Parkdale Collegiate Institute

School Advisory Council (SAC)

September 28, 2012 Minutes

School Library: 7-8:30pm

Present: Andrew Ezman, Andrea Ezman, Kathi Silke, Irene Chewchuk, Robert Palmer, Fran Chung, Katherine Doyle, Jane Aspinall, Jonathan Burgess, Monique Schwarz, Patricia Bishop, Gaby Motta, Carlos Terry, Caroline Cash, John Doherty

Regrets: Simon Cotter

1)Greetings from Patricia Bishop. SAC election process explained, reported that SAC attendance is typically 11 people on average

2)May 22nd SAC Minutes reviewed – Monique moved to accept minutes and Katherine seconded, carried unanimously

3)Report from Student Representative – Introduction of Makanaka Kuujeke: who reported that she would like to work to bridge the gap between parent and student council. Reported that Parkdale students will be opening a school store which will sell spirit wear and school supplies. Student council hopes to open the store in the next two weeks

4)SAC Board Nominations: Nomaula moved that the slate as presented be acclaimed, Monique seconded and carried unanimously. Slate elected is Patricia Bishop as Chair, Monique Schwartz as Co-Chair, Katherine Doyle as Treasurer, Paula Larrondo as Secretary, Carol as Co-Secretary, John Doherty and Simon Cotter as Ward 7 Reps and Gaby as Ward 7 Alternate. Dates for this year’s meetings were reviewed

5)Principal's Report:

  • student enrollment, projected 898, as of today we have 828. not coming in at projection, staff fully, we may loose some teachers due to decrease in enrollment. Decreased projection is being seen throughout the TDSB. We may be affected and may need to close small classes. Irene will do her best to minimize disruption to students.
  • We have returned back to a four period schedule, Kathi commented that it is working. Irene reported that the ministry has looked at 33 different types of criteria and identified Parkdale as a school as a school that is in need. There is financial resources that will be given to Parkdale but it is to be used for teacher release and planning time.
  • Parkdale is being District Reviewed which occurs every 5 years, in order to assess what areas need improvement and what is working well. Three parents participated with vice principal.
  • Update on facilities, many sections have been painted and more to be done. Signs, chemical preparation will be completed by the end of September. The science teacher workroom is done. Greenhouse and woodshop will get a facelift.
  • We will be receiving a guest from Germany to see our school.
  • Gym floors have not been resurfaced; they will be done at the Christmas break. New digital announcement screen which purchased from a donation from a liberty village. Budget: we are starting this year DEBT FREE. Katherine Doyle has agreed to stay on as budget committee member. Student activity fees were paid by approximately 70% of our students.
  • School safety committee (Rob Palmer) Chairing, committee to include administration, parents, teachers. Safety, theft, collecting data and developing strategies is going to be part of the mandate of the committee.

6)Treasurer’s Report – Katherine will report at next meeting

7)Fundraising - John Doherty reported that there will be a silent auction that will take place during the November 20th Parent and Teacher interview. So far he has been able to garner approximately12 prizes so far. John and Monique visiting local businesses. SAC to get flyer to school office in order to ask parents for silent auction donations which will include john`s contact information.

8)Ward 7 Update – John Doherty reported that the first meeting is to be held at RunnymedeSchool Tuesday, October 9th, next meeting is November 20th. John will be attending next meeting.

9)Other Business:

  • Grab and Go Breakfast and a grab and go lunch is now available 8-8:30 and at lunch. Cafeteria is closed this year. This program is dependent on teacher and student volunteers. Trying to engage ESL class to assist. Starting to advertise the program. Surplus food is kept if it can be refrigerated. Last year some waste was reported but minimal.
  • Sixth annual Parent Involvement Makes a Difference PIAC Conference, Saturday, November 17th 8:30-2:30 at EarlHaigSecondary School. Patricia reported survey results from people for education, majority of school councils 75% identify parent engagement as a major concern. Monique reported that we have been approved for the Parent Reaching Out Grant which is 1000 dollars. This year SAC will use that money for workshop for parents. Two workshops will be specific to newcomer parents. Monique will meet with the settlement workers at Parkdale in order to survey what topics they would find most useful. Monique requested that SAC also come to next meeting with some ideas of topics. Monique to come up with a poster for the SAC meetings and workshop.
  • Parent (Andrew) asked whether we will be hosting any home soccer games at Parkdale. This year we have received confirmation that the TDSB will no longer be lining soccer field lines and Parkdale will have to line the field. We would need to purchase the paint and line the field. Andrew would like to assist in resolving this issue. Parent Gaby checked the field and stated that it wasn’t suitable and requested that the school and SAC assist with this issue. Irene reported that after hour’susage is not permitted. Andrew to speak to Tina Parrik. Carol and John suggested that Sorauren park field is used for soccer games.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm