Welcome to Friends of ReephamPrimary School
The Friends of Reepham Primary School works closely with the staff and teachers at the school to help organize social events, fundraisers and activities. Any parent or carer who has a child or children in the school is automatically a member of the Friends and we are working hard to ensure that we provide you with information regarding meetings, events and fundraising. We are run by a committee of people, who meet regularly to organize fundraising events, discuss purchases for the school and liaise with the teaching staff on the best ways in which we can help and support the school and enhance the school and teaching environment for the children. These meetings are informal and we always welcome new faces.
So what have the Friends been doing this year? So far we have…….
- Organized twice termly discos for key stage 1 and 2 children.
- Held a ‘Quiz and Chips’ evening in the autumn term.
- Produced and sold wreaths at christmas.
- Held a raffle of christmas hampers and ran a stall at the ‘Christmas in Reepham’ event.
- Run a ‘Coppers for Curtains’ fundraiser to increase funds for the main hall improvements. This has now been newly painted and curtains are being made.
- Helped to raise funds for a polytunnel for the vegetable garden and installed it.
- Made and sold hanging baskets.
- Organizedafter school plant sales.
- Helped to run a ‘Healthy Heart’ Sponsored Skip to raise money for PE playtime equipment and third world children.
- Organized the Summer Fete.
- Set up ‘Pass It On’ sales of second hand school uniform.
- Provided refreshments at sporting events.
What is money spent on that is raised by the Friends?
Our aim is to work closely with the school and teaching staff to ensure that money goes towards equipment and activities that enhance the learning experience of the children. We feel that the teaching staff (and children) are in the best position to tell us what they would like most for their school so we ensure that we listen to their views. The Friendsprovides funding so that each class may go on an educational trip each year. We have purchased sports kit for the rugby teams, outside storage space for the Reception class, prizes for sporting events and class awards.
How can you hear what we are up to?
- We publicize our events in the weekly school newsletter and regularly display posters around the school to notify you of events such as discos and plant sales.
- We have a folder in the Reception Area which has minutes of previous meetings and information on forthcoming events and purchases.
- We have a comments and contact book in Reception too if you want to make any suggestions or get in touch with a member of the committee.
- We advertise our committee meetings in the newsletter and on notice boards around school. We always welcome new people to these meetings and they are held, very informally, in the local pubs.
Who are the Current Committee (and how can you spot them in the playground)?
ChairRoland Whiteman (Holly in Yr 2 and Oona - Reception Class) email
Vice-ChairAngela Stonestreet (Holly in Yr 2 and Oona –Reception Class) email
SecretaryPenny Procter (Lily in Yr 2 and Tom in Yr1)
TreasurerDebby Graver
Alison Kennedy (Ben - Yr 5)
Hazel Gillet (Lizzy - Yr 2)
Josie Johnson (Honor – Yr2, Freddie – Yr4)
Sue Underhill-Smith (Oliver - Yr 2)
Rosie Dickens (Class Teacher Yr 2 and Lucy Yr5)
Rex Warner (Rosie – Yr1, Joseph Yr5)
Mel Jones (Daisy – Yr1, Amber – Yr2)
Anna Eley (Iris – Yr1, Elsie – Yr2)
Caitriona Boal (Niamh – Reception)
We really feel that the Friends should be a partnership, linking the school with home. We do rely on people offering their time and efforts to make things happen, but we are gentle with our requests. Sometimes it might be for a parent helper at a disco or selling raffle tickets, but other times it might just be a request for leftover guttering that we can make good use of…We do realize that you all have very busy lives and that home time is precious but we hope that by volunteering at events, giving us feedback and suggestionsfor the school you’ll reap the rewards too. It’s a great way to meet new parents, share common interests and make friends. Sometimes we focus so much on our children making friends that we forget ourselves!!! If you would like to leave your contact details with us we will keep you updated with what is planned for the year ahead. We hope that your children will benefit from, and enjoy, the activities we organize and that together wecan contribute to making their time at Reepham Primary as rewarding as possible.