravation and time wasting.
Do not criticise your partner or opponent, be positive and offer encouragement instead.
Body Language - Tennis can be a frustrating game if you are not getting your serves in or not hitting your shots, but try to remain upbeat and happy. Your opponent and/or doubles partner doesn't want to be playing tennis with someone who is miserable so cheer up! You are more likely to play better tennis if you are calm, relaxed, focussed, and in a positive frame of mind.