(Please complete electronically, obtain necessary signaturesand send to the Faculty Office

at least one week in advance of your planned leave of absence)

Name: Department:

Period of leave requested: (please insert exact dates)

Purpose of leave and statement of place(s) to be visited:

Has an application been made to the Faculty Research Committee or other body for funds in connection to this leave of absence?

Yes:No: Not Applicable:

If so,please specify the committee/body approached, the amount of funds requested and state whether your application has been successful.

Please indicate how your leave will affect your teaching schedule and other SOAS duties.

Would you be interested in supporting the School's recruitment activity by giving a presentation, discussing joint activity with university contacts, etc? [In-country expenses will be covered]

Yes: No:

Would you like to meet with local groups of SOAS alumni during your trip?

Yes: No:

Please contact the SOAS alumni team for more information, email: or ext: 4041

Please tick here if you do not wish your trip to be included in the SOAS monthly newsletter

I hereby agree to accept the conditions of the insurance indemnity details overleaf.


Note: Heads of Departments have the authority to approve leave of absence for up to seven days.The Dean must approve longer periods of leave. In all cases the forms should be completed and sent to the Faculty Office so that a record may be kept for the Annual Report and any necessary administrative action taken.

Recommended/Approved*: Date:

(Head of Department)

(for Administrative use)

NOTED/RESOLVED* by Dean of Faculty

That leave of absence be granted for the period stated above to:

Dean of Faculty : Date:

* Delete as necessary

Travel Insurance

A comprehensive travel insurance policy is in force for all employees for travel undertaken on behalf of the School.

Please apply for an insurance travel card from your Faculty/Department administrator or directly from John Faulkner on ext. 5022 or Jane Wood on ext. 5026. You should take this card with you whenever you are travelling abroad.

Please note that:

  • Travel to Disturbed Areas is excluded unless terms are agreed in advance.
  • Travel for periods over six months is excluded unless agreed in advance

Losses should be reported immediately to the local police or the transport carrier. Receipts should be obtained to support your claim.

To arrange cover for disturbed areas or for periods of more than six months as well as further details of the insurance cover please contact John Faulkner Room V206 ().

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