Resolution 15/03 On the vessel monitoring system (VMS) programme

Format of Annual Report on the national vessel monitoring system (VMS) programme

Each CPC shall provide to the IOTC Secretariat, by 30 June each year, a report on the progress and implementation of its VMS programme in accordance with this resolution.

reporting deadline:

  • 30 JUNe each year.

Date of reporting (DD/MM/AAAA):Click here to enter text.

Year reporting on (AAAA):Click here to enter text.

CPC – Flag State:Click here to enter text.

VMS Reporting Template (Ver. 3.0)

  1. Total number of vessels registered on the IOTC Record of Authorised vessels:
  2. Number of vessels above 24 metres in length overall:
  3. Number of vessels of less than 24 metres in length overall, operating outside the EEZ:
  4. Number of vessels above 24metres in length overall equipped with a satellite-based vessel monitoring device:
  5. Number of vessels of less than 24 metres in length overall, operating outside the EEZ, equipped with a satellite-based vessel monitoring device:
  6. A national Fisheries Monitoring Centre (FMC) exists:
  7. The FMC is equipped with computer hardware and software enabling automatic:
  8. data processing:
  9. electronic data transmission:
  10. Type of vessel monitoring system (VMS):

Inmarsat C ☐Argos ☐Iridium ☐Other (specify):

  1. The VMS transmits:
  2. the vessel identification:
  3. the geographical position of the vessel (longitude and latitude):
  4. the date and time (expressed in UTC) that the position is fixed:
  5. The intervals of transmission of VMS data: position report(s) every hour(s)
  6. In the event of a technical failure, position reports are transmitted to the FMC once every by
  7. Number of technical failures recorded over the last twelve months:
  8. Number of vessels whose VMS has had more than one technical failures, in the last twelve months:
  9. The number of investigations conducted as a result multiple technical failures, in the last twelve months:
  10. The number of reports of investigations forwarded to the IOTC Secretariat, in the last twelve months:
  11. The number of VMS devices that have been repaired /replaced , in the last twelve months
  12. Are VMS data reports used:
  13. To validate information on the position of the vessel reported in the fishing logbook:
  14. For any other purpose (please provide details):
  1. CPCs that cannot fulfil the obligations outlined in resolution 15/03 shall report on:
  2. The system, infrastructure and capabilities existing with respect to the implementation of this resolution
  1. The hindrances for implementation of such a system
  1. The requirements for implementation

Name of vessel / IOTC No. / Multiple failures[i] / Investigated / Reported to IOTC Secretariat
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
YesNo / YesNo / YesNo

[i] More than one technical failure = Yes, only one technical failure = No