Those present: Martin, Curtis, Cooke, Myers, and Anderson. Paramore was absent.
Also present: Joe Thomas, Shawn Pickworth, and Mayor Anderson.
Jonna started through the proposed budget for the Recreation Department.
Council went line by line through the appropriations. There were several questions, and Joe and Shawn gave several suggestions.
The Mayor called the meeting to order.
He gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken with the following members present: Martin, Curtis, Cooke, Myers and Anderson. Paramore was absent.
The mayor asked for approval of the agenda. Curtis made a motion. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
The Mayor then presented the minutes from the October 8 meeting. Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call – Martin - yes; Curtis, yes; Cooke –yes; Myers – abstain; and Anderson – yes.
The Mayor then asked for a report from the Administrator, Shawn Pickworth.
Shawn reported to Council that the water leak on East Main is believed to be an old fire hydrant valve. We have plans to dig this up on Thursday or Friday of this week.
The Reservoir level is holding, it is believed to be around 1/3 of the Village water left before getting into state water, John and the water department are watching the river levels and when it is up we will pump back into the Reservoir.
The Sewer Project, the SSO Elimination Project is being reviewed in Columbus by Engineers. We are working closely with USDA on our application for funding. We are also submitting an application for with WPCLF, which if we qualify we could receive up to 50% principle forgiveness. There will be a resolution later on the agenda to allow me to send in this application.
The New Dump Truck is on order, the price went up by $287.00 due to the size of the plow. We prefer a 9.5 foot plow. We expect delivery on this truck sometime around 1st of November.
The Salt spreader has been torn down, rebuilt, repainted and is ready for winter. The guys did a good job on this. It looks new.
The new garbage truck is back in service, and seems to be running good right now.
Shawn wanted to remind the citizens that their trash must be out on the curb by 7:00 am. We have had several phone calls that our guys have missed picking up their garbage, when they really haven’t they have already been by the house, and then have to turn around and go back and get the trash.
He also wanted to inform the public that we do not have a leaf vacuum this year. The citizens must bag their leaves and it will be .25 cents per bag for pick up, or the homeowner can take theirs leaves to the compost pile on their own.
In the Recreation department. Joe and his crew are getting the parks shut down for the winter, and also getting the equipment cleaned up and stored for the winter. Shawn stated that after reviewing the budget, and the projects we completed this year compared to the last few years, we have made many improvements to both parks while maintaining a good budget. Considering the shape of the recreation budget when we started this year, we have come a long way.
In other business, Shawn reported that we delivered a letter from the Village to the Pastor of the Ashland Worship Center for the purchase of the property located at 12 James Street. This offer was for $51,000.00. The offer was accepted and Shawn had Steve Bond draw up the purchase agreement which the representatives from the church have signed. He also contacted Tucker Abstract and Title to handle this purchase.
Shawn had attended a OPWC Issue Meeting at the county level on October 15th. There were 18 projects submitted for funding, and they had to pick the Top 5 to go on to District 9. Our project did not score as high as we had hoped. This funding is very competitive and very political. Of course the bigger Cities get the biggest share of the money leaving the Villages and Townships to fight over what is left. He stated he is in the learning process and will get better with future projects.
Shawn spoke with Nadine Thompson from WSOS in regards to the CBDG funding for both Energy Street and the Hileman Building. Both projects have been approved and the applications were sent to the County Commissioners for approval and fund releases.
Shawn had attended the monthly CIC meeting, and April Bordas from Firelands Electric spoke on the project they are starting. She explained the reason why some of the trees around town have to come down, and explained that some of our electric lines within the Village are the original lines, and must be replaced. Firelands has agreed to replace the trees one the project is complete.
He informed council that we are still working with Aramas Financial, LLC to see if we can save the Village money on interest rates on some of our loans. Hopefully we will be ready to present to council sometime in November. We believe that this will be a major savings to the Village if we can finish the paperwork. Our current interest rate on the expansion of the water plant is at 6.22%, and we are looking to maybe lower this to 3%
Shawn then reminded everyone that Trick or Treat is scheduled for Saturday, October 27th from 4 to 5:00 pm with the Parade to follow at 6:00 pm. The parade wills tart at the new Firelands Ambulance Building on the corner of James and North Railroad Street.
He also reminded council that our next budget meeting will be on the Police Department and will start at 6:30 pm on November 12.
The Mayor then asked for a report from Police Chief Michael Marko. Chief Marko asked for permission to sell one of our police cars. He stated it was the one with 150,000 mile son it. We would sell the car outright, and take our computers, radar equipment and stickers off.
Curtis asked how much would the chief sell the car for. The chief stated he felt he could get approximately $4,000 for it.
The question was raised as to if we had to bid this out for the sale of the car, or could we sell it directly to another police department. Steve Bond will look into this and get back to council
Bill Curtis, then stated that Firelands Ambulance Service is still doing their membership drive. Everything else is going very smoothly.
Bob James reported that everything was quiet in the zoning department.
The Mayor then asked for any public questions or statements. Joe Sexton, West Main Street, took the floor. He was very concerned about the yard sale ordinance which is on a second reading tonight. He asked if this yard sale ordinance affected them. They have sold apples for years on their front lawn, and now are selling honey. Will this ordinance affect their business, or what would happen with them. He wasn’t sure if he was exempt, or would be grandfathered in.
Stuart Cooke stated he hadn’t even thought of Joe when the first reading of this ordinance was passed. He stated that council’s concern is to stop the all summer long yard sales.
Steve Bond stated that this ordinance is so broadly written that it could be taken either way, but he could fix this so that other citizens like Joe will not be affected. He stated that the ordinance now states a yard sale means an offering for sale of miscellaneous items of personal property at a residence. After much discussion it was decided that Steve will correct this ordinance to exempt Joe Sexton in some way and get this out to council.
The Mayor asked if there was anyone else or any other comments from the public. There was none.
The Mayor then presented Ordinance 12-38, an ordinance allowing the Village Administrator to enter into contract with Rinehart Insurance Agency, and the Ohio Plan for our property/ liability insurance for 2012-2013. Myer made a motion to approve the second reading of this ordinance. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Ordinance 12-39, an ordinance closing the General Checking Trust Fund account. This money will be transferred into the General Fund. Anderson made a motion to approve the second reading. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
The Mayor then presented Ordinance 12-40, an ordinance setting the time allotted for yard sales was placed on a second reading. – Myers made a motion to approve the second reading . Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Ordinance 12-41, an ordinance allowing the Village Administrator to enter into contract with Ashland Worship Center for the purchase of the property at 25 James Street. This ordinance was placed on an emergency reading. Curtis made a motion to suspend the rules to allow this ordinance to be read on an emergency basis. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call Martin – yes; Curtis – yes; Cooke – yes; Myers – yes and Anderson – yes.
Cooke then made a motion to purchase the property at 25 James Street. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call Anderson – yes; Myers - yes; Cooke – yes; Curtis – yes; and Martin –yes.
Ordinance 12-43, an ordinance allowing the fiscal officer to amend the 2012 appropriations. This ordinance was placed on a second reading. Myers made a motion to approve this ordinance on a second reading. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
The Mayor then presented Resolution 12-09, a resolution allowing the Village Administrator to apply for Ohio water Pollution Control Loan for 2013, concerning the sanitary sewer project. This Resolution was placed on an emergency reading. Myers made a motion to suspend the rules to allow Resolution 12-09 to be passed on an emergency measure. Anderson seconded the motion. Roll call: Martin – yes; Curtis - yes; Cooke – yes; Myers – yes and Anderson - yes.
Myers made a motion to pass Resolution 12-09 on an emergency basis. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Mayor asked for any old business, there was none. He then asked for new business. There was none.
The Mayor then presented the September monthly report for approval. Curtis made a motion to approve the report. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
The Mayor then presented the bills to be paid. Myers made a motion to approve the bills that were presented. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Anderson then made a motion to adjourn. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Jonna Rowland Darwin Anderson
Fiscal Officer Mayor