Robert Hyde Wilson
$1,000 Talent Scholarship for Acting
Department of Theatre
Applications accepted for 2017-2018declaredTheatre Majors, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors (your status according to Theatre major, not U of U) whose primary interest is Acting. Auditions date and time are TBA. You must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Please check the audition board to sign up for an audition slot.
Application due: Friday, March 31, 2017 by 4:00 PM in PAB 206.
Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
Student's name
Student ID #
Current Local Address
Telephone numbers (cell) (home)
Cumulative GPA
Year as Theatre Major 2017-2018 Circle one: Sophomore Junior Senior
•Attach a photo and a resumé.
•Attach an essay, not longer than one typewritten, double-spaced page,
talking about your interest in theatre.
•Attach the name and contact information of one reference who knows your
work as an actor, other than Department of Theatre faculty, if possible.
A copy of this application will be forwarded to representatives of Robert Hyde Wilson for review.
Audition: You will present two contrasting monologues—notlonger than two minutes each. In addition you may sing 16 bars of a song. A CD player will be provided, but no accompanist. You will have an interview.
- IgraduatedfromaUtahHighSchool
- IdidnotgraduatefromaUtahHighSchool
PrintName StudentID
AnystudentwhodidnotgraduatefromaUtahhighschoolandwhoreceivesa scholarship,fellowship,orotherprivately-fundedfinancialaidadministeredbytheUniversityofUtahisrequiredbystatelawtocertifythattheyareeligibletoreceivethescholarshipasaU.S.citizenoracitizenofanothercountrywhoislawfullypresentintheU.S.Thestudent’sstatuswillalsobeverifiedwiththeDepartmentofHomelandSecurity.Ifstudentsdonotknowwhether they are in the U.S.lawfully,theyshouldseektheadviceofanimmigrationattorneybeforeacceptingascholarshipawardthatrequirescertificationandverification.
- U.S.Citizen
- LawfullyPresent,Non-CitizenoftheU.S.
Anystudentwhoreceivesascholarship,fellowship,orotherstateorfederally-fundedfinancialaidadministeredbytheUniversityofUtahisrequiredbystatelawtocertifythattheyareeligibletoreceivethescholarshipasaU.S.citizenoracitizenofanothercountrywhoislawfully presentintheU.S. IfstudentsdonotknowwhethertheyareintheU.S.lawfully,theyshouldseektheadviceofanimmigrationattorneybeforeacceptinganawardoffinancialaidthatrequirescertificationandverification.
- U.S.Citizen
- LawfullyPresent,Non-CitizenoftheU.S.
PrintName StudentID
FERPA NOTICE: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), governs the release of records maintained by an institution of higher education and access to student records. Generally, without a student’s written consent, the University of Utah may not disclose information from a student’s educational records. For additional information regarding FERPA, please see
The University of Utah wishes to disclose the following information regarding each scholarship recipient to the donor(s): name, private teacher, performance ensembles, instrument(s)/voice type, degree(s)and/or minor(s), post-graduation plans, and anticipated graduation date. Therefore, we request your written permission to release that information to the donor(s). By signing below, you give permission for the University of Utah to release the specified information. You may revoke this release at any time by giving written notice to the Department of Theatre Scholarship Coordinator.
Name (please print)
Student ID#