FA Medical Emergency Action Plan Form

Club Name: Seaton Carew FC
Club Address:
Hornby Park
Elizabeth Way
Seaton Carew
TS25 2AZ
Name(s) and telephone numbers of First Aider(s):
1. Steve Cockrill, 07796156578
2. Carl Sweeting, 07984430636
3. Mark Loynes, 07919437775
5. Bernie Kelly, 07818295650
Names and telephone numbers of Facility Manager / Safety Officer:
Bernie Kelly, 07818295650
Location of Club first aid room: Club House changing room area
Location of defibrillator: First Aid Room
Location of first aid kit: First Aid Room
Location of stretcher: First Aid Room
Access routes:
For ambulance into Club: Car Park on Elizabeth Way
From pitch to ambulance: 2 entrances.
  1. Direct pitch access from Tees Road
  2. Access from Car Park and across the field
From Club's first aid room to ambulance: Cark Park on Elizabeth Way
Nearest Hospital Emergency Department:
Directions: University Hospital of North Tees, Hardwick Road,Stockton on Tees. TS19 8PE
Distance / Journey time: 10.4Miles / 22Mins
Nearest Hospital Neurological Unit (for head injuries):
Directions: Holdforth Road,Hartlepool,Cleveland,TS24 9AH
Distance / Journey time: 5.1 Miles / 14Mins
Nearest Minor Injuries Unit / Walk In Centre:
Directions:One Life Hartlepool, Park Road, Hartlepool, TS24 7PW
Distance / Journey time: 2.8 Miles / 7 Mins

Planning & Preparation

1. Each team has a qualified first aider. All Managers and coaches must ensure they have an up to date certificate or recognised qualification.

2. Each team has an up to date first aid kit that is kept fully stocked, the kit must be available at training and games

3. There must always be two adults present with a mobile phone at training sessions and games.

4. The pitch should always be inspected before training or a game commences for any sharp objects/broken glass or anything else that could cause injury.

5. Be familiar with your surroundings; know the full address where you are playing including the post code. Ensure access to the pitch is available for an ambulance, i.e. bollards/barriers are not padlocked. Know who to contact at the ground if an emergency arises.

6. Know where the nearest hospital to the ground you are playing at is.

7. If you have to treat a player for an injury that requires hospital treatment then keep a note of the details, time, and what happened for future reference. You can download an injury report form from our website and keep it in your first aid kit.

8. Limit your first aid treatment and /or advice to the knowledge and practise in which you are formally trained. Carry and use only medical items that you have been trained to use.

9. Protect yourself, others and the casualty. The golden rule is “first do no harm “,do what is necessary to prevent deterioration of the player whilst awaiting the arrival of emergency services.

Club Chairman Club Secretary Club TreasurerChild Welfare

Steve CockrillAngela Phillips Vikki Smith Anne Cope

24 Forester Close, 66 Intrepid Close40 Silverbirch Road,18 Haswell Avenue

Hartlepool, Hartlepool,Hartlepool,Hartlepool,

Cleveland.Cleveland. ClevelandCleveland.

TS25 1JE TS25 1GF TS26 0BD TS25 5BP

077961565780758141792707795646477 07473766922

Vice Chairman: - Carl Sweeting 07984430636, Vice Secretary – Chris Birkbeck 07930496839, Vice Treasurer – Colin Smith 07740640777