PM EM01A: Application form for employment
Guidance on completing your application form:
Your application form plays a key part in deciding whether or not you will be invited to an interview. The shortlisting panel will measure it against the person specification and or job/role description, and decide who to interview based on the information provided on your form. To ensure equal opportunities in recruitment, we request that all applicants complete this application form.
After Adoption is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults, and expects its staff and volunteers to share this commitment. If you are applying for posts within the organisation which may bring you into direct or indirect contact vulnerable groups, including children, you must ensure that you include on your application a full education/ employment/training history from when you left full-time education. We will require you to account for any gaps or anomalies in your application.
Points to remember:
· Take your time and complete the form as fully and as accurately as you can
· Make sure that you have read through the person specification, job description and advertisement carefully, and ensure that you tailor your application form to these;
· Do not leave out any relevant experience, skills or knowledge that you have – however it may have been gained
· If you complete the application form by hand, rather than completing it electronically, make sure that it is very clear and legible
· Please do not send in your C.V. as it will not be accepted
· You should complete all sections in black ink or electronically.
Position applied for:Where did you learn of this vacancy?
Personal Details & Contact Details
Forenames (in full):
Home Address:
Please advise which number you prefer to be contacted on by placing a tick ✓ in the appropriate box:
Daytime telephone number:Evening telephone number:
Mobile telephone number:
Email address:
Entitlement to work in the UK
All applicants will be asked at interview to provide documentary evidence of their right to work in the UK 1. Do you have the right to take up employment in the UK? YES / NO
If not, please provide further details below:
2. Do you have restrictions on your entitlement to work in the UK? (i.e. you have limited leave to enter or remain in the UK) YES / NO
If yes, please provide further details below:
Employment History
Please give details of your past and present work. This can be paid work, voluntary work or work at home. You must account for ALL periods of employment and non-employment from the time of leaving full-time education through to the present day. Please also include any periods residing outside the UK. Any previous employer will be contacted to confirm employment dates should the need arise. Please continue on additional sheets if necessary.
Current Employment (or last employment if not currently employed)Employer Name:
Employer Address:
Start date:
End date (if applicable):
Please give a brief description of current duties, responsibilities and achievements:
Reason for leaving or seeking new employment:
What is your notice period?
Current salary:
Previous Employment (please list all your employment history and continue on an additional sheet if necessary)
Name and Address of employer / Job title and main duties / Employment Dates / Reason for leaving and salary
Gaps in Employment (please indicate and explain any gaps in employment since first leaving secondary education. Include specific dates and be sure to account for all gaps, whatever their length).
Dates from: / Dates to: / Reason for gap
Education (if the post requires a particular qualification, you will be asked to produce original evidence)
Secondary and Further Education: (please list in chronological order) / Level / Subject / Grade/Result / Year Obtained
Other training and development (including professional, vocational or job related training)
Title and brief description of training / course / Date
Membership of Professional Associations or Statutory Bodies
Name of Organisation / Body / Level of Membership/Role /Registration/Membership No. (if applicable) / Registration / Membership Date
Are you subject to any conditions or prohibitions placed on you by any statutory / regulated body in the UK? (If yes, please provide details in a sealed envelope and attach with this form). YES / NO
Reasons for applying for this post
This section is the most vital part of the form. We need you to give us specific information to support your application so that we can shortlist in a fair and unbiased way. Please address every point on the person specification providing as much evidence as possible to show how your skills, abilities, knowledge and experience meet the selection criteria. The job description and the person specification describe the essential and desirable experience and knowledge required for the post and may include competencies required. Please provide examples which relate directly to the post you are applying for.
1000 word limit:
Please use additional sheets (if necessary) and attach to this form
Please provide details of three referees who can comment on your suitability for this post. If you are (or have been recently) employed in either a paid or unpaid capacity, at least one referee must be an organisational reference NOT an individual reference, and must be from your current or most recent employer. If you have not worked previously, then please give details of a school/college or university official. References from relatives or people who only know you as a friend are not acceptable. If you have not been previously employed, a suitable character reference must be used. If the post you are applying for involves work with vulnerable groups, including children and you have worked in these sectors previously, one reference must be able to make reference to your work with these groups.
References will normally be requested prior to interview, however, If you do not wish us to contact a referee at this stage, then please tick the appropriate box and use a separate sheet to explain why. After Adoption has the final decision on whether references are satisfactory and meet with the Charity’s requirements.
References received must fully cover the last 5 years in total.
Reference 1 – (current or most recent employer) *Contact Name:
Relationship to applicant:
Organisation Name:
Contact: / Tel: Email:
Reference 2 *
Contact Name:
Relationship to applicant:
Organisation Name:
Contact: / Tel: Email:
Reference 3 *
Contact Name:
Relationship to applicant:
Organisation Name:
Contact: / Tel: Email:
Additional Information:
Please confirm whether this will be your only employment: / Yes / NoIf not, please provide details including days and hours worked and whether full or part time:
How soon after an offer of a job would you be able to start?
Do you have access to a car that can be used for work if this is required? (You will be asked to provide evidence of your driving licence, insurance and MOT certificate where applicable). / Yes / No
Do you hold a current clean driving licence? / Yes / No
If “NO” please list offences:
If you are related to anyone in this organisation, please provide details.
Have you completed the Equal Opportunities Monitoring form with your application? / Yes / No
A. Disciplinary and Dismissal from Previous EmploymentHave you been the subject of a formal disciplinary sanction or are you in the process of on-going disciplinary proceedings in your current employment? / Yes / No
Have you been dismissed from any previous employment other than redundancy? / Yes / No
If yes, please indicate which employment and specify the reasons for your dismissal (use a separate sheet if necessary. If you are short listed for interview, the panel will discuss this with you and your current or previous employers).
B. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and Standard and Enhanced DBS Checks:
All posts defined as “regulated activity” are subject to an Enhanced DBS check so that any criminal background (including ‘spent convictions, bind-over orders or cautions) is disclosed to the organisation. We cannot employ someone to this post without this check. If you are successful in applying for this post we will ask the DBS for a Disclosure. Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar you from working for After Adoption. This will depend on the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of the offences. Any information given will be treated confidentially and only considered in relation to the post for which you are applying.
The position for which you are applying for may involve contact with vulnerable groups. It is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and all subsequent amendments (England and Wales). For this position you are not entitled to withhold information about police, cautions, bind-overs, or any criminal convictions that would otherwise have been considered “spent” under the Act.
Have you ever been convicted of any offence, been bound-over or given a caution, reprimands or final warnings? / Yes / No
If yes, please provide details in space below – date, offence, sentence / order / caution
Are you the subject of any police investigations following allegations made against you? / Yes / No
If yes, please provide details in space below - date, allegation, progress of investigations
C. Safeguarding:
I declare that the information I have given on this application form is complete and accurate and that:
1. I am not barred or disqualified from working with vulnerable groups, children or young people
2. I am not subject to any sanctions or conditions on my employment imposed by the Independent Safeguarding Authority, Secretary of State or other regulatory body
Print Name:
D. General Declaration:
I understand that to knowingly give false or misleading information, and that to leave out any relevant information could result in:
1. the disqualification of my application
2. the withdrawal of any offer of employment, or
3. my dismissal at any time in the future, and possible criminal prosecution
Print Name:
Data Protection:
Data Protection accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, After Adoption will only use the information given on this application form to determine your suitability for this post and to monitor equal opportunities. If:· you are shortlisted, this information will be kept on file for 6 months.
· you are invited for interview, this information will be kept on file for 12 months.
· your application is successful, this information will be held on file throughout your employment, then held for 6 years after your employment has ceased.
After Adoption is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Please return your completed application form, and monitoring form to:
HR Department
After Adoption
Unit 5 Citygate, 5 Blantyre Street
Manchester, M15 4JJ
TEL: 0161 839 4932 FAX: 0161 832 2242
Or email to
If submitting by post, return your documents in a sealed envelope marked “Private & Confidential” and for the attention of Human Resources.
Date: February 2016, Issue No.8 Date of Review: December 2018 Page 7/9