INFO 665 Collection Development

Michelle Joannides

Due: April 22, 2007

BabsonCollege Collection Development Policy

The following chart is a brief description of the strengths and weaknesses of the current policy with suggestions for improvement listed at the end.


  • Sets target audience for collection policy
  • Identifies stakeholders
/ Hughes-Hassell & Mancall, pg. 31 & 28
BabsonCollege introduction
  • Provides brief history of the college
  • Provides brief history of course programs
  • Depicts the department courses of study and structure
/ Evans, pg.54
Hughes-Hassell & Mancall, pg.23
Mission statement
  • Library’s mission statement links to ITSD department and to the broader college’s mission statement
  • Provides college vision and mission
/ Evans, pg.54
Collection development emphasis
  • Provides a brief history of college’s collection development
  • Broad subject areas are listed out
  • Foreign language and industry materials reflect current news
/ Anderson, 2.2.1 E
Evans, pg.55
Cooperative arrangements
  • Discusses issue of avoiding duplicate items
  • Lists electronic cooperative agreement and with which educational centers
/ Evans, pg.55
Anderson, 2.2.1 J
Collection development program
  • Stakeholders are identified
  • Staffing and assigned acquisition responsibilities listed
  • Weeding responsibilities listed in narrative format
/ Hughes-Hassell & Mancall, pg.23
Anderson, 2.2.1 F
Material formats
  • Formats were divided into appropriate headings
/ Anderson, 2.2.2 A
Subject descriptions
  • Provides interdisciplinary list of all subjects the college is in charge of collecting for
/ Anderson, 2.2.2 N


  • Review time frame is established but not adhered to
/ Anderson, 2.1.2
Mission Statement
  • Only the ITSD section provided any broad department goals. The library did not
  • No collection development goals were defined
/ Hughes-Hassell / Mancall, pg. 28
Anderson, 2.2.1 C
Intellectual Freedom & Censorship
  • Vague statement. Copyright issues are not addressed.
/ Anderson, 2.2.1 D
Collection emphasis
  • Internal and industry specific sections need to be reviewed more frequently
/ Evans, pg. 55
Collection development program
  • Does not state if recreational needs will be met
/ Evans, pg. 54
Material formats
  • Overall sections do not consistently state scope of material coverage
  • Microforms have no start or end volume
  • Maps and atlases section left blank, but material format is referred to in other sections.
  • Online databases are not listed out, nor the process of database selection.
  • How material selection is made is too vague. Not firmly stated anywhere.
/ Anderson, A,B,C,D
Evans, pg.60
  • No budget structure or allocation reference made
/ Anderson, 2.2.1 G
Special Collections & Archives
  • Method of archiving too vague.
  • Sir Isaac Newton collection? Is that an archive collection or special collection, and of what?
  • For collections outside the scope of the library it does not list supporting libraries that have those collections
/ Anderson, 2.2.1 H
Evans, pg.56
Equipment purchase
  • Nothing defined for equipment purchase and technical support
/ Anderson, 2.2.1 I
Gifts / Donations
  • Refers to textbook gifts / donations, but no other material format
/ Evans, pg.62

The intent of a collection development policy lets all parties know “…the strengths and weaknesses of your collection; the community you are serving and how it is changing…” (Evans, 2005, pg.51)


Intellectual Freedom & Censorship
  • Attach ALA policy
  • Attach a complaint form and procedures to file a complaint
/ Evans, pg.63
Collection description and emphasis
  • Interdisciplinary programs best described by a combination method of narrative statements and conspectus data
  • Need to define collection levels on a rating scale
/ Anderson,
Evans, pg.58
Material format
  • Since foreign language materials are acquired need to include a language code with index
/ Anderson, 2.2.6 & 2.2.7
Budget allocations
  • Need to include budget allocations for each collection and budget goals
  • Provide electronic resources list and determine how much budget will go to updating databases or electronic equipment
  • Determine how much investment spent on research material versus instructional material
/ Anderson, 2.2.1 G
Evans, pg.55 & 65
Goals / accountability
  • Define short and long range goals of the library
  • Create accountability for staff and their assigned collection areas
/ Anderson, 2.1.1
Anderson, 2.2.1 F
Spelling / Grammar errors
  • Several spelling and grammar mistakes were noted throughout. More proofreading is necessary!
  • Skipped number 3 under Material Formats section
/ Hughes-Hassell & Mancall, pg. 29


Anderson, Joanne S., ed. (1996). Guide for the writing of collection policy statements.Chicago, IL: American Library Association.

Evans, G. E., & Saponaro, M. (2005). Developing library and information center collections. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.

Hughes-Hassell, S., & Mancall, J. C. (2005). Collection management for youth. Chicago, IL: American Library Association.